When you recieve your downward child support modifications you can respond with all areas that you do not agree with. During this time a judge will have to make a decison based on your responses as well as the states. Make sure you are concise and to the point with what you don't agree with. The more specific and less rambling will make it go much easier. And yes you can specify for visitation changes but depending on the judge and how the papers are written it may be something that you might have to go to court with seperatly. Good luck.
2006-10-27 04:33:27
answer #1
answered by mshellrosie 3
The amount of child support should in no way be related to visitation privileges. That would only mean that you are charging your ex to see the children and that is wrong on many different levels. Child support should only be about supporting the children and nothing else. The reasoning for reducing child support should be the only thing to consider. Perhaps one of the children turned 18 and he is asking for a reduction, which would be a very logical and reasonable request. Perhaps he lost a good paying job and has had to take a job that does not pay near as much and he just wants to make his bills and still meet what the court agrees is fair. Again a reasonable request. I find it funny that many times when an ex finds out that their ex got a better job or big raise, they go after more money, but when the ex lost a job or has to work for less money they do not want to reduce the money. Look at the request fairly and honestly and whatever you do, do not try to tie any time with seeing the kids to child support amounts.
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2006-10-27 04:39:33
answer #2
answered by Suthern R 5
Visitation and child support are two completely different issues, the child support payments are not rental fees for the time he spends with the kids.....child support can be modified up or down because of a change in financial circumstances (the ex getting a better paying job, the ex getting laid off and taking a worse paying job), unless he can show a change in financial circumstances his support modification wont be granted. Why would you tie his amount of support to the amount of time he sees the child?
2006-10-27 04:32:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Contact your child support agency handling this. Does it give a specific reason for wanting to lower support? Legit reasons are a significant change in circumstances, (ie lost his job by no fault of his own), a child has become emancipated or is no longer in your care. Trying to lower support because he has a new house payment or some other financial obligations does not usually cut it with the courts...........the kids come first!
2006-10-27 04:36:26
answer #4
answered by Cherie 6
yes you can ask for visitation changes I dont know the entire case so i would get a lawyer or pro se they do the work for almost free
2006-10-27 04:39:05
answer #5
answered by treez1976 2
You talk to your lawyer and ask him/her. No one on here is gonna know the answer to this and we don't know your situation either.
2006-10-27 04:33:13
answer #6
answered by Dr. Kat 5
2006-10-27 04:32:04
answer #7
answered by nwnativeprincess 6
go back to your lawyer and have them fight it.
2006-10-27 04:30:33
answer #8
answered by tigweldkat 6