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i may not be well informed about this topic. why are there so many group/orgs that try and stop it in places like africa? if they do it with males, why not females? i read that it may decrease the sexual appetite of women, but i dont see the harm to that. if id have a daughter, i wouldnt want her dressing like 90% of the other 10 year old girls in schools these days. decreasing the sexual appetite of males might not be such a bad idea either in some cases.

2006-10-27 03:38:46 · 12 answers · asked by kunta kinte 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

12 answers

From what I've read it doesn't decrease the sexual appetite...it keeps the girl from EVER being able to enjoy a sexual experience. The portion of the female anatomy that contains the nerves needed for pleasure are removed. To put it bluntly...no orgasm...ever.

2006-10-27 03:43:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

WTF? You wouldn't mind to steal something very important away from your daughter, just because you can't handle that she wants her freedom???
My god..... you really think that it is not such a bad idea to rob woman from their sexual feelings??

You seem to think that it only reduces the sexual appetite of a woman. First of all, only that would be enough not to do it. Women have as much right to sexual pleasure then men. We are equal!!

But you are also wrong. This is not the same as male circumcision. With men, they take away some of the skin. With women, there are different methods. The most heavy one (and that still happens to millions of women a year) is amputation of the clitoris. That is like removing your penis, or the complete top of the penis.
Today I read a story of a father who cut his 2 year old daughter's clitoris off with a pair of scissors. In Africa some people use knives, can openers, and no, this is no fairytale but really happening. Do you still think that this is a good thing?

2006-10-27 11:35:29 · answer #2 · answered by Bloed 6 · 1 0

I think that you should do a little research into this subject and then decide whether it is right or not. From reading and watching documentaries on tv, I gather that the procedure involves removal of all the female eroginous parts including the clitoris. These women will never be able to enjoy the sex act as they have zero feeling down there. It also can leave the vaginal opening very small and husbands have been known to use a knife to "open up" thier new wives on the wedding night. Think about it and then decide whether you would inflict this grievous procedure on your daughter. As a married man, I get so much satisfaction from giving my wife pleasure that if she were unable to enjoy my love making, I would feel so selfish as I believe that love making is a mutual act and that both partners should be able to reach orgasm.

2006-10-27 10:54:42 · answer #3 · answered by hharry_m_uk 4 · 0 0

Look up information about "Female Ganital Mutilation" on the internet, because that is actually what the euphemism 'female circumscision' is referring to.
It is illegal in Canada. It is considered child abuse. Read up on 'infibulation' and you will understand why!!!!
It is NOT comparable to male circumcision.

I do not wish to go into a lot of the details here, because they can be very graphic, but I will say a few things.
Removal of a foreskin does not cause a male to lose the ability to orgasm. Removal of a cli*oris...well, think about it. It's more like removing the entire tip of a peni*!
Removal of a foreskin does not cause scarring that may cause the need for a man to have surgery before he can consummate his marriage....
Removal of a foreskin does not cause the kind of scar tissue that can interfere with a normal healthy monthly process, or with the process of urination, causing infections and pain throughout life.
Removal of a foreskin does not make it so that the birth of his child may become life-threatening without surgery.
Removal of a foreskin does not involve 'sewing' the man in such a way that his sex organ has been partially cut off, and the rest stitched up so it's unuseable without further cutting by his future spouse.


Female genital mutilation is not tied to a particular religion so much as it is tied to certain geographic regions which happen to be in a part of the world dominated by a particular religion. It isn't a 'Muslim' practice, though it's practiced in a number of countires that are considered 'Muslim'. (Algeria and Morocco, for example, are Muslim nations where this is not practiced.)

It is believed that the practice began many, many, centuries ago, likely in or near Egypt, and that the practice was tied to a superstitious belief that it would increase a woman's fertility in marriage to be 'scraped clean' and sealed up until then. Or at least, having the women BELIEVE this is so, would ensure their participation and support in taking part in the practice and having their daughters subjected to it. (Though the practice serves fathers' reputations and future husbands' interests, not those of women, it's usually older village women who keep the tradition going.) The participation by young children is usually garnered by force, extreme social reward or fear of shame, bribery and promise of jewelry or new clothing - perhaps so they can attend school- or simply by physical force.

2006-10-27 10:51:09 · answer #4 · answered by ladyfraser04 4 · 3 0

there are so many wrong doing in practicing female circumcision. that's way nowadays there are so many people trying to prevent this. it is a good thing to circumcise for male because it will prevent from genital infection, the same reason to female. for some community, female circumcision is the symbol of honor and purity, provided it is done in a proper way, the correct way and it is just an option for female, not compulsory. the most important thing is education, proper education and must begin from a very early age at home. this what parents must do!

2006-10-27 11:02:00 · answer #5 · answered by ustazshifu 2 · 0 1

because for women it is totally different than with men! For women it is mutilation. It not just a removal of foreskin like it is on a man, it is the COMPLETE removal of the clitoris! It not only decreases the sexual appetite, it completely destroys it, considering that with a majority of women clitoris stimulation is the only way they climax.

2006-10-27 10:44:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

it's mulilation and serves no purpose other than reducing the libido of the females. You may want that now for a young daughter,m but would you want her to be in pain and to never have grandchildren. In males it is often done for hygienic purposes, sometimes religious, sometimes both.

2006-10-27 10:42:54 · answer #7 · answered by sparky39fire 5 · 1 0

Most villages that practice this don't properly sanitize the utensils which causes horrible infections. This also makes sex excruciatingly painful almost all the time and many women die during childbirth. Not to mention it is a horribly painful procedure.

2006-10-27 10:45:55 · answer #8 · answered by BAnne 7 · 2 0

Apparently your logic ISN'T superior.
Female circumcision, as most of these answers will attest is COMPLETELY different then male circumcision.
The girl will be in pain for the rest of her life, and will never be able to enjoy sex.
And young girls don't dress the way they do because of their sexual appetite....they do it to fit in and be "cool".
Grow up.

2006-10-27 10:48:44 · answer #9 · answered by Barrett G 6 · 3 1

Err, circumcision is just a nice way of putting "cutting off the clitoris". Which makes women incapable of having orgasms.

It's basically like making female eunuchs.

2006-10-27 10:42:28 · answer #10 · answered by dane 4 · 1 0

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