There's an Australian movie called Wolf Creek. So scary and totally realistic. You'll never want to go for a road trip again... or come to Australia =)
2006-10-27 02:41:48
answer #1
answered by Megame 1
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Wolf Creek
Texas Chainsaw Massace
The Jeffrey Dahmar movie.
The Amittyville Horror
Night Stalker
Ted Bundy
Vampire Clan
Ed Wood
Dandelion Dead
Savage Messiah
2006-10-27 09:46:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Exorcist is based on a true case that happened in St. Louis in the late 1940's.
Also, the Amityville Horror.
2006-10-27 09:29:42
answer #3
answered by LoneStar 6
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre--which really did happen
The Hills Have Eyes (Unrated)
The Amityville Horror
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
2006-10-27 09:37:33
answer #4
answered by tnoe2005 2
Theres a lot of thriller movies like Seven and Silence of the Lambs. Hostel, Saw, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and serial killer movies aren't really horror. A good horror movie has that unrealistic flavor to them.
2006-10-27 09:27:32
answer #5
answered by musedelirium 4
Wrong Turn (based on a family in West Virginia)
Exorcist (was based on a true demonic possession according to the church, you should hear what happened on the set while filming...freaky! they had more than one priest come to bless and cleanse the set)
Amityville horror (just recently came forward the whole thing was a fraud, so who ever put it sorry)
2006-10-27 10:00:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
"Night Of The Living Dead". Military chemicals and experimentation for use of zombies as warriors to save human lives. This is quite true actually. There was an event in Cumberland, MD years ago that was for the most part covered up where the dead rose and walked. Nothing confirmed on whether they ate people, but then again it was covered up. So many of these mythical things some of us take for granted, are all very real or will be through science at the very least.
2006-10-27 09:45:38
answer #7
answered by ~Mother Of Angels~ 4
the exorist is real thats why they made the movie exorism of emilee rose thats based on real factz chainsaw massacre is real saw can be possible fake movies are freddy krugger and chuckie the doll
2006-10-27 09:49:33
answer #8
answered by CC 2
When a Stranger Calls
its a good movie...scary...i watched it at a b-day party...
its about a girl who goes to babysit some kids at a big, modern, but dark house....and someones trying to get her...
2006-10-27 09:35:26
answer #9
answered by nicole 2
watch long time dead-that's realistic also not forgetting the excorcist
2006-10-27 09:25:54
answer #10
answered by curiosity 4