Nurtural in electrical three phase alternating current theory is called Neutral. In the law of electrical circuits the sum of the currents at a junction is zero.
The zero point is called neutral. The earth can be used as a common point in the circuit where the neutral phase is tied.
2006-10-27 02:46:00
answer #1
answered by goring 6
Neutral isn't always ground. It's just the point half way between two so called hot wires. Ground fault protectors work by tripping if current returns via ground instead of the neutral. Neighborhood transmission lines use ground for return, but your house doesn't and long distance transmission lines don't use ground to transmit power.
Using ground for a return path in your house would be a good way to get electrocuted. Currents would be going all over the place, looking for the easiest way home.
2006-10-27 17:05:42
answer #2
answered by Nomadd 7
Earth (IPA: /ËÉË(r)θ/, often referred to as the Earth, Terra, or Planet Earth) is the third planet in the solar system in terms of distance from the Sun, and the fifth largest. It is also the largest of its planetary system's terrestrial planets, making it the largest solid body in the solar system, and it is the only place in the universe known to support life. The widely accepted scientific theory states that the Earth was formed around 4.57 billion years ago[1] and its largest natural satellite, the Moon, was orbiting it shortly thereafter, around 4.53 billion years ago.
Since it formed, the Earth has changed through geological and biological processes that have hidden traces of the original conditions. The outer surface is divided into several tectonic plates that gradually migrate across the surface over geologic time spans. The interior of the planet remains active, with a thick layer of convecting yet solid Earth mantle and an iron core that generates a magnetic field. Its atmospheric conditions have been significantly altered by the presence of life forms, which create an ecological balance that modifies the surface conditions. About 71% of the surface is covered in salt-water oceans, and the remainder consists of continents and islands.
There is significant interaction between the Earth and its space environment. The relatively large moon provides ocean tides and has gradually modified the length of the planet's rotation period. A cometary bombardment during the early history of the planet is believed to have played a role in the formation of the oceans. Later, asteroid impacts are understood to have caused significant changes to the surface environment. Changes in the orbit of the planet may also be responsible for the ice ages that have covered significant portions of the surface in glacial sheets.
The Earth's only natural orbiting body is the Moon, although the asteroid Cruithne has been erroneously described as such. Cruithne was discovered in 1986 and follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun at about the same average orbital radius as the Earth. However, from the point of view of the moving Earth, Cruithne follows a horseshoe orbit around the Sun that avoids close proximity with the Earth.
nat·u·ral audio (nchr-l, nchrl) KEY
1. Present in or produced by nature: a natural pearl.
2. Of, relating to, or concerning nature: a natural environment.
3. Conforming to the usual or ordinary course of nature: a natural death.
1. Not acquired; inherent: Love of power is natural to some people.
2. Having a particular character by nature: a natural leader.
3. Biology Not produced or changed artificially; not conditioned: natural immunity; a natural reflex.
5. Characterized by spontaneity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or inhibitions. See Synonyms at naive.
6. Not altered, treated, or disguised: natural coloring; natural produce.
7. Faithfully representing nature or life.
8. Expected and accepted: "In Willie's mind marriage remained the natural and logical sequence to love" (Duff Cooper).
9. Established by moral certainty or conviction: natural rights.
10. Being in a state regarded as primitive, uncivilized, or unregenerate.
1. Related by blood: the natural parents of the child.
2. Born of unwed parents: a natural child.
12. Mathematics Of or relating to positive integers, sometimes including zero.
13. Music
1. Not sharped or flatted.
2. Having no sharps or flats.
1. One having all the qualifications necessary for success: You are a natural for this job.
2. One suited by nature for a certain purpose or function: She is a natural at mathematics.
2. Music
1. The sign () placed before a note to cancel a preceding sharp or flat.
2. A note so affected.
3. A yellowish gray to pale orange yellow.
4. Games A combination in certain card and dice games that wins immediately.
5. An Afro hairstyle.
2006-10-27 09:06:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous