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I need a simple back of the envelope estimating guideline for cost to wire a house. I understand that much depends on number of outlets lights, etc. but I'm looking for basic build a 2200 ft2 home home how much should the electrical cost in either percenmt of toatl cost or in $/ft2. +or - 25% is fine.

2006-10-26 13:59:48 · 4 answers · asked by rmstwo 1 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

4 answers

Depending on where you are, Prices in North Carolina USA Is anywhere from $2.25 to $3.00 a sq ft

2006-10-27 01:34:41 · answer #1 · answered by Ray D 5 · 1 0

I'm currently doing a construction loan for my house and here is a document the bank sent me to use as a guide.

Stage 1
Foundation (20%) _____ % __________________
‰ Site excavation complete 5%
‰ Foundation and foundation in place 9%
‰ Underground plumbing in place 4%
‰ Concrete slab in place 2%
Stage 2
Rough Framing (20%) _____ % __________________
‰ Rough framing complete or
Cement block and lintels complete 12%
‰ Rafters complete 3%
‰ Windows and exterior doors installed 5%
Stage 3
Roof, Electrical, and Plumbing (25%) _____ % ____________________
‰ Roof and framing complete 2%
‰ Rough plumbing complete 3%
‰ Rough electrical complete 3%
‰ Rough heating and air conditioning complete 3%
‰ Interior plastering and/or drywall complete 4%
‰ External insulation and sheathing complete 3%
‰ Exterior siding or stucco complete 6%
‰ Brick and/or masonry complete (if applicable) 1%
Stage 4
Finish Work (25%) _____ % __________________
‰ Garage doors installed 1%
‰ All interior doors hung 1%
‰ All cabinets installed and countertops complete 6%
‰ All floors and floor coverings complete 4%
‰ All appliances installed 2%
‰ All major bathroom fixtures installed 2%
‰ All light fixtures, switches, receptacles installed 1%
‰ All painting, interior and exterior complete 4%
‰ All driveways, walks and landscaping complete 4%
Stage 5
Final Disbursement 10 % ___________________
‰ Property is complete
‰ Certificate of Occupancy or equivalent has been issued
‰ There are no liens on the project

2006-10-26 14:23:10 · answer #2 · answered by Pooch 2 · 0 0

It's not like carpeting, where you pay so much per square yard. Other than getting an in-house estimate, you will have to make up a supply list of what you are going to replace, and go to a home center and start writing down prices.

2016-05-21 23:36:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

normally around 10-11% of the total cost of the building is electrical

2006-10-26 20:43:00 · answer #4 · answered by jborg@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 0

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