i went to 41 weeks she was 9 lbs 8 oz 23 in long!!! they told me she was going to be 8 lbs too . But just because you are 40+ weeks doesnt mean it will be a big baby.
2006-10-26 10:49:30
answer #1
answered by Lily18 5
I gave birth vaginally at 41 weeks and 3 days. My daughter weighed 7 lbs and 5 ounces, and was 20 3/4 inches in lenght. During my pregnancy I gained only 10 pounds, total; I weighed 7 pounds less the day AFTER childbirth than I did BEFORE I got pregnant! Don't worry, I've worked in Labor and Delivery Room as a nurse for 5 years, and overdue babies are not much bigger, in general. Babies of diabetic mothers DO tend to be really big, some of them over 10 or 11 pounds, so many of them are delivered by c-section to prevent damage to both mother and baby.
2006-10-26 18:04:02
answer #2
answered by la_nena_sabe... 5
went 41 weeks, baby was 7 lbs 6 oz
btw, either you feel it, even smaller babies hurt a lot, the degree of pain between the two makes little difference, or you have an epidural (which I did) and feel nothing. The only thing to worry about is having a c section because the baby is too big to come out, in which case, theres not much you can do. Trust the professionals to take care of you and try not to go into the labour and delivery room stressed out. Millions of women for millions of years have had babies and made it through. Thing will be fine.
2006-10-26 17:47:12
answer #3
answered by proudest_mom 1
Just had a friend give birth to a 42 week 6 lb baby. And they were certain on the time that kid was cooking. Besides, as long as your child is in the 6-9 lb range, you won't notice the difference between sizes. It's all about the size of the noggin anyway! Get the epidural and just enjoy meeting your baby.
2006-10-26 17:49:07
answer #4
answered by Erin C 2
9lbs 10oz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was 41 weeks exactly- so one week overdue. Neither I or the doctors had any clue my baby was so big because I had an ultra sound at 5 and 7 weeks, and was super healthy throughout my pregnancy. All my tests, etc. came back just fine.... so they thought 8lbs at the max! While in labor, the nurse said she thought it was a big baby- but she said like 8lbs. Turned out being bigger... I ended up having a c-section because he was so big lol. BIG shock to everyone!
Also-he was my first, and I did get the epidural- was in labor for 19 hrs and almost fully dilated, and the last 4 hrs of it, my epidural wore off entirely-extremely painful, and when they took me c-section, the spinal epidural didn't even work, so I had to be put under :( It was very traumatic, but worth it- my son is a blessing!
2006-10-26 17:46:32
answer #5
answered by m930 5
My first baby was at 41 1/2 weeks weighed 8lbs 9oz, my second came at 38 1/2 weeks and weighed 8lbs 15 oz.
You can never really tell. But, if you have gestational diabetes, that can certainly lead to a very large baby.
2006-10-26 18:15:08
answer #6
answered by Stacy 4
I haven't had a baby, but when my mother was pregnant with me, I was almost three weeks late. I was too big for her to give birth to me the regular way, so she had to have a c-section. And it was a good thing for her, too, since the doctors said she could probably give birth to a baby that was about 8 pounds max, and I was 11 pounds! However, the truly difficult birth came to my great grandmother, who had my 13-pounds-at-birth grandmother. It would seem that big babies skip a generation in my family, so I'll probably be fine, but my kids might suffer when they start having babies. But hey, c'est la vie. Who knows, maybe I'll be the one to end up with the 11+ pound babies...
2006-10-26 17:58:34
answer #7
answered by V 3
I went 42 weeks and my son weighed 10 lbs. 4 oz.
2006-10-26 18:24:55
answer #8
answered by vgleason_102301 4
I would only worry if you are a gestational diabetic. Prolonged gestational age does not usually contitute giving birth to a three month old sized baby. Physicians today do not permit woman to go to long past they're due dates because it can become dangerous. So, If you are dilating a least a centimeter ask to be induced. Good Luck, safe delivery and get your rest.
2006-10-26 18:07:53
answer #9
answered by Lisa H 2
My son was born at 38.5 weeks at 7 lbs, 7 oz, but I was born at 42 weeks, 8 lbs, 11 oz. Big, but done naturally with no tearing.
Best of luck!
2006-10-26 17:47:01
answer #10
answered by Cara B 4