Well, let me be the first to not follow directions, exactly, but nevertheless I felt compelled to answer this:
I like nearly everyone who is neither a republican or democrat, or at least respect the trait in people who embody it even if they aren't characters with whom I'd enjoy spending time.
I recently got into a debate with my friend who does much volunteer and campaign work for the Democratic Party of Minnesota. The debate, in summary is as follows (And for the record, I agree with much of the democratic philosophy, moreso then republican, but that is irrelevant to my point):
She is a good person, and good hearted, and I felt a little bad so vehemently telling her that political parties are the worst form of prejudice and brainwashing, legal or otherwise, socially accepted or not, that exist in this country.
They are not like this everywhere in the world, but with America's two party system, it effectively causes everyone who is too afraid to simply think independently to be lumped into a "party" philosophy that may not have been the ideals they agre with were there no outside influence. The reason it isn't seen as prejudice, or racism if you will (an elite group that has very little tolerance for those who don't think alike, which pits themselves against the other side in a "its them or us, damn it" philosophy is racism if I've ever heard of it) is because it FOOLs people into THINKING they made the decision themselves. When given only two choices, people tend to pick the "better" of the two, and identify with it, subconsciously conforming to ideals and beliefs that they may not share through fraternization with others of the same party affiliation.
Since people choose themselves to identify with a party, they immediately bring all the political party stereotypes for that party on themselves, and if people think others don't sum a person up by their political affiliation, they are utterly on crack. Its the quickest way to pass a sweeping judgement against somebody; simply ask whether they are a donkey or elephant, and wham! whether true or not, dpending on what that person says, they either kill babies, raise taxes, burn flags and give your money to crack heads instead of where it NEEDS to be, OR you are a close minded, stuffy, uncaring, ultra-conservative, gay-bashing nascar watching loudmouth.
I think this country will have continued woes, regardless of leadership, until people get sick of identifying with a party and thinking with their party and voting with their party.
People need to run for office, campaign, and vote on issues, one by one, and how important they are to that person as an individual, and hope that your ideals are the majority and that your candidate/constituency campaigns/votes with their minds, because they are aligned with yours, not because of a Label assigned by the powers that be.
Political parties are a disease to this country, and its crying shame that nobody sees this.
How us "swing" voters could possibly be in the minority, in a country as civilized and wealthy and advanced as the US, is utterly beyond me.
To me "swing voter" is the secret code for somebody who thinks for themselves. All the rest are sheep, or free thinkers in sheeps clothing who need to break away from the comradery of a voter base to decide things as humans and not as competitors fighting for a party win.
With that said, I know of no candidates off the top of my head but I tell you I like some folks in congress above all others, and one is "republican " and one is a "democrat."
John McCain and Barrack Obama. The two best men in the United States Congress today. I think the two should run for president with Barrack as the Presidential hopeful and McCain as the VP hopeful on the democratic ticket, and furthermore, they should run against Colin Powell with Hillary Clinton on the VP bid for the republican ticket. This, I think, is possibly the only thing that could singlehandedly force the county to rethink its party affiliation obsession, and bring about change in a single election. Whomever won, it wouldn't matter, because it would have been the ultimate comraderie between parties, and two paris of unlikely bedfellows showing enough foresight to know someone is taking one for the team, but doing it anyway. That team is America, and running a pair of tickets like that would prove to be the most world altering event the politcal landscape has ever encountered.
So, yeah. I like folks who aren't Democrats or Republicans. I like people who ignore the bullsh*t and think for themselves.
2006-10-26 10:48:11
answer #2
answered by Psychedelico 3