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2006-10-26 09:52:10 · 11 answers · asked by Deedra J 1 in Science & Mathematics Physics

11 answers

12 astronauts have walked on the moon.

Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin
Apollo 12: Pete Conrad & Alan Bean
Apollo 13: failed to land on the moon.
Apollo 14: Alan Shepard & Edgar (Ed) Mitchell
Apollo 15: David Scott & James Irwin
Apollo 16: John Young & Charles Duke
Apollo 17: Eugene (Gene) Cernan & Harrison Schmidt

2006-10-26 09:54:47 · answer #1 · answered by Otis F 7 · 3 0

Twenty-four astronauts have been on or near the Moon. Twelve of these landed on the moon and actually walked on its surface and they were all men from the US who traveled to the Moon as part of NASA's Apollo program.

The following twelve people have walked on the Moon, each on one mission only;

1. Neil Armstrong - Apollo 11 - July, 1969
2. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin - Apollo 11 - July, 1969
3. Charles "Pete" Conrad - Apollo 12 - November, 1969
4. Alan Bean - Apollo 12 - November, 1969
5. Alan Shepard - Apollo 14 - February, 1971
6. Edgar Mitchell - Apollo 14 - February, 1971
7. David Scott - Apollo 15 - July, 1971
8. James Irwin - Apollo 15 - July, 1971
9. John Young - Apollo 16 - April, 1972
10. Charles Duke - Apollo 16 - April, 1972
11. Gene Cernan - Apollo 17 - December, 1972
12. Harrison Schmitt - Apollo 17 - December, 1972"

Nobody has walked on the moon since 1972, but President Bush wants to send people back to the moon. Some people say it's all a hoax but it isn't. That would be one HUGE hoax to pull off, and not to mention millions of dollars to make fake documents and images of men on the moon. What would be the point the lol? It's all true and it DID happen, so ignore those people who say it was a hoax.

- Hope this helps :-)

2006-10-26 09:58:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

there is in simple terms no potential the variety of extensive hoax may be pulled off. the finished worldwide became as quickly as finding, including me (i became as quickly as in top training on the time) and think of me, no hoax could have been nicely adequate to fool anybody! The Flat Earth Society believed it became as quickly as a hoax on the time, notwithstanding they believed the Earth became as quickly as flat and the finished abode utility became as quickly as fake! the main useful reason an increasing variety of people in simple terms like the hoax advice is that we've no longer long previous returned in all this time. by way of fact the humorous tale is going, "in the event that they're waiting to placed a individual on the Moon, then why can no longer they placed a individual on the Moon"!. The reason we've no longer achieved it as quickly as greater is that for the time of assessment to digital technological comprehend-how, rocket technological comprehend-how (and motor vehicle and airplane technological comprehend-how too) has no longer quite greater lots in 30 years, so it may nevertheless be as severe priced and tricky by way of fact it became as quickly as in 1970. I recommend a $500 computing device at modern-day is greater desirable than a million greenback computing device in 1970, notwithstanding a $20,000 motor vehicle at modern-day is hardly any greater desirable than a $3,000 motor vehicle from 1970.

2016-10-16 10:49:23 · answer #3 · answered by hultman 4 · 0 0

Zero, there is some pretty convincing evidence that it never happened! For example : Why haven't we been back? With as much as this country loves to claim ownership of everything, don't you think we'd have some claim on it by now? Research that and get back to me!

2006-10-26 09:57:11 · answer #4 · answered by ajax138 2 · 1 2

Not very many. Maby about 10

2006-10-26 09:55:31 · answer #5 · answered by shiga_what 3 · 0 1

provided that they werent just filmed in Holllwood like most, if not all people believe...i think about 13 or 14.

2006-10-26 09:54:43 · answer #6 · answered by panflick 2 · 0 1

I'm on the moon right now. Those bastards left me here.

2006-10-26 10:00:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2006-10-26 09:56:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Zero; it is an impossible feat.

2006-10-26 09:59:28 · answer #9 · answered by nido_tr3s 5 · 0 3

none, its all a hoax..

2006-10-26 09:53:07 · answer #10 · answered by snoogans 5 · 0 3

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