It's not just gay culture. It's everywhere. Heck, it's even in lesbian culture (except now the penises are dildos and strap-ons)!
Somewhere along the line, people got this crazy idea that a larger penis meant virility, strength, and sexual prowess. It might have come from a lot of places. I know there's a myth that believes men with large penises will be more able to impregnate women (can deposit sperm deeper inside). Not to mention that we live in the age of the Supersize! Bigger is better, we keep saying, for everything, and why not penises, too?
In most cases, penis size has nothing to do with one's ability as a lover. The only case is with those who have very stretched orifices, such as women who have had multiple childbirths and hence loosened their vaginal canals, or gay men who engage in practices with very large things penetrating them (like fisting). Beyond that, there is little difference. Even smaller-than-average penises can stimulate a man's prostate during anal sex, and very few women actually have vaginally-based orgasms anyways (they are usually clitoral). Not to mention that even with vaginal orgasms, the pumping action is generally what makes it occur, not being "filled" by a very large penis. So much more goes into sexual pleasure than how big the stick you're swinging is: foreplay, attention, love, caring, originality and inventiveness, use of hands and mouth, etc.. A big dick does not a great lover make, gay or straight, and in some cases, they can be downright scary!
And yet the myths persist, both in gay culture and straight. A lot of women want larger men in the genital department, but most, in my experience, don't mind if the reality doesn't live up to their fantasies. In fact, their men who seem so worried about the size probably infect their women to wonder what's so great about bigger, which starts a viscious cycle of everyone wanting to upgrade to 'grande'. Seriously- there are so many men going out and paying lots of money for expensive surgeries that cut a tendon so that the penis will hang a mere inch lower. It's ridicuous.
Having said all of that, I can (somewhat) understand this impulse. Like I said, we live in a bigger=better society. In fact, the -er or 'more' anything is, the more it appeals. Harder, faster, longer, kinkier, sweeter, bigger. Sex just keeps escalating, and it turns us on. When you go to imagine or fantasize about sex, does it feature an average or smaller-than-average penis? Or does it tend (even just a little), to the bigger side? I'll write a sentence, and you tell me how most people would fill in the blank: "She/he grabbed his ___, hard, throbbing cock." For most, it's not going to be 'small' that goes there, or 'normally-sized', or anything like that. We're going to say 'big', because it sounds better, because it turns us on more, etc.. Frankly, what I imagine in my dreams and watch in my porn is often nothing I want to see or experience in real life, but the bigger the ****, the bigger the penis, the hotter it is, even though in real life, adequate ones will more than satisfy and make me happy.
This is something that plagues us all. But you're right, many gay men do obsess about size. In my opinion, it's a mixture of the myths I described above (like a bigger penis can create more potent sex), and possibly the vanity factor for some gay men. Often more looks-obsessed, they place penis size as a category for appraisal in the overall package. Also, for gay men, and not so much for women, is the concept that a penis makes a man. Let's face it, to be a gay male is to be, in some respects, phallocentric, a little oriented primarily towards the ol' twig and berries. To accept anything less than the something toweringly impressive down below is to not be as desireful of the masculine the way many want to be. Those are some of my theories, at least. Not being a gay male, I couldn't tell you if there are any others.
Still, let's stop the insanity, people! All of us, straight men, gay men, women, everyone! Love the ***** in your life, no matter what size, shape, or color they may come!
2006-10-26 15:00:20
answer #1
answered by cando_86 4
How many of you gay guy's are size queens? enough to make others feel unworthy but not enough to ruin for everyone.
Why is there such a fuss about penis size in the men's gay culture? Because for men in general the penis is a defining characteristic, like it or not.
Straight women don't seem to be that concerned about size.
UH Hello, don't kid yourself, women DO care more than they will admit.
2006-10-26 08:10:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Anthropologically, a number of cultures have considered penis size a measure of virility, strength, or masculinity. Men with big penises are quite fond of this because it gives them grounds for claiming superiority that requires no effort on their part. It's the same as White people claiming the skin they were born with making them better than people born with a different colored skin. Since the Gay male culture is, by definition, all male, they are more than willing to buy into the "penis size rules" idea. Women, on the other hand, know that the clitoris is at the front of their genitals, and, unless they like having their cervix bumped, all it takes is about 3-4 inches to satisfy them. It is skill and consideration that matters.
2006-10-26 08:33:25
answer #3
answered by ? 7
As long as it is big enough to hold on to and play with when my partner is on his back, I really don't care. Personally, I would say anything 5" and up is OK. Men think about physical stuff more than women (that's why there is Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler for the straight guys and Playgirl for the gay guys) and women are into intimacy, verbally and emotionally (that is why there are Romance novels).
2006-10-26 12:44:21
answer #4
answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7
Its not the size of the ship,
Its the motion of the ocean.
a row boat can go as far as an ocean liner with the right encouragement
Now that being said....
a little more than average is a turn on..
2006-10-26 09:32:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am definitely NOT a size queen. I prefer average to smaller (as long as it isnt too tiny). Something in the 5-7.5 inch range is perfect. Kinda like boobs, big ones are fun to look at, but too big are just freakish.
2006-10-26 08:05:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
last time i checked the straight radar....penis size is very important to straight females...every straight girl i know (alot) is into size. I have heard gay men talk about it.
2006-10-26 10:41:27
answer #7
answered by Namaste 4
lololol everyone (almost) likes a big package, but in the long run its not so important, but if you think women dont like a large one you are mistaken. they talk about everything including the size and believe me they're into it.. why do you think so many ugly men get georgous women, they're worse size queens than we are!
2006-10-26 08:27:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
seriously? Who cares. And well, I have heard penis size being an issue with women. But I would have to disagree. It is not an issue to me or anybody I know.
2006-10-26 07:55:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There is only one thing worse than a size queen......a guy with a little dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only joking. There is only one thing worse than a guy with a little guy at all. Really they're all good? I like the variety. I have had some of the best anal sex with the smaller or average ones. The big ***** can be a real pain in the butt. Ha...ha...ha!!!!
2006-10-26 08:50:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous