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is this something GOD tells you to do, or is it from the prince himself?

2006-10-26 07:07:32 · 17 answers · asked by shyboy 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

17 answers

Gay bashing is totally Wrong for anyone to do, in the name of God or in their own name.

Most faiths teach not to criticize or judge. this should not take place. Also many people that have no affiliation with any religion or church bash gays, and this should not be either.

I do believe, anyone who judges another; any people that judge a race or ethnic group will be criticized and judged harshly (even spoken of behind their backs often) by others. Judgemental people are not accepted by most people, and do not have many sincere, trustworthy friends. It is best to practice tolerance, and not to judge others. And God is not the One who tells a person to judge another, neither is a prince, or demon, or the devil. The individual person himself or herself chooses to judge. We individually are responsible for the choices we make in life out lives. What comes around, goes around. Or to the religious out there, You will reap what you have sown, or its sometimes said similar in Karma as well.
Acceptance of others is always Best!!!

2006-10-26 07:27:37 · answer #1 · answered by Thomas 6 · 0 0

Gay bashing is well...gay.
But not all opposing views to the current gay agenda in the US is gaybashing.
It comes from insecurity, fear, and yes some closet issues.
But some comes as a response to being called an intolerant gay basher and bigot over and over when asking reasonable questions. After a while it makes a person want to say screw you gay boy. But when that happens all reasonable arguments go out the window.
Or it could be an honest backlash at being forced to hear about gay marriage and gay issues EVERY DAY on tv, the radio, in conversation, etc etc etc. Maybe from the arrogant attitude gays and liberals in general have as their demeanor.

2006-10-26 08:19:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As MMMB said, people do it because they're bigoted or cruel, not because God tells them to or because they're Christians.However, many Christians do it because of simple misunderstanding.

Christianity's teaching is "love the sinner, hate the sin." Too many people fail to grasp the nuance of this and conflate the two. Everyone sins, just in different ways.

However, be kind: Many Christians today feel somewhat put-upon because of society's distaste for their values. While it's not right for them to take it out on others by doing things like gay-bashing, one can try to relate a little.

Please don't take this the wrong way.

2006-10-26 07:21:01 · answer #3 · answered by Theo D 3 · 0 0

Gay bashing usually stems from fear. Fear that a gay person might be looking at you, thinking about you, etc. If you do not live this lifestyle, that creeps most men out. They do no know how to deal with it, the whole idea scares them, and they dont' agree with it.
So, instead of ignoring it, or dealing with it, they bash it. Makes them feel more macho, more of a man, more publicly straight. it's quite ridiculous actually. Get over it, let them live their own life, and worry more about the person you are, then someone else.

2006-10-26 07:39:58 · answer #4 · answered by Allycat 2 · 0 0

You know you people are always bashing Christians and Conservatives...... what makes you think you are not doing the same thing?

We dont go around and say.. when was the fist time you ever had your first heterosexual experience? when did you first enter your first gay bar?

We dont put symbol stickers on our cars that say we are heterosexuals.

Get real.... you are trying to make yourselves feel right about something that cannot EVER feel right. You can't do wrong and feel right. Sin was never happiness..that kind of happiness is fleeting.

Further, we dont ALL hate you!! Many of us are compassionate that your attractions to the same sex is very real. It is only when you cross the line and ACT upon it that it becomes offensive and a violation of Gods Law.

Its much easier for gays to just say "there is no God'' that way you are not having to be accountable for your actions. But, you can disbeleive to give yourself permission all you want, the facts are the same... there IS a God. Just ask him!!

Geez.. find another thing to do with your time besides bash christians and conservatives... practice what YOU preach!!!!

Choose the right-

2006-10-26 07:44:07 · answer #5 · answered by SunValleyLife 4 · 0 5

God would never condone this type of activity.. It's the arrogant f--king individuals that do this and make problems for everybody...I also wish our country would take the KKK, and other groups that feel that way and deposit them to Iraq or North Korea and let them experence how it feels like to be persecuted, and our country would be a lot better and more at peace...

2006-10-26 07:26:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

People do it because they're ignorant and only see what other people do not what they do themselves. I personally think gay bashing is stupid and apaulling but please don't attach it to Christians. Correct Christians don't do that kind of thing and I'm sorry if this is from an experience with one.

2006-10-26 07:11:11 · answer #7 · answered by mmmb 2 · 1 0

Sadly, because they tend to be self loathing and self doubting. We all know the majority of these twisted people are just gays waiting to bust out, but because of either ultra-religious upbringing or peer pressure, they tend to go with the herd so to speak.

2006-10-26 07:38:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Satan is the only one that thinks this is a good idea. We all know he fails in the end. God rules!!!

2006-10-26 07:11:41 · answer #9 · answered by illuminessa.villasenor 2 · 2 0

To that 'nkingdom2000' guy, I'm gay, and liberal, but I don't think anyone's ever called me arrogant.
I try not to hurt other people, and I don't see why they would want to hurt me.

2006-10-26 11:51:20 · answer #10 · answered by JBoy Wonder 4 · 0 0

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