There have been homosexuals throughout history. The only reason there seems to be more now is that it is becoming more socially accepted and homosexuals are not having to hide themselves like they used to. Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon that occurs in about 10% of the population.
2006-10-26 05:22:28
answer #1
answered by Zach S. 3
Nice question, opening up anyone who answers to harsh criticism no doubt.
There are probably mulitple reason, but here are a few:
- the climate in society is more accepting and therefore more are willing to "come out".
- Similar to the one above, it's an option for many when trying to understand their sexuality that just wasn't there before. Honestly, in some areas homosexuality was not talked about and therefore unknown.
- In some areas it is hip/chic to be gay. (I'll get some criticism for this, but I have a gay friend that did not feel he was born that way, but it seemed like a fun lifestyle).
2006-10-26 12:25:18
answer #2
answered by straightup 5
Well the world population is increasing over history, and a fraction of the increase will probably be homosexual, if we take that into account. I have doubts as to whether or not the percentage of homosexuals in the population is as high as 10%.
I think it is closer to 1% than it is to 10%.
2006-10-26 12:32:38
answer #3
answered by Answerer17 6
These are signs of the anti-christ worling in the world. Its all fortold inthe Bible and things are only going to get worse until Jesus returns. Satan tries to imitate God, but He cant. God is life and he is death. You're right, two men can not reproduce. So this act of not being able to reproduce life is not of God. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Rom 1:27-28. Its sad that man would rather walk after the flesh-which leads to hell, than walk after the spirit which is eternal life. Rom 8:4 God Bless!
2006-10-26 12:30:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There seems like theres more homosexuals because now people are more open about their sexuality than what they were years ago.
2006-10-26 12:22:08
answer #5
answered by Tigger 2
Actually, it's a NATURAL genetic mutation and, since its genetic, it's been passed down from generation to generation, spreading throughout time and culture. In the end, however, what does it really matter that some people like sex with whom they're attracted to?
2006-10-26 12:43:44
answer #6
answered by Deus Maxwell 3
Maybe homosexuality evolved as a way to limit overpopulation.
2006-10-26 12:23:04
answer #7
answered by October 7
Yea, good point. It's probably a recessive gene that is gonna happen in a small percentage of births.
2006-10-26 12:21:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It is called recruitment.
I personally think that we need to get back to the values of yesteryear.
2006-10-26 13:32:19
answer #9
answered by Brigid O' Somebody 7