Its a fact that women are vendictive , caniving and skiming....Any women has the power to be will any man if they really really want to and men full right into there traps....Weather they use alcohol or sex or both they can minipulate any situation if they a passionet and want it enaugh...The power of a women...I stand in or
2006-10-26 01:46:53
answer #1
answered by heath 1
Outward beauty is initially attractive, true. A beautiful woman or man does get more attention. A charming baby with a lovely face is held and cooed over. However, if that same child's face is badly damaged, the parents might be shocked at how the same people who cooed over their baby are now repulsed.
With this information, you would think that Darwinian evolutionary theory would suppose that beautiful people would be the ones selected to breed and pass their genes into the next generation. However, what initially attracts a man to a woman is not necessarily what causes him to marry or have children with her.
People are not like animals, who breed to the fastest, best hunters, or largest specimens by instinct alone. Animal breeders who choose the breeding partners on those characteristics often end up with cows and sheep without maternal instincts who let the calves and lambs die in the field because they don't know how to care for them anymore. Or who shiver and die in a blizzard or rainstorm because they don't know how to seek shelter. Or puppies who have lost herding ability or the qualities which made that particular breed famous.
Instead, although the inital attraction may be for beauty, a person's inner qualities are what will hold a marriage or relationship together. Even though a woman is not model-slim, ballet-graceful or goddess-lovely her inner qualities are more than sufficient to keep a relationship happy and growing. If a man isn't the tall, handsome, broadshouldered, suave stereotype he could very well be sweet, loving, gentle and wise underneath. Looks aren't everything!
Who wants to stay with a gorgeous showcase person who is selfish, mean-spirited, angry and bitter? That's one huge reason for the high divorce rate--people unable to bear living with a spouse who is ugly inside. Many people feel trapped in relationships with a partner like that but soldier it out because they have already produced children.
If there is a moral to this, it would be to take time to get to know a person before choosing to commit to a relationship or marriage and produce children. Only after peeling back the outer layers of makeup, charm and veneer can you tell what that person is really like. The beauty and charm fade away, but the inner person is the one you have to face at the breakfast table.
2006-10-26 02:19:01
answer #2
answered by Mmerobin 6
If a woman has been failed by her looks she will put a different foot forward. It might be intelligence, humor, kindness or generosity. She may even work harder once the attention is on her since she cannot simply flip her flowing locks away from her beautiful face and giggle flirtatiously. Although looks are what first attracts someone it does take more than that alone to keep an interest.
It takes a beautiful man to look at an ordinary woman and see the flakes of gold in her eyes or the curve of her nose that looks so cute. Maybe if more women were ugly men would have to look deeper within THEMSELVES to see what they really want.
2006-10-26 01:55:37
answer #3
answered by rsmithguilford 2
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, there is a song out there and some men think it makes a lot of sense. It goes like this: "If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never made a pretty woman your wife, as for my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you." Not sure what your definition of ugly is, but when you grow up and realize looks fade, you might realize that most people choose personality over looks. Good luck with your answers.
2006-10-26 01:46:44
answer #4
answered by cookie 6
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Many people see the beauty of the person as a whole.
2006-10-26 02:48:47
answer #5
answered by June smiles 7
Beauty is only skin deep.
Have you ever thought the men were attracted to those women because they had personality's, loving hearts and kindness.
Good luck with that thought process.
2006-10-26 01:38:18
answer #6
answered by eyes_of_iceblue 5
Simple, they:
1. Flash prospective husband with their wealth.
2. Get the guy so drunk then have sex with him and after a couple of days, she'll confront him and tell him that she's having his baby, and tries to threathen him if he refuses to marry her.
3. Find a blind guy and tries to be so nice to him and make him fall in love with her.
4. Give him love potion so he'll fall in love with her.
5. Seduce him and give him a night of wild sex he can't forget for the rest of his life.
And other insane tactics only a derrange, desperate ugly woman could plot to get her a husband... stay cool... c",)
2006-10-26 01:47:59
answer #7
answered by kernel 2
I think that by the grace of God, he puts someone here that thinks we are attractive. I have been married 18 years, thank goodness my husband fell for the person inside, and no, I am not a freak in bed either.
2006-10-26 01:31:58
answer #8
answered by MommaSchmitt 4
Beauty is only skin deep and if that is what drives you I feel sorry for you.
2006-10-26 01:29:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They get ugly husbands or they're a freak in bed or something!!
2006-10-26 01:28:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous