Hi my name is jenny and I was wondering if you could help me out a little bit. Me and my bf have been together for 2years and 2months now and I did not start taking my birth control until Sunday 22 I got off my period on Friday 13.well on Friday we had unprotected sex and he was going to *** in me and as soon as he went to I pulled it out but I am pretty sure that some got in there well today I have been felling really itchy and last night it felt like something had bit me so I was scratching it and the next morning it was little red bumps in one area on my leg so I don’t know if I am pregnant or not but it is to early to tell anyways but I would like to know so I wont hurt the baby by taking birth control. But when I wake up in the morning my stomach hurts really badly and it kind hurts to have sex. And at night when I go to sleep my stomach hurts to and I have been feeling like a burring in my stomach to im not sure what this is caused from but I would like to know some answers if you have any for me thanks so much
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I love my baby boy!
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