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I'm 7 months pregnant with his child, unemployed at the moment, and I'm catching him flirting with women online, giving out his number, etc... I've caught him talking to other women on the phone, too. Basically, I've confronted him and he says that "i'm not married to no one." He's not working at the moment either and we're supposed to move into a family house of his until I have the baby and we get back on our feet...he's now saying that he's not sure he wants to do that with me because of the way i've been acting....I've been acting!!!! I have no family to help me out and I have a nine year old son with me. Should I just accept his behaviors and deal with them, be quiet and not confront him anymore...??? He says he loves me and he's not doing anything, but I'm looking at it differently. I'm very emotional right now and I've been there for him the past two years during a serious disability for him and supported him. Now that I'm pregnant and unemployed, I feel like he's not.

2006-10-24 16:12:15 · 12 answers · asked by itsuptome92171 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

12 answers

This guy sounds like an ***. Right now he's treating you like this but here in a couple of months he'll be treating you and your baby like this. Don't let him do that. What do you need this guy for? You can get as much assistance from medicaid, foodstamps, tanf, and WIC as you can from this guy and they wont tear apart you heart meanwhile.

2006-10-24 16:17:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Congrads on Motherhood again. Emotional or not. Do you believe what your eyes are telling you or what? You have no family there to help you right. You might not want to hear THIS PART if you have too much pride: Its okay to be emotional BUT its not okay to take sh*t off anyone because your situation is difficult. Can you look into public assistant help or not. Are you able to apply for unemployment where you live? If someone comes at you sideways like that line about " I AM NOT MARRIED" is kind of a dead ringer for I am doing sh*t so what. This is just the beginning. If his legs are broken then he cant do nothing, but if his D*ck still work then he's thinking about it. Dont get disrespected because you are down and out right now. Find a way and make a way. HOW WOULD HE LIKE IF IT WAS YOU DOING THAT? Once you lose respect for yourself dont expect anyone else to respect you. Do it for your children if not you. A child needs good role models and a solid foundation.

2006-10-24 16:27:49 · answer #2 · answered by ms foxx 2 · 0 0

He says he's not doing anything? He talks to other women and gives out info on-line. I would say he is doing something, I don't doubt that he is doing more than that. You don't need a man in your life; at one point I thought I did. When I left him, I realized that I could make it on my own with 2 kids. What did you do when it was just you and your son? Don't stay with the guy; if he truly loved you, he would be planning a life with you and the kids. Expect more from life; this guy sounds like a looser. Contact Social Services for financial help until you can get on your feet. Try a local church or a Battered Women's facility. You don't need the stress he is putting on you. And whether you know it or not, the tension and fighting in your house is affecting your son and that is not healthy. Think of your son and the child you are carrying, is that the kind of atmosphere you want to raise kids in?

2006-10-24 16:27:05 · answer #3 · answered by LINDA V 1 · 0 0

I know your emotional right now with being pregnant, but honey, he's a jerk! It sounds as if he's cheating or planning to. His behavior is downright abusive - to turn the table like that and say "the way you've been acting lately" - I've BEEN there years ago with a guy. He could turn the blame on me for anything and MAKE me believe it too! He knows your cornered with no family to help you, etc. so he feels he can treat you like crap and you'll stay! THERE is help out there - you do NOT need him. If you have a son, do you want him to grow up acting like this guy?? Talk to your Dr, local hospital or church, there is so much help and assistance in every community - you can do this on your own!!!! Whatever you do - don't stay with this guy. He is "crazy making", and people like that do not change! I'm sorry ou have to go through this... Good luck.

2006-10-24 16:20:57 · answer #4 · answered by Kristen G 2 · 0 0

You already have a 9 year old son with no job, yet you got pregnant again? Hate to sound harsh but some women bring this on themselves. About the only thing you can do now is leave him and file for child support.

2006-10-24 16:19:34 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

sweetheart, as a man who realizes he desperately wants children in his life, u need to find someone who values family and love and u. This loser does not. He has no idea the joy that is ahead of him and for you with this child. I feel for u that u have so many hard choices and no one to help. But this child deserves a family that loves him and this a hole does not. Nor does he sound like he's worth ur time and heart.

I would do anything for a child of my own right now. And I know what I would do for that. He is pond scum and worthless. I don't know what little hope he holds out for u but I hope u can find options. ANY options for u and ur baby. please don't give up. i'm rooting for u. There are lots and LOTS of people who know how to love and help. Seek them out.


2006-10-24 16:22:59 · answer #6 · answered by cyberdjunk69 1 · 0 0

that is a really rough situation, you could trust him seeing as how it is only on the phone and what not and he is not going out hanging with them. My advice for you is to get yourself on your feet as soon as possible. Guys flirt, that is just the nature of most guys. it is possible he will cheat in the future, but until he starts going out with these girls i would just deal with it and see if you can talk to him about it. you are going to have to find some help if it is that big a problem, either a halfway house for homeless families, living with a friend or what not. you ask everyone you know, you could leave him if he is not going to respect your feelings. He sounds like a bit of a dead beat to me. deal with it as long as you can, and when you can leave if he does not change his ways.

2006-10-24 16:23:30 · answer #7 · answered by daggermouth 3 · 0 0

he could just be goin through an awkward stage but if he's not and he's cheating on you leave him the dust. No man thats not fully commited to u is not worth your wait. Try to get some help from a close family member or a friend.

2006-10-24 16:30:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If he is flirting and treating you badly you need to find help to get on your feet on your own still can be there for him some but don't get stuck in a bad situation if you allow him to keep you penned up in his families house and mistreat you now it will only get worse you have to let him know your not going to put up with it.

2006-10-24 16:21:30 · answer #9 · answered by mikel 2 · 0 0

you are left in a very tough spot. you have a 9 year old and now on your 7 month. if you leave him, make sure you have financial support for the 2 child and you..if not, be ready to be homeless. your best bet to make it and for your children's sake is to stay and work things out. meanwhile, look for jobs available or anything that offers you financial support...good luck.

2006-10-24 16:18:31 · answer #10 · answered by Go For Broke 3 · 0 0

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