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I'm not asking you to cuss out our Pres. I just want to know why or why don't you like him. Please.... be nice. I'm looking for mature answers.

2006-10-24 15:55:23 · 33 answers · asked by juliefan 2 in Politics & Government Politics

33 answers

As a person I don't like him because he is a fraud. He has b.s. his way through life and has been a failure at every job he has ever had, he is a coke snorting, alcoholic with no morals. As a president I don't like him as he is unyielding and has disregarded his oath of office to uphold the constitution of the United States. He has to the contrary been dismantling it.

2006-10-24 16:01:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

I dislike him because he is not very intelligent, but has too much power, because he threw the country into a useless war that has no possible end in the near future, because instead of dealing with North Korea since 2002, he went against Iraq, lying about the WMD's. Because he is bringing out all the prejudice, bigotry, intolerance and racism of Americans to the surface. Because he would make the whole country poor in order to make the rich richer. Because he is an alcoholic and most importantly because his strategies against terrorism, have made terrorism a bigger threat. I probably have many more reasons, but these come to mind. I was polite, wasn't I?

2006-10-25 06:22:23 · answer #2 · answered by copykitty 3 · 0 0

I didn't actually know anything about politics until I saw George W. Bush run for president in 2000. He caught my attention because I saw him speak and I was wondering why he could win the nomination, he's so mediocre as a person. How he lied about Sadam Hussein's threat to lead US into war is the beginning of a huge mistake, but he's still holding on to all the wrong things now. All these years after 9/11, he continuously politicizes terrorism to the extent that he's calling names of the opposite party, or accusing them of being unpatriotic... As President, he really should not be doing so, he is the President of the other party too. In short, I dislike him because I find him incompetent to be President in every aspect. I can't think of one thing he is good at being President, including simple speaking. I find that with everything that he has done, he's doing it for himself or his political party, maybe a few very wealthy friends too, but not for the American people. Donald Rumsfeld has said that Bush never asked him about his opinion about invading Iraq before the actual decision of invasion. How could Bush do such a thing! He also does not understand that democracy is not the action of voting itself.

The American people are going to suffer for a long time because of all Bush has done, including a very long war both in the Middle East and here because the Iraq war has created more radical terrorists and more people hate America, a very huge government deficit because of all the money we are spending on the war, the standard of living of most Americans are worse because so many subsidies and grants have been cut due to tax cut, acadamic standards would be lower because of the failure of the school system and cutting of student loans and education subsidies. He's elected to be President to serve the people of the USA and protect the Constitution, he just fails.

2006-10-24 16:46:19 · answer #3 · answered by longliveabcdefg 7 · 2 0

1. "It's your money, not the government's" - led to the huge tax cut that spent all of the budget surplus (most of the $ going to the richest people in America) and now has us in the red again

2. The Medicare Prescription Drug Plan - sounds like a great idea, help out the elderly, except that the bill prevented the government from negotiating prices, basically a handout to corporate America (which really means The Richest People In America)

3. Working so hard to repeal the estate tax, or as he calls it, the Death Tax. They framed it as something that could affect everyone, but it realistically effects only the wealthiest families, and only after they and their spouse have both passed on.

4. War in Iraq. Used scare tactics and manipulated intelligence to justify the war.

5. Planning for the war in Iraq. Bush and the people under him never took the time to plan for what happens after we get rid of Saddam, our soldiers and the Iraqi people are paying the price for it today.

And I voted for him twice!

2006-10-24 16:09:55 · answer #4 · answered by Wally Five-O 2 · 3 0

Love is Blind. How can you like a man that supports Big Oil companies and World wide Construction conglomerates and Defense Contractors so much that he starts an illegal war for them all to benefit from? A war where our soldiers die and are mortally wounded in the name of profits for the wealthy. How can you like a simpleton that has failed at every endeavor he's undertaken? Wait until you get out there in the world and one of Bush's policies directly affects you and yours. The presidency is not a popularity contest--your actions is what defines you as a man and as a man. he is worthless.

2006-10-24 16:11:55 · answer #5 · answered by scottyurb 5 · 3 0

He was part of Skull and Bones, an occult like frat which does Pagan like rituals. He was caught at the Bohemian Grove. A investigative journalist sneaked into the grove and found out that Bush and other Republicans have been renting out gay porno actors. They also do weird Pagan rituals while dressed as druids. Read it in this Christian article (these Christians have always claimed Bush is not a christian but involved in Paganism) http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/newstart/bohemian-grove/

Bush scammed investors when he was part of Arbusto oil. He also lied about Iraq to rally support for an invasion. Cheney's Haliburton oil company gets a no-bid contract for Iraq. Cheney has made over 8 million since the deal. Bush's Carlyle group has made a fortune in no bid Iraqi contracts.

Now Bush wants to open our borders. He plans on handing over all our import - export over to Mexico. Then Mexican drivers will be the ones who drive the trucks to supply the U.S with goods made over sea's.

This will destroy almost all trucking in America. This will also destroy the unions. This will destroy most of the teamsters and the truckers. You can read it in this REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE news article witch claims Bush has sold out America and the American workers http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=14965

2006-10-24 16:15:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

ohh Julie fan, are you keeping up with the news? I mean heres a guy who has never done any combat in his life,and he is more than willing to send our young people over to a meat grinder!!!
For what purpose?? Where are the weapons of mass destruction??? Should we not be more concerned with North Korea A place that openly admitts having Weapons of mass destruction...Why are we still in Iraq???Why Is this president
more concerned with Iraq than helping our own American citizens who were in New orleans Drowning like rats?? I could go on and on with reasons why you should not like or trust this president. I hope that you will read more news than you have.

2006-10-24 16:15:04 · answer #7 · answered by blackbolt 2 · 3 0

Bush is a victim of circumstance. When you have a dictator in a country like IRAQ you have two choices: do something about his killing all his people and endangering the countries around him or don't do anything. The problem with doing something is it may likely fail because the issues are so incredibly complex.

So the question is do we try to help out and possibly fail or just sit back in Fortress America and let the rest of world fend for itself.

2006-10-24 16:07:33 · answer #8 · answered by cpaulw 2 · 1 2

If he could speak publicly like Tony Blair we would be much better off. His religious beliefs have to great an influence on his decisions. But, out of all the candidates, he was the best man for the job at the time, and I am thankful we have a hardliner in office while our culture is under attack. It seems as though the people who really should be running for president won't run.

2006-10-24 16:06:59 · answer #9 · answered by nicole 3 · 2 2

I dislike Bush because of everything he has done in office, his one line veto--his eagerness to go to war with the wrong country, and his tax cuts. He does not seem to be a good leader and has led this country into a mess.

2006-10-24 16:16:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Reason I don't like Bush is because he is using the resources, and wasting the lives of the American people and its troops on endeavors to make money. There is no legitimate reason why we went to Iraq.

First it was weapons of mass destruction, which turned out not to exist, and now it is, "to spread democray"

And I don't think he is an idiot, despite what others might think. He has remained in office for 2 terms, and was relelected WHILE he was ripping of the country with his "War on Terror". The real war on Terror would be sending troops to Darfur to aid in the situation there, or even the very real threat of North Korea. This is not the War on Terror, but the War for Money.

Thats why I dislike Bush as much as I do.

2006-10-24 16:05:11 · answer #11 · answered by Midnyht 2 · 4 3

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