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Is it possible for a politician to have Christ-like ethics in today's world? Or anybody in any world? Aggression means survival, right? Does His example tell us that we should let ourselves be kicked around? If so, was He crazy?

2006-10-24 15:19:45 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

21 answers

Christ said love your enemies.

2006-10-24 15:22:08 · answer #1 · answered by copestir 7 · 0 0

I find it amuseing that when people talk about christ it's always the christian model, the muslims have that same person in there book too. If you understood Islam, the muslims wouldn't even have attacked at all if christ was the literal leader, there are other factors in that attack other than they just ran up and hit us, you don't know everything going on in the world. I hate the extremists myself, but I did take a little time to read up on Islam so I didn't pre judge an entire religion, what there book teaches vs. what the terrorists do are two differen't things. Those terrorists aren't muslims when you compare them with the actual muslim book, they are just evil people. The ethics of christ would have to be long standing, there are wrongs everyday for everyone, it would take time for his ethics to be put fully in place and followed. Keep in mind when you hurt someone they tend to want to hurt you back right now in this world, so those ethics could be followed, but aren't fully taught and revenge will take it's hold like usual. Agression means survival? Thats is one of those by any means tactics, or survival of the fitest, last nation to fully use that philosophy was Nazi Germany, it didn't turn out so well for them. Just because our innocent people were killed doesn't mean we should kill innocent people of theres, it's called justice, something christ preached, go after the one responsible and bring them down. Keep in mind when an innocent person is killed, accidental or intentional the result is the same on the family and friends, a revenge war is pointless, it never ends. I think the original move we made against the terrorists in afgan was just, but the moves after that not so much.

2006-10-24 22:03:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My, my, my how soon we forget.

How soon we forget, that that same Christ, who advised humanity - to turn the other cheek - and the Religious movement that fololowed, is responsible for more death, and misery, on this planet, than anything before or since.

I mean, did we forget how or why America came to be, Pilgrim?

Have we forgotten how back in the day, when you would be burned at the stake, tossed in a dungeon, or worse, if you even gave the inclination that this same Christ may, just may be a Man, like me.

It was not so long ago.

This same King James Version of the Bible, promised 'Death & Destruction' & Burn in Hellfire, forever & ever', just if I choose not to believe something?

Believe, yes, I said Believe.

How is Christ better than a Politician?

Well, I take that back. Anybody is better than a Politician, even the dog at my feet.

Fact of the matter is, and I am speaking historically now, if September 11th, 2001 was actually September 11th 1001, and this is October 24th, 1006, from what History tells us, people would still be slaughtered in the name of that same Christ.

Did Christ turn the other Cheek when he thought the merchants were defiling his Fathers House, in Jerusalem, with the persuit of Commerce?

Christ was not the bad guy, its the people who were slaughtering people in his name, were.

2006-10-24 15:57:09 · answer #3 · answered by SandBagginDog 2 · 0 0

To some people Christ isn't real, he is just a person that the catholics invented. But in this example if he was real and the president on the US - I honestly don't think he would turn the other cheek, he would of handled the situation better yes - but there probably been a retaliation - but not to the extreme as the current president of the US did.

But we don't live in a world that has a 'Christ like figure', and the rest of the world has to bare the consequences of the US presidents actions.

2006-10-24 15:27:16 · answer #4 · answered by JO K 2 · 0 0

You are really funny, and before I answer this I am going to have a shot of Jack, and that is Mr. Jack Daniels. First of all Jesus would not ever be President he would laugh in the face of the false deities that put themselves in the position of power to rule over men as Gods. Remember how he reacted to the Roman law and why he was killed? Why dont people get this? There were taxes and everyone had to pay to Rome and his cronies just like today with all governments all of the leaders live like Kings by breaking the backs of the people. Jesus said no, and the Roman's I'd say were a little preturbed when they did not get that Gold? eh? So were all the merchants or money lenders because they were a party to the government and trade. So the answer is No he would not have gone to war because he would not waste his time with those pigs. oink oink. He would have gone to the gallows first to escape the wrestling of their petty flesh. However because we are not Jesus and neither is that guy in the white house(thank goodness) we need to defend ourselves against the aggressor. And as our father who arts in heaven said whoa be to the aggressor for I shall sink them to the bottom of the Sea. Well and that is a deep subject.

2006-10-24 19:30:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Interesting thoughts. I am a Christian and I must say I think Christ was present during 911. I see Christian thinking behind President Bushs actions. Todays issues are 'what it is all about'. The battle between GOOD and Evil. You make the choice. Are you going to stand up for what you believe or be over taken. You can't lay down and let evil prevail. Aggression means not to be a FOOL. Just because you are following the Holy Bible doesn't mean you can not stand up for what you believe. I think the USA can remain strong and continue to be a head if they stick to the thinking that made this country. Believe in God - the freedom to believe and worship as you see fit. All things are possible with Gods' help if you pray and trust in him. SIMPLE FAITH. Great quesiton!

2006-10-24 15:34:58 · answer #6 · answered by garden_mom 2 · 1 1

I don't know if its possible for a politician or anyone to have Christ -like ethics.

But I do believe that Christ would absolutely have turned the other cheek. Even though there is lots of blood shed throughout the Bible I believe he was seeking peace.

2006-10-24 15:24:37 · answer #7 · answered by Candi L 2 · 0 1

First, He would have never been President of the USA. The people of this Great Country would have declared Him a Religious Herotic, a Fanatic! Nothing has changed in these 2000 some-odd years!

Jesus would have found another way around this crisis. A Miricle??? Perhaps!

Non-the-less, He would have lead His people to a new level! We need this now, in order to survive.

Pray for forgivness and Wisdom!

In His Name,


(c) The Ol' Sasquatch Ü

2006-10-24 15:58:06 · answer #8 · answered by Ol' Sasquatch 5 · 0 0

I'm certain that if Christ was not in Heaven (as I believe he is now) and instead had a political position on any country, then he would have forseen the crimes commited on September 11th, wouldn't he?
On the other hand, He wouldn't be childish as to say "Ok, that didn't hurt. So bring it on again! Take your best shot!" That kind of behaviour is only reserved for human beings.

2006-10-24 15:56:08 · answer #9 · answered by OverClocked 2 · 0 0

If Christ didn't forgive, he would have changed from earlier views, and if Christ is perfect, that means he can't change, because if he had to change, then that would mean he was not perfect or he was not not created by a perfect designer. If Christ would NOT have forgiven, then he would possess the capacitity for evil, again, making him less than perfect, and if he was anything other than perfect, he would cease to be God.

2006-10-24 15:28:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christ would certainly not have advocated the invasion of a country on the basis they 'might' support terrorism in the future. The main perpetrators of 9/11 died while committing their crime. If George Bush had been so interested in pursuing the criminals, he wouldn't have committed the U.S. force to Iraq, but would have kept going after bin Laden.
And quite frankly, after all the lies of this administration, I'm starting to think it's quite possible bin Laden had nothing to do with it after all. I mean, Bush lied about everything else.
Also, the U.S. supported terror training camps when they were training people to kill Russians instead of Americans, including bin Laden. So it's hard to play holier than thou, now.

2006-10-24 15:28:34 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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