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Okay, I know that I would personally NEVER get an abortion. I am also saying that I am neither pro-choice nor pro-life. I know not everything thinks the same way as me. I am not asking whether or not abortion is right or wrong as a whole, but I do have a couple of questions..

Is abortion right when the mother doesn't care about the baby growing inside of her, is a drug addict and continues to use drugs throughout her pregnancy? The baby is born and is severely brain damaged. Would it have been better for the baby to never even been born?

What about incest?

What if a woman gets an ultrasound and finds out the baby is severely brain damaged and will never be able to have a normal life. Would it be better to never even been born?

Okay like I said I'm not saying I would get an abortion ever, but what are YOUR opinions? Please don't get mad at me, I'm only asking! I am not trying to start a debate, just asking some questions =) Any other situations you can think of?

2006-10-24 12:07:32 · 14 answers · asked by ... 2 in Politics & Government Politics

Okay, let me go on a bit more. I can never stay in the character limit!

I do NOT believe in using abortion as a birth control, ever. There are so many people out there who are willing to adopt children so I think this is selfish. But what about these cicrumstances? I'm not saying people aren't willing to adopt a baby with severe medical needs, but are there really that many people? See what I believe in (again, just ME. Not saying everyone has to!) is that everything happens for a reason. If I get pregnant, I am meant to have that baby, even if it has severe medical problems. Like I said, I do not know for sure because I have never (fortunately) had to deal with those situations. And I also KNOW that not everyone thinks the same way that I do!

2006-10-24 12:10:45 · update #1

It may be irrelevant, but THAT'S NOT THE QUESTION. It IS relevant to the question, and that is what I'm asking. I would have asked if our thoughts mattered if I wanted that answer..

2006-10-24 12:11:45 · update #2

I also wanted to bring up the father thing, in a normal pregnancy. Now by normal I mean two people who are not related who both chose to have sex. The pregnant women is healthy and so is the pregnancy. The father should have a say in things too. One of my best friends (a guy.) and his girlfriend (now ex.) had unprotected sex and she got pregnant. She wanted an abortion because she did not want the baby. He really did. Fortunately she was willing to go through with being pregnant for 9 months and he is now raising the baby, who is now 9 months old. I know this is rare that things turn out that way, but also very lucky..

In my opinion, if the baby is able to live out of the womb then it is murder. I agree with which ever person replied saying that! At what point is an abortion illegal?

2006-10-24 12:33:23 · update #3

It IS luck that I never went through some of those things! It is not always a CHOICE. Do you think people who are molested by their fathers CHOSE that?! No! I'm sorry but I AM lucky that I never had to go through with that! Drugs, that is one of the times that it IS a choice, and same with practicing safe sex. I did choose not to do drugs, and still do, and I also choose to have safe sex.

I agree with whoever says that the situations I stated are abused. Especially with rape. Unfortunately for the people who are actually raped, people who weren't raped would say they were if it would get them an abortion.

I wouldn't get one myself because of what I stated above, sorry I don't have much room. But I also do know that not everyone agrees with me at all..

2006-10-24 12:38:08 · update #4

14 answers

My personal opinion:
1) Every abortion is a tragedy.
2) Sometimes it is the lesser tragedy.
3) I don't know exactly where to draw the line.
4) The US Supreme Court violated separation of powers in Roe vs Wade by legislating rather than interpreting the law.
5) According to the 10th amendment, since the regulation of abortion (or the regulation of medical practive for that matter) is not given to the federal govt. it should fall to the states.
6) If the fetus has a chance to survive outside the womb, abortion is murder.

2006-10-24 12:22:13 · answer #1 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 18 1

I think that abortion is never the way to go but I do have some exceptions..IF a drug addict becomes pregnant and continues to abuse drugs then she should have an abortion. We would all hope this type of woman would change her lifestyle and become a good mother but that will most likely not happen so its better if she aborts, just to prevent the child from having a terrible life.
Incest, I would probably give my child up for adoption in this case....
I have three children and each time I thought about having a child with major defects. I decided that I would have an abortion if my child was severely brain damaged.

I am so against abortion.... I believe that a woman should be responsible enough to prevent pregnancy. It is so simple.... IF a woman is responsible enough to have sex, then she should be responsible enough to not have an abortion. Now if a woman is raped, the best thing to do would be to give up the child for adoption if she doesn't want it. I would be more understanding of having an abortion in this situation ...but it still doesn't make it right. Who are we to take the innocent lives of those babies??

2006-10-24 19:22:54 · answer #2 · answered by Queen Momma 2 · 0 2

Let me give you the response from a "Bible Thumper":
While the Constitution guarantees the right to life and liberty to every person, the Supereme Court decreed that an unborn child is not a person, and in 1973 abortion was legalized. Since then, there have been millions upon millions of abortions and it is now the most frequently performed "operation" in the U.S. Just because something is legal, does that make it moral? While the Supreme Court doesn't see an unborn baby as a person, does God?
-"For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb" (Psalm 139:13).
-"And now says the Lord, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, to bring Jacob back to Him" (Isaiah 49:5).
-"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5).
-"For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and he will drink no wine or liquor; and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, while yet in his mother's womb" (Luke 1:15).
-"But when He who had set me apart, even from my mother's womb, and called me through His grace" (Galatians 1:15).
The Bible makes it clear that an unborn baby is a person who is known by God. Besides the emotional, phychological, and physical complications that are so often connected with abortion, in the eyes of God, it is the murder of an innocent human being. The truth is, at conception, that single celled person we like to call an "embryo" contains his or her full complement of DNA (everything the full grown adult will be).
I have to agree with the bumper sticker I saw not too long ago: "As a former fetus, I oppose abortion." What if the mother of Noah, Abraham, or Moses would have had an abortion? What if the mother of Jesus would have had an abortion?
God is definitely pro-life... are you?

2006-10-25 18:42:29 · answer #3 · answered by Questioner 7 · 0 0

Touchy subject.
I feel that abortion should be used in some cases. Rape is the biggest one, followed by what you just said, or any other medical conditions that may kill the mother or the child, or both.
But the next one is simple. You get an abortion because you were young and you just made a mistake. And people do make mistakes. That's how we learn to live, and that's how we become wise about decisions for the future. It is only in the face of true horror that we can find our nobler selves.
Still, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

2006-10-24 19:31:54 · answer #4 · answered by High-strung Guitarist 7 · 0 0

"Jill with Christ" said it right! You may not like it but it's true. You also said it yourself when you said "I know that I would personally NEVER get an abortion". Think about that and ask yourself exactly why that is.....think about it. Killing Innocent children doesn't solve anything. Just because a child is a product of rape or incest doesn't make THEM a bad person. Just because a woman doesn't want a child doesn't mean no one does. If a baby is born severely brain damaged for any reason we don't kill it no matter what the reason. Just remember a human life begins at conception and the taking of that human life is murder. Don't make this an issue of not liking pro life,Conservative, Christians just use your common sense.

2006-10-24 19:29:04 · answer #5 · answered by Barry DaLive 5 · 0 1

I put it this way, Abortion is a damn pizz poor way for birth control. However it is none of my business. Unless the other half of the baby. I do not think that the federal government ought to be in it at all, it is a moral issue and the government should never attempt to legislate morality, when they have tried it has failed. Prohibition. is a good example of that. If legislated at all it should be done on a individual state by state decision. In other words left to a vote of the people.

Edit: Question for you shouldn't the father of the baby have some sort of say in this matter. I realize that there would be abuses from this, but the baby is half his blood.

2006-10-24 19:20:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I consider myself rabidly pro-LIFE. I also believe in the woman's choice of abstinence or birth control.

When it comes to the exceptions, I think they are abused by the far left to sway people in the middle, exactly like yourself: Well meaning women who would never have an abortion themselves.

I believe it is wrong to make public policy based on the rare exceptions. Unfortunately, we live in a society where too many people get their ideas of right and wrong based on what is "legal."

The drug addicted mother you described in your example is the least likely to get an abortion, btw, as she would more likely see the baby as an additional source of income.

Harsh, yes. I am a criminal defense attorney, and I know some things about drug addicts.

I believe proper public policy would be to make abortion illegal and carve out some exceptions...

2006-10-24 19:26:02 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Sounds like a debate to me!

The decision to have a child should be the person having it, and if she has it and is unfit, then the child should be removed!

I don't want to demand a person terminate a pregnancy, nor would I like to say any one should be forced to have one, especially in the case of incest!

I spent 17 years investigating child abuse, and I would want no person demanding a child be forced to carry to term a child who was a product of incest, and one in which no one can give you the prognosis on one that will effect a child genetically, and usually in later years!!

I tried filing a petition against a mother who was addicted to drugs and pregnant so we could get her into treatment! The petition was thrown out as a fetus is not a child! Nor is it recognized as one!

I think before we start mandating that people have children who do not want them, we need to look at intervening in the poor care of children by their parents: the verbal and physical abuse, the neglect, and people who just are unable to parent. People used to hate it when I knocked on their door and would ask what right did I have in intervening as it was THEIR child!

If you believe the state has no right to intervene in cases of child abuse, or their care, how can you then turn around and say that the state has a right in mandating that someone have one? That doesn't seem to be very consistant thinking.

Until kids have some rights, no individual should be mandating anything! Or even proposing to madate it! And don't tell me kids have rights! I know what the laws say, and the only right a kid has is a negative one! In otherwords, you have to fail in meeting some standard of care, and even then the states always leave an out for themselves! Most of you who want to demand a child be born, don't believe that the state has a right to intervene in medical care, or lack there-of, like praying and letting your child die!

If a child is starving to death, and it is due to financial means, the state cannot intervene! See, they don't want to pay for it!

You don't want people using abortion as birth control, but you want to keep condoms out of the schools and you don't want to make them available! That is a very self serving statement!

Viability! Do you mean capable of surviving if millions are spent on the care of the fetus, and then their chances are not even close to 50/50, or do you mean survive with no intervention to maintain it with extraordinary means, and then have a poor shot!!

You going to pick up the tab? See, that is where the rubber meets the road! It is very easy to tell someone THEY have the responsibility to have it, but you in turn accept none for forcing them to do it!! Very Christian like!

Ruth, the anti abortion movement gave themselves a new term, pro-life! You aren't pro-life! You are anti abortion! If you were all pro-life we wouldn't be having kids dying in Iraq, nor would their be executions! You aren't pro-lafe at all!! And that is meant in a general sense for people with your views! I don't know what you believe about the so called war or executions, but generally those with your views are pro-war and for execution!

2006-10-24 19:24:19 · answer #8 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 1

Your question should make it clear that the only person qualified to make a decision about whether or not to have an abortion is the woman/girl that has this blastocyst/fetus inside of her. No group of men anywhere, least of all the immoral Rethuglicans, should be telling her what to do.

2006-10-24 19:14:30 · answer #9 · answered by Cerulean 3 · 3 3

Most pro-lifers give exceptions to abortions like you have stated before. Arbortion should never be used for lack of repsonsiblity.

2006-10-24 19:10:52 · answer #10 · answered by Squawkers 4 · 3 3

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