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10 answers

You start stage one baby food between 4 and 6 months depending on when your doctor says. First you give them rice cereal for a week and then you start stage one (peas, carrots, bananas, etc.). Make sure you only try them on one thing at a time with about a week in between new things. I suggest veggies before fruit because if you start with fruit some will reject veggies.
Stage 2 starts at like 6 months. It has more blends so its for the kids who want new things.
Stage three has chunks so start that when your kids are wanting to start chewing. Look at the side of the Gerber jars for more information.

2006-10-24 12:00:28 · answer #1 · answered by mamegirl1 2 · 0 0

My son is 8 1/2 months old. He started cereal at around 5 months, stage 1 foods about 2 weeks after that, and stage 2 foods yesterday.

Basically moved to stage 2 when he would finish the whole jar of stage 1 and be looking for more.

2006-10-24 14:16:48 · answer #2 · answered by sdc_99 5 · 0 0

I think he is ready for stage 2. My son started eating stage 1 at 3 months and I started giving him stage 2 just after 3 weeks of taking stage 1. It is not much of a difference, but make sure you try one kind of food at a time and let at least 3 days pass by before trying a new kind to make sure he's not allergic to certain types of food.

2016-05-22 11:26:50 · answer #3 · answered by Tamisha 4 · 0 0

Me and my friend both had boys, 3 months apart. Her son was a big eater from the beginning so she was giving him stage 1 foods at like 3 months and stage 2 foods at like 6 months. He was on all table foods by like 10 months. My son however was smaller and breastfed only until he was 4 months. At 5 months he was on stage 1, 7 months stage 2, 9 months stage 3 and now at 11 months he refuses to let me feed him so he is now eating table foods. Love those independant streaks!!!

2006-10-24 12:03:34 · answer #4 · answered by htmama 2 · 0 0

My son began baby food sooner than most pediatrician's recommend, but his was a special case. He was not gaining weight properly, and had problems, first with nursing, and then with drinking from a bottle. He just couldn't get the hang of either, oddly enough, but he rarely spilled a single bite of baby food. We started with plain rice cereal around 2 1/2 months, and stage one baby food around 3 months. Stage twos started at about 5 months, and he never cared for stage threes, as we had already moved him to table food, by then.

However, the recommended system for beginning these foods is to start with plain rice cereal around 4 months of age, and then, if your child has no problems, to move to stage one foods. Stage Two is normally meant to begin around 6 months, and Stage Three at about 8 months. However, if your child has no problems chewing, and can easily consume such foods, table food can be started, under the supervision and with the approval of your pediatrician, around 6 months. It's much cheaper and much more diverse than baby food!

2006-10-24 12:00:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It really depends on the child.I started my first child on rice cereal and stae one fruits and vegies when he was about 3monhs because he was very hungry and was drinking more milk than usual at that age.My daughter was about 4 or 5months.It depends on what the child can chew as far as going to stage 2 and 3.Starting foods too early can bring on allerghies so its always best to ask a dr and to start on rice cereal first and then wait a week b4 adding a different food to see if allergies arise

2006-10-24 11:57:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1st kid - Stage 1 was 3 months
2nd kid- Stage 1 was 5 months

1st kid - Stage 2 was 5 months
2nd kid - Stage 2 was 6 months

1st kid - Stage 3 was 7 months
2nd kid - currently only 7 months (still on stage 2)

It varies with how much they are eating, how many teeth they have, how well they can chomp with their gums and what your doctor says.

2006-10-24 11:57:13 · answer #7 · answered by becbec 3 · 0 0

Please do not feed your baby until at least 6 months old!! Their digestive system that is mature enough to handle solids. American and Canadian Pediatric Society recommend that you only feed them breastmilk and/or formula until then. You are putting them at higher risk of allergies when you start them on food too early.
And you don’t need to give them water or juice or anything else until they are one years old. And they recommend giving WATER before Juice and juice should be watered down.

Remember you have to feed this kid for the rest of your life…..so what’s the rush?

Here’s what to feed your child:

Age: Birth to 4 months------------
Feeding behavior
• Rooting reflex helps your baby turn toward a nipple to find nourishment
What to feed
• Breast milk or formula ONLY •
Your baby's digestive tract is still developing, which is why solid food is off limits for now.

From 4-6 months------------
Signs of readiness for solid food
Your baby probably won't do all these things — they're just clues to watch for.
• Can hold head up
• Sits well in highchair
• Makes chewing motions
• Shows significant weight gain (birth weight has doubled)
• Shows interest in food
• Can close mouth around a spoon
• Can move food from front to back of mouth
• Can move tongue back and forth, but is losing tendency to push food out with tongue
• Seems hungry after 8 to 10 feedings of breast milk or 40 oz. of formula in a day
• Is teething
What to feed
• Breast milk or formula, PLUS
• Semi-liquid iron-fortified rice cereal, THEN
• Other grain cereals like oats or barley

And foods to avoid for your baby

2006-10-25 03:18:11 · answer #8 · answered by Joogie 3 · 1 1

I didn't go by "stages" I gave cereal and pureed fruits and vegetables we had at home in the blender. I knew what was and was NOT going into her foods and it was much easier introducing table foods as she got older.

2006-10-24 18:26:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

im pretty forsure 12 months i myself didnt wait i started feeding my little girl some foods when she was around 6 months she turned out healthy but they do say not to start introducing them to anything other than formula before they are 1 yr old buy you a baby magazine or book and it should help

2006-10-24 11:59:04 · answer #10 · answered by wlkns_shly 1 · 0 0

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