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It's all propaganda with them, evertime Bush, Rumsfeld, and other White House staff comes on it's always about "terrorism". They say that 'we need to protect our people'. But are they really "protecting" us by going and invading another country and killing their civilians? Also, from the standpoint of Iraqi's, aren't they being invaded? We are told that the U.S. is defending Iraq? But aren't they "attacking" Iraq?

2006-10-24 10:27:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

It's all propaganda with them, evertime Bush, Rumsfeld, and other White House staff comes on it's always about "terrorism". They say that 'we need to protect our people'. But are they really "protecting" us by going and invading another country and killing their civilians? From the standpoint of Iraqi's, aren't they being invaded? We are told that the U.S. is defending Iraq? But aren't they "attacking" Iraq? And lastly...who asked for this war? Also, why did we leave Afganistan and go to Iraq? Was it to help them with Hussein? Did they ask us our so called "help"? Or did we just decide, without the support of the UN, that it might be a good idea?

2006-10-24 10:40:52 · update #1

So, an eye for an eye then? As Ghandi said, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"

2006-10-24 10:59:18 · update #2

I'm not saying that 9/11 and what Al Quaida did was good, that was horrible and I'm glad that hasn't happened since, is it because of Bush? I doubt it....but what I'm trying to ask is WHY did we invade a country that at first we had no proof of WMD's or Al Quaida being there..now...there are innocent victims on both sides, innocent American soldiers are dying for absolutely NO cause, and suprisingly, innocent Iraqi's are also dying for what they didn't do. How would you feel if someone invaded us for the attrocities that we supported in South America in the 60's, 70's and 80's?

2006-10-24 11:04:14 · update #3

14 answers

You are so misinformed it's not even funny.
The US has been under attack from terrorists since 1979.
WE are not killing civilians in Iraq on purpose. The INSURGENTS, who are NOT Iraqi, ARE.
MOST Iraqis are grateful for what we're doing there.

2006-10-24 10:30:54 · answer #1 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 4 3

I had a very Calm answer to this then I read some of the answers to this question and my Blood begun to boil, so on my soap box I go,

Ive seen death, and I also did not feel the party mood on 9/11, if you did not get sick by what you have seen your, just not all there, but, and its a big but, You need to get the person or persons that did this, We went after the Taliban, but they did not do it then we went after Iraq, Iraq did not do it.. I think that we are all a little confused on what is what anymore. And for that I thank Bush and his party.. And to rebut another answer that was given, I guess all TV news is Right Wing, all of then, other then let me guess FOX News.. My Dad always told me think with your HEAD not your heart... I think we did a little heart thinking, and the president did a little helliberton thinking.. Money is King, Even over the lives of our kids..

2006-10-24 19:12:07 · answer #2 · answered by IOU101 3 · 0 1

I feel terrorized by the Terrorists. We are not attacking Iraq. Iraq is being attacked by extremists and insurgents that have invaded her borders through Syria. I am sorry that a war has been required in an attempt to better the world, but since it has I am glad it is being fought in another area of the world. This does not mean that I am glad their is a war in Iraq. I am not. The US is attempting to defend a fledgling democratic government in Iraq. You do remember the Iraqi elections, right? Do you remember seeing the excitement and joy the people voting expressed? That is what is being defended.

2006-10-24 17:34:57 · answer #3 · answered by Answergirl 5 · 2 3

You're right, it's all about propaganda. Playing the terrorism card unfortunately seems to be working very well; it gets votes. As long as our administration uses their "orange alert" they will be getting votes from the fearful and the undereducated segments of our society. Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism and the invasion was just a macho thing being played out by some very "unmacho" leaders, who have only succeeded in making this world a much more dangerous place.

2006-10-24 17:46:23 · answer #4 · answered by looking4ziza 3 · 1 1

I don't feel terrorized here in good ole Kansas. But I do know that the world isn't nearly as safe as it used to be. Although I disagree with the war, I do respect what G.W. is doing.... He thinks by invading this counrty he is protecting the US and its citizens. I think that we are invading the wrong country and we are killing the wrong people, but, hey, he's doing what he thinks is right.

2006-10-24 17:39:06 · answer #5 · answered by Summer 5 · 1 2

YOu are 100% correct. I just read an editorial by Former mayor Koch of NYC, in which he defended the war and said we were keeping "the tens of millions of terrorists away from America".. Yeah, like if there were tens of millions of terrorists, they would have long ago overrun our military, crushed Israel and siezed enough ships and planes to attack us directly. Sad to believe this guy once was mayor of NYC!!!

2006-10-24 18:12:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

yes, i do feel terrorized, but it is not by the supposed terrorist, but the republicans themselves. i feel this, because look at what Bush has done to us. he has put us to war with Iraq, and now their saying we might go to war with N. Korea if we don't leave them alone, but Bush says that we need to tell them what to do. i feel that our president is the terrorist, because all he is doing is getting us in trouble with other countries and causing us to become very disliked. i support the war on terrorism, but i think that it is in our country and not in Iraq.

2006-10-24 17:49:16 · answer #7 · answered by Suicide 1 · 1 1

Well President is Commander-in-chief as well as President of United States of America..whatever the directive he gave to his peoples- they will have to follow it.Protecting the peoples of United States of America is a responsibility of a ruling president.Let him take the decision what action he likes to protect the peoples of country.His aim is to weed out the terrorist roots,who give them shelter..for that country he can put a Lot of regulations through UNO,we all must understand we are the " super power" nation.Don't let her down.We have sympathy for Iraqi peoples and whatever possible as a humanitarian aid,we do it.I don't feel like " Terrorized".It's a limit we put on our Mind.

2006-10-24 17:38:48 · answer #8 · answered by precede2005 5 · 1 3

Its not often I see one of these and get angry but congrats you pushed the hot button. I am a nine eleven survivor who lived in manhattan and brother you couldnt be more off base if you left the ballpark.
when you see people jumping out of buildings to their death as I did thats not the mean spirited republican thing its real its live and its on your doorstep...perhaps your too young to understand horrors like pearl harbor or viet nam but let me tell you why im glad were in iraq.
about a week after the bombing i was on fourteenth and canal in nyc and looking a the foot of ash and cinder over everything. people would slowly climb to look at the stand over the wtc site cry and return. the nyc philharmonic played in the middle of the mess. although i was never at auschwitz i couldve easily seen myself there in this situation....again, this wasnt some hillary clinton dreamed up tree hugging fantasy, it was real very very real and very ugly.
unfortunately we dont make the rules in this conflict, al qaeda does. they decided to come to iraq after they came to ny. they also decided to come to afghanistan. we can either engage them there or here...its just that simple.
i get a chuckle every time i read the ignorance of someone brought up on xbox and electronic technology who doesnt understand war. id love to have the peace and contentment of the fifties, the reality check is it isnt here.
its easy to point fingers..we can blame bush or rumsfeld or whoever. thanks in part to the liberal biased media i can feel confident in telling you that you will never have all the information you need to speak from a position of authority on what your topic is....i do i was there. and until you smell death in your eyes and hair and throat...my comment to you is how dare you think you know about this...you dont.
when i was in nyc i thought thank god we didnt have that idiot al gore in office...at least we had someone who, right or wrong, had the strength of conviction to attempt to do something about it.. he didnt have to take a public opinion poll like clinton and he didnt have to lie to a federal grand jury under oath to get his point across.
so it didnt come out the way you wanted it...GET OVER IT...we havent had an attack since 2001 on us soil doesnt that mean anything to you? its one thing to be a critic...but its quite another to be an uninformed one and until your a survivor of that type of holocaust, im sorry but i outrank you on this one.

2006-10-24 17:52:31 · answer #9 · answered by koalatcomics 7 · 1 2


2006-10-24 17:42:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I do not feel threatened because of President Bush. He is taking it very seriously, so I don't have to.

2006-10-24 17:48:27 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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