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My baby was born 8 weeks premature and is getting breastmilk still but he has to have 2 bottles a day of formula for the extra calories. Plus he gets an iron supplement which I'm sure is causing his constipation.

He has not had a bowel movement on his own for over 3 weeks. I have had to give him a supposetory every 3 days so he'll go. The doctor says it's normal for a baby to not go everyday...but every 3 days, come on. Today is the 4th day of trying Karo syrup but still hasn't gone. How long and how often do I need to give him Karo before he will go? Any suggestions or other ideas would help...

2006-10-24 09:00:09 · 29 answers · asked by kerri_lynn01 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

He is 10 weeks old now

2006-10-24 09:37:35 · update #1

29 answers

My doctor told me to give my son juice when he was that young and constipated... But he wasnt premature so I would ask the doctor before giving it to him. Also I would massage his tummy starting above the bellybutton working downward. He likes that and I think it works... It IS normal to go a few days but I would keep trying and talk to your doctor...

2006-10-24 10:19:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since the baby is a preemie (and from some of the answers it's obvious a number of posters missed that point) the baby's bowels might not be fully developed and every three days could be quite normal for your baby. If you're in doubt contact your doctor, stick with the karo syrup, it's not going to work overnight you have to give it time. You might ask the doctor about brown sugar as well, sometimes that can help. Giving meds without a doctor instructing you is asking for trouble especially with a preemie (take the hint all of you who missed the fact that this was a preemie). Anytime you have questions you should be able to at least call your doctor's nurse, there may also be a "nurse's line" you can call when you have questions call your doctor and ask if there is one available in your community, you might also check with the social services in your area. For your baby's health as well as your peace of mind it would be better for you to ask someone who has an education and expierence in what you are dealing with rather than strangers on a message board.

2006-10-25 02:13:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that I would get a second opinion from a different doctor. With my son(who was full term) I try to get him to poop at least every other day. One other thing you could try is to lighten the formula a little bit just for 1 bottle, but let your doctor know first. My doctor also said that baby's not having a bowel movement for 3 or 4 days is normal, but I don't believe them. That just can't be good for your baby or anyone.

2006-10-24 19:13:49 · answer #3 · answered by Rosey55 D 5 · 0 0

I am a NICU nurse, I'm sure your son was transferred there after birth. All babies have different bowel schedules. If it is your son's normal routine to not go for that long, than this is probably just him. It's true that Dr.s don't usually become concerned until after the three day mark, but the fact that he hasn't been able to go on his own for 3 weeks is a little bothersome. Check his tummy to see if it feels distended and firm, if so you should definitely take him back to the Dr. to make sure there is not an obstruction or something. Otherwise try letting him go 3-4 days without a suppository, and see if he can go on his own, you don't want his bowls dependant on laxatives. Depending on his age you could try colace(stool softener) added to his bottle. Talk to your pharmacist.If he is unable to go on his own, you could try putting a little pressure on his rectum with a soft cloth, sometimes the pressure helps them to contract the mussels and go. If he is very irritable and distended, definitely go to your Dr. Iron is constipating but is essential for babies to have, he is probably on Ferrous sulfate drops or something, so maybe you could get a formula without Iron if he is having the Iron supps.

2006-10-24 16:39:12 · answer #4 · answered by NICU nurse 1 · 2 0

first of stop the karo syrup, it can cause botulism, my grandmother used to give my daughter this and my doctor immediately said to stop
botulism can cause death in a child under 2
its similar to honey and kids under 2 should not have it for any reason
also since he is only 10 weeks no juice not healthy for a baby that young
it is very normal for a baby not to go even up to a week sometimes but if you are worried my doctor always said 2 ounces of water helps move things along
but seriously dont give him anymore karo its very dangerous if you dont believe me contact a doctor

2006-10-24 16:49:55 · answer #5 · answered by gdns03 2 · 0 0

First of all I felt that the doctor should have checked to see if his system is twisted. (The baby bowel system that is) Also you may have to try a different formula because it may be to much iron. It's to harsh for his stomach so maybe trying a different formula one with a lower dose of iron since he is on an iron supplement.

I would also get a second opinion before he gets very backed up.

2006-10-24 16:11:48 · answer #6 · answered by Kandieapples 2 · 1 0

my daughter had the same problem. my mother in law told me to put a drop of the Karo, a light cooking syrup, in the formula or bottle and that should help. if not try mancania. it's good for them to help flush they're system out.

2006-10-24 16:57:50 · answer #7 · answered by ShyGirl_87 1 · 0 0

How old is your baby? After 6 weeks, if they are primarily on breastmilk, they can go a week without pooping. My daughter went for 3-4 days sometimes without pooping. Are you sure the baby is constipated? There is an infant massage you can do to help with constipation. It has to be done correctly, but it does work.

First, with your baby lying down facing you, rub his belly in a clockwise motion. Do this for about 10 times. Then gently bend your baby's legs and bring his knees to his belly. This will help loosen any trapped gas. Repeat the rubbing and bending about 4-5 times.

Then take your index and middle fingers and gently press just below his ribcage on the right side and move your fingers down to the top of his leg.

Then take your fingers and place them on the left side, just below his ribcage and move them across to the right side and then down to the top of his right leg. You will be making a line like a 7.

Then take your fingers and start at the top of his left leg, move it up to just below his rib cage and then over to the right side, and then back down to the top of his right leg. You will be making an upside down u.

You can repeat this about 5 times. You are following the path of his large intestines. These movements are done to help move the stool along. By doing them in the right order, you won't cause one area to get blocked up.

2006-10-24 16:26:41 · answer #8 · answered by Melissa B 5 · 0 0

I'm sure it's the iron supplement, I had to give my new born apple-prune juice by Gerber, even one oz. helped, if not go to plain Gerber prune juice. As long as he is not fussy, I wouldn't worry too much. My daughter only went ever 3-4 days, then after a while it was more regular. If he does start to get fussy like he has an upset stomach, I would take him to his Dr. or get another opinion.

2006-10-24 16:17:46 · answer #9 · answered by purpledragonflyjrh 4 · 1 0

Your doctor is right: It is normal.

In fact, it is normal for them to go up to 7-9 days, sometimes.

Constipation in an infant is defined as hard, round, pellet-like stools. I'm betting your son is not passing those.

Just relax. 10 days is the time to start worrying & trying suppositories -- not 3. Really, he'll be OK.

If you start relying on the suppositories now, he may just come to assume this is the way it is done, and NOT have a BM on his own... waiting for the suppository.

Please, just nurse him as much as you can (breastmilk is a laxative) and understand that if he doesn't go, it's simply because his body is using it all -- there is no left-over to make poop.

2006-10-24 16:05:10 · answer #10 · answered by Katherine Blackthorne 5 · 2 1

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