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For the last 5 months (since I started charting CM and CP), my periods have been very regular. Exactly 29 Days. Well this past cycle was weird. I was due to start my period on October 4th (my b-day, how funny). On October 3rd, I woke up in the morning, I saw spotting when I wiped. I though that maybe I was preggers, since I had a little bit of cramps and nipple tenderness. It went on like that for 2 more days until Friday the 6th I started full on bleeding. How Sad. Anyways, I'm trying to track my cycle to see when I ovulate, but I'm confused. Always 29 days and all of a sudden 31. When did I ovulate. I figured if going 29 days I ovulated on Saturday, but 31 days I ovulated yesterday. I had sex with my husband on Thurday of last week, Sunday, & yesterday. I'm SOOO CONFUSED. What Are My Chances??? Can I just use 30 days as my cycle for now?

2006-10-24 08:29:05 · 7 answers · asked by Allycea's Mommy 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

7 answers

Are you charting your basal body temp as well? You can't use data from past cycles to predict ovulation during the current one so it doesn't really matter if your last cycle was unusual. If you're charting your BBT, it doesn't matter how long your cycles are, you'll see the rise in BBT that indicates ovulation when it's actually happening.

2006-10-24 09:59:04 · answer #1 · answered by mockingbird 7 · 0 0

Everyone's cycle is different. There is a myth that woman ovulate 14 days after their period begins...but that is only an AVERAGE and each month can be different. The other thing is that sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days.... The only way to know is to know exactly when you ovulate. There are several ways to know and some are more effective than others. Some can only predict before ovulation happens and some can only predict that is has already happened. The absolute best info I can give you is to go read a book called Taking Charge of your fertility by Toni Weschler. It will help you understand your body and all the myths about it. It will help you time when you are ovulating and the best times to conceive – or not! . It's about knowing your body and knowing when you are fertile or not. My husband and I tried for 1 year and had no luck..… We tried ovulation predictors , laying with pillows under me for 20 min. everything……the first month that I began using the book I realized that my timing was WRONG!. We got pregnant that very first month and I am now due Feb 2, 2007. You can pick and choose what you do with your info. Good luck and don't listen the all the myths! Even if you don't get into charting and everything....it will help you in so many ways!

2006-10-24 08:30:35 · answer #2 · answered by jachooz 6 · 0 1

I found that the length of my cycle changed once I started TTC - stress I guess. It went from a very regular 28 days to anywhere from 24-29 days. I would suggest you track your basal body temperature (www.fertilityfriend.com, they have a great charting website), and perhaps try an ovulation predictor kit (you can get them in the drugstore). My doctor also told me that the 'myth' about most women ovulating around day 14 of their cycle is just that, a myth. He said that due to stress, some women ovulate on day 7 AND day 21!!! He also said that sex with your partner every other day once your period ends is a good way to end up pregnant!

2006-10-24 08:37:32 · answer #3 · answered by thighmaster22 2 · 1 0

That bleeding could have been an early miscarriage or the embryo emplanting into your uterus. I know, both extremes. Wait it out and see. I think I may have ovulated a few days after my last period because my pregnancy seems to be 1 week or 2 ahead of schedule so....
just relax and have sex sometime in the middle. If it's meant to happen it'll happen. hey, it could have already. maybe you'll miss your next period. you can to ahead and take a test to see if you are now.

2006-10-24 09:00:48 · answer #4 · answered by april_hwth 4 · 0 0

calculation for ovulation if u have cycle of 28 days the ovulation will be on 28-14= 14th day if u have cycle of 30 days the ovulation will be on 30-14= sixteenth day if u have cycle of twenty-2 days the ovulation will be on 22-14= eighth day if u elect to conceive persist with this ur fertile days r 10th to 15th day husband might want to no longer have sex or loose sperms as a lot as twelfth day from initiate of ur era from twelfth day to sixteenth days have sex assorted cases after this bypass as u do often u would have being pregnant easily

2016-10-16 06:15:25 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


So exactly what would you like us yahoo answers to do? Keep up with your ovulation for you? I can do that! Hell I stopped ovulating years ago! But I still have all of my organs!

2006-10-24 08:32:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

were you being stressed out that month? stress will cause you to be late even excitment will make your period late.

I would go to http://www.mymonthlycycles.com and put in my latest period info and it will calculate when you will be fertile and ovulating. It is a free/helpful site.

Go to http://www.justmommies.com for tips on conceiving

Good luck

2006-10-24 09:11:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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