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2006-10-24 08:20:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Men's Health

8 answers

Yes. Masturbation.

2006-10-24 08:33:59 · answer #1 · answered by Mutt 7 · 1 0

Yes. It's called masturbation, or you could go out and buy some batteries.

2006-10-24 16:42:39 · answer #2 · answered by stargazer 5 · 1 0


2006-10-25 01:57:28 · answer #3 · answered by aqruipnos888 4 · 0 0

marry your right hand.

2006-10-24 20:14:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do it to yourself.

2006-10-24 15:34:54 · answer #5 · answered by normy in garden city 6 · 0 0


2006-10-24 16:14:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

masturbation and oral

2006-10-24 15:48:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Masturbatio and abstinance until marriage and monogamy after marriage to a person who is not infected with it.

This is a hard question to answer well.

The Internet has made it possible to ask this sort of question in an anonymous way. And some people give you a quick answer. They think they are right but they are not. What they tell you they assume is right because many popular books on the subject say that there is nothing wrong with masturbating.

I will give you an answer form a conservative point of view and hope that it has some meaning to you.

I have read and studied many pieces of literature on this subject and in an anonymous way I have had back and forth discussions on this subject over the Internet with persons all over the world. Of course they are limited to persons able to have access to the Internet.

Can you tell your self or me why you masturbate so much? I am serious. Can you say why you do it as often as you do?
You are welcomed to email me your answer if you want to have a mature discussion about this.

Physically things happen each time you have an ejaculation. A certain amount of seminal fluid goes out of your body. That has an effect on you and it is affected by your diet and other things you do. American males and many westerners insist on the idea that everyone masturbates and do so is normal. They suggest it is not normal if some one does not masturbate and they are wrong.

I would like to ask you some questions and you are welcomed to email me with the answers if you feel comfortable doing that. Many others have over the past years and by getting many answers to these questions from many different persons I have been able to get a lot of ideas and info from some that help me answer the questions of others.

This is a very hard subject to talk about openly and freely with other persons. I do not know you and I do not want to know you that would be very unprofessional. However I want to try to get your confidence. If you are comfortable sharing it.

You say other guys said this that and the other. Well if you know them you do not really know if they are giving you their opinion and experience or what they want you to hear as their opinion and experience and well to be quite honest very few persons are quite honest about it. Sex is a very personal thing. And most persons approach it in similar but different ways. And the experiences out there run the full gamut.

The first question I have is why don’t you ask your father these questions?

The second is when you masturbate what are the thoughts you have. Are they always very similar or are they sometimes different. Who or what do you dream about while you are in the midst of the activity?

DO you have acne? How much? Lots? Little? Has it just started or have you had it for a while or do you have none or just a very little. Then where do you live? I don’t want to know where you live exactly but I mean what country are you in. Some persons asking questions like this are in foreign countries. I ask where you live because I want to know what sort of a diet you have.

Are you a only child? I assume you are a guy. You are a guy aren’t you?

How did you learn about masturbation? It used to be that persons often ,learned about it form another person, an older brother or cousin or close friend but now there are some who say they sort of picked it up from stuff they saw or heard on the Internet. I ask how you got into it to see what your initial introduction was. You say you hump your bed and do not use your hand very much. So that is interesting because I guess we think most person do this with their hands.

Are you circumcised or uncircumcised? I get an idea that if you “hump your bed” you are uncircumcised. Does the skin on your penis get tender from being rubbed too much? If it does you might want to find good safe lubricant.

There are two things that happen. One thing is that we get to a certain stage in puberty where those who have gotten into masturbating get to a place where hormones are running through their body. And when hormones run through your body especially if you are healthy you will find your self thinking about and desiring to have an orgasm and also enjoying the state you are in before the orgasm where there is sort of an escape form reality and your feeling pretty good. Your mind sort of goes into another state of mind It is very comforting.

Now I have another personal question. Why are you asking about it? I can get some idea form what you said. Why are you asking about it. You do not sound like a kid who is trying to be funny or just asking to see what someone will say. You must have some motivation. Are you worried or concerned about how much time you spend doing it? DO you spend a lot of time doing it? I mean can you run for more than a few minutes before you shoot? Or is it 3 or 4 quick experiences.

Are you a lonely person and is masturbation a way you pas the time away? OR do you go through a struggle wanting to do it and then thinking you aught not and then struggling over the two ideas. I can tell you that if you do you will find yourself doing it in the end of that struggle more times than not.

I am not asking you these deep probing questions to be smart but I am trying to give you some space to think about these ideas.

Do I masturbate too often?

I am a 15-year-old guy and I do it about 2-3 times a day 5-7 times a week. Is this too much?
Because, I read that too much masturbation can cause weak erection and other stuff I read on a health website.

Also, I masturbate by "humping" my bed because it's how I first did it when I was around 13 maybe, but I also have done it with my hand twice,

But it really tires my hand out so is there any other way to do this?

Because, out of the guys that I asked how they did it, they all use their hands.

Any suggestions/tips?

How far along puberty are you? Some guys grow up early some later. Today there are a lot of hormones in meats and poultry. The hormones are there to make the animal grow up faster. This often causes our youth to become sexually mature before they would have if these hormones were not in the food.

The reason it tires your hand I am supposing is that it is taking a long time for your body to replenish the semen (fluid) that comes out when you shoot. It is normal for that to happen when you masturbate so much.

You say you started around 13. Did you have a wet dream before the first time you masturbated. That used to be much more common amongst youngsters in the west ( US and Europe) these days there are a few more who say they learned about the idea that something else could come out of their penis other that pee and that if they fooled around with it a little that could cause it to happen.

Look the idea of being able to have sperm come out of you r penis while you are this age in our society is supposed to be about you learning to be a responsible human being. Things are happening in your brain. And in your body.

Please do a search on the net. Search U.S. News and World Reports, and search brain, teenagers, sleep and “U.S. News and World Reports” and see if you can find a great group of articles they reported on about five or eight years ago. They explain how you r brain grows at your age and it is really a worthwhile thing to understand. I wish every Western parent would read that before their child goes in to puberty because it could really solve a lot of problems that end up happening between parents and teens because the parents do not know about what these reports say. If the teen knows about it that is good to.

Why do we like to masturbate so much? We really do like to do it don’t we. Why do you think we do?

Do you believe in God? DO you believe there is a sentient being that is no human that created the creation?

That is why I ask you what you think about as you masturbate?

DO you have pornography? ( Pornography means a picture of a whore. ) porno prostitute graphy means drawing or picture. I hope you do not.

What do you want to do with yourself in life? DO you have plans for a career? What is your favorite thing to do (Other than to masturbate?) (That is meant as a slight humorous remark which I hope breaks the ice)

In our society we have sex all mixed up and it turns it form a wonderful thing that God created to bless us with into a dirty and evil thing that gets many persons all worked up through ignorance.

You are an important and valuable human being. God loves you and other human beings “love You” meaning care about you and want to see you grow up happy and to be successful and to have good self esteem.

You want that. You want to feel important and to have a purpose. Birds and lesser animals than humans want to have purpose. If you have a pet and you do not give it a job it will make a job for itself. That is why some dogs bark a lot. It sort of gives the purpose.

One way God has made to let us realize how much HE God loves us is through the pleasures and satisfying feelings that occur when we have semen come out of our bodies. It is just pleasant and desirable. Also are certain parts of the time we spend coming up to having ourselves ejaculate.

Since you were 13 have you masturbated 2 – 3 times a day every day or do you first do it and then not do it and then do it more and then less and then maybe go for a period of time when you stopped and then recently have you felt more interest or desire or drive to do it.
Who or what do you think about when you are rubbing your self and when you are having a climax. Many tell me they just think about how great it feels. Others say they focus on a person or other thoughts.

If you look at my other answers you will find a discussion about the need for zinc and how it is necessary for ejaculations and how the amount of zinc in you will determine a lot of how dry or wet your ejaculations are.

When you do it the third time in a day is your ejaculate (the amount of fluid that comes out) much less than the first times you do it in a day?

Do you wake up with an erection in the mornings? Do you understand why you wake up with a erection? If you want to know email me and I will tell you. It has to do with your body keeping you from peeing the bed.

What happens to you after you ***? Do you lie there and feel pleasant for a while or do you quickly get up and do some thing else?

I would like to suggest that you try something. Try stopping for a while. Two weeks or a month. See if you can stand it. After all you went for thirteen years without ever doing it didn’t you? Try for a month.

If you are masturbating because you have gotten a habit of doing it because it is an easy and convenient way to make yourself feel pretty good, then you should be able to not do it. Of course if it is a habit for you (which it sounds like) You may sort of have to boss yourself around and tell your self not to do it and that is not a bad thing to do.
If you are doing it now a lot because you are at that time in puberty where hormones are flooding your body then that is sort of a different situation.
Our bodies to sort of almost force us to become aware of the fact that we can make babies. Then the thing to do is to use the motivation to masturbate (which can be strong) as a motivation to work hard and prepare yourself to be able to be a good father and husband and provider and a wise and comforting and loving partner and parent. After all that is ultimately what sex is about. Your becoming and adult and being responsible. You do not want to be a rapist or some pervert and that takes a person not getting too far out of the norm. I advise against pornography because you will build up ideas that you can not satisfy as to who to do it with and who to desire as the person to satisfy you sexual urges.

I believe God created sex and made you able to do it. I believe God is trying to grow you up and help you to be the person He intends. I believe that He made a special wife fro you. She is alive and eventually if you do what is proper and right God will bring her and you together. What is proper and right is to think about your future and prepare yourself to be the best possible husband or mate to that person God made for you. ‘
Think about it. IF God really madea special person for you some one who you wil relly cherish and be happy to be with and to share you life with for fifty or seventy years don’t you want that person, the person who is your wife to have the best possible life she can have? DO you want he husband to be a person who had sex with mnay other persons or someone who saved himself for her.

Don’t you want to be able to say to her I love you and I love you more than any other person I will ever meet? That is a worthwhile way to be. It makes marriages more fun and helps them last long. When your children are born what sort of Father do you want them to have.

DO you get the point of what I am saying here?

Masturbating is how you find out hat oyu are a sexual being. Then you have a responsibility to figure out that sex is not just a form of recreation or a way to satisfy yourself. IT is not wrong for you to satisfy your sefl by masturbating if that is the reason you do it.

God does not want you to feel guilty or wrong about doing it so that it troubles you and he does not want you to become some one who is obsessed about doing that so it takes away other parts of life. On the other hand usually between 15 and 18 a period of time comes when there are soooo many hormones swishing around in the body and a guy finds he gets erections all sorts of times and all sorts of ways and some guys get to where they can hardly be the boss over it. And that is not evil or bad. The best thing to think about when you masturbate and have that glee feeling and then have an orgasm is how much God must love you that he has allowed you to enjoy such an exciting and meaningful experience. Then see if you can not use that to motivate you to show God how thankful you are by working hard studying as best you can learning as much as you can so you become a complete person and are ready to treat you r eventual wife with kindness and leadership and love. IF you do that some day many years from now you will think back of this advice and it will help you when you have a teen age son. And maybe you can teach him and love him and give him the necessary attention so that you can advise him on this subject. That is a great part of life for most parents to be able to raise their sons and help them learn the basics of life including the sexual part of it.

God made a wife for you and she is already alive. And God is trying hard to prepare you for her and her for you. You could every night pray to God and ask Him to watch over her and help her to grow up. That would be a wonderful thing to do. IF you do and if you do it seriously that can help you to grow a moral compass in and for your being that could help you to be successful in other parts of your life such as business.
Then dop not have sex with anyone. You are a virgin. Remain a virgin. Being a virgin is not so as you become a ten you can find someone to lose it to. Being a virgin is about saving yourself for the one God made for you. SO the first time you have sex with a girl she will be your girl and your wife the one God made for you and each of you will already be married to each other before you do it and will have prepared yourself for this and through all these things shall help each other to the best possible lives you can have.
Remember if you put your penis in a girl ( even if you use a condom) you will get micro-organisms on you r penis and in your body and you can never get rid of them. They will be with you for ever. You will pass then to your wife whenever you find her and then down to your children through her. The more of these germs the higher the risk that some new disease or mutated form of an old disease can show up in on e of your descendents. Why take the risk.
The pleasure you have in sex has a lot to do with what you think about sex when you masturbate. You will steer you self one way or another way by what you think about as you start to learn how to do it. And that is what you are doing when you masturbate.

Learning about your body and your feelings and ideas about this.

It is awkward talking about this all to you. When you are 15 you have a lot of ideas and not always a good way to say what they are. I have tried to say things that might help you bring some of your thoughts to the surface. I am not trying to tell you what to do. I am trying to give you honest and meaningful ideas to consider and to see if they are not the best for you. Just remember one thing you are a virgin. You can only lose that once in your life. It is not something you should do because you want to feel good for a moment. It is something you should value and cherish and realize that if you have sex with anyone before you find the wife God made for you and marry her then you will never be able to say to your wife I have loved you in a way that I have never loved any other person. That is a wonderful thing to be able to say to your wife and have it be true. Especially if you end up with children and grandchildren in 50 or 60 years. It will be the most precious thing to be able to say to your wife then I loved you and no one else.

2006-10-24 19:36:18 · answer #8 · answered by Answer M 3 · 0 1

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