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There was a time when chastity and nuclear families were the norm in the black community. Just the very THOUGHT of the sight of a swollen belly without a wedding band sent shivers up the spine. But today? Doesn't anyone find it disturbing how "husband" has been replaced with "baby daddy"? Anyone who thinks a child can get by without a father is delusional. The sexual revolution of the late 60's/70's caused many many problems, but the white community seems to be gradually recovering whereas the black community is getting rapidly WORSE! What gives and why isn't anybody putting their foot down?

2006-10-24 08:11:02 · 8 answers · asked by Lucky Rastus 1 in Social Science Sociology

8 answers

You are 100% correct..
The black culture / family / society has been destroyed by
liberal democratic social welfare practices of trading government assistance for votes..
Bill Cosby has been screaming about this disgrace for years....
Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton are cashing in on it....

2006-10-24 11:07:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't think the whites in America are any better. I know the divorce rate is still rising and mom and dads everywhere are still paying for abortions to keep from being embarrassed...If you've noticed the worse the status of the family becomes (for everyone, white black brown and blue) the more we as a society preach about family values. I'm going to start quoting one of my professors here but we need to stop professing that we support "family values" and start bringing the jobs back from third world countries, act as communities to educate and socialize our children, and start give them positive role models to begin with. No one's stopping the decline of the family because we've all been taught not to. Do you think a traditional family profits the guys in power? Hell no. They want everyone in the family to be working for minimum wage. They want people to sit at the tv 24/7, to be consumers not thinkers, individualists not members of a family or community....There's my rant for the day. (Though I didn't answer the question directly, in a round about way I most certainly, in my opinion, did)

2006-10-24 21:43:48 · answer #2 · answered by ksm_52180 2 · 0 0

Some people say that it's hard for a black guy who doesn't have a college degree to get a family-supporting job. And while it's possible to get pregnant from a guy who doesn't make much money, it doesn't really help to marry that guy. As Al Franken said, there's not a lot of people lining up to marry guys working at McDonalds.

This was different 30 years ago, back then a guy could drop out of high school and go work at the local car factory and make plenty of money. Those days are done.

2006-10-24 09:21:52 · answer #3 · answered by Chris P 3 · 0 1

This is the goldigging revolution in the black community. Girls are preoccupied with dating a guy with money or the nicest car, but what they don't realize is that guy is probably a street pharmacist and he has the life expectancy of 3 weeks. They end up sleeping with them and they get caught and sentence for a long time in prison, and if the girl becomes pregnant she is left to raise the baby on her own.

2006-10-25 05:30:50 · answer #4 · answered by King Midas 6 · 0 0

The solution to this problem is not as difficult as it seems. Mainly, what you have to assure is high quality education, good job opportunities and increased family income. With that set in, you can easily reduce drugs and drug related crime and increase the living conditions of the group you are referring to. This will automatically give greater unity to the family units, in part because the girls will have something to look forward to and will be stimulated to make better choices. The presence of a paternal figure will reinforce positive role models and create a virtuous cycle.


2006-10-24 08:26:43 · answer #5 · answered by leblongeezer 5 · 0 1

This is going on in all races. A study done in New York says that Married people are becoming a minority. The problem seems to be the whole "if it feels good, do it" attitude.

2006-10-24 08:20:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one is going to stop it because they will reflexively get labeled as racist and they do not have the ba!!s to defend themselves against such accusations.


2006-10-24 08:16:40 · answer #7 · answered by Zak 5 · 0 0

Stop trying to imulate white people

2006-10-24 09:49:37 · answer #8 · answered by Cherry Berry 5 · 0 2

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