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2006-10-24 08:02:53 · 29 answers · asked by . 6 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

SORRY Britain

2006-10-24 08:52:33 · update #1

I'm not racist I just want to take pride in my country again I'm not old either I just want to work and earn a living and provide for my young.. I took a job in a local factory a while since I was the only english speaking person there I could not even understand the health and safety regulations as the person trying to explain them was polish he was just as confused as me when he was asked to help me settle in

2006-10-24 09:02:10 · update #2

29 answers

to make britain feel great again, she has to feel this island belongs to her and no outher, to bring this about we need to become independant as regards laws and statutes, i.e. make our own to accomodate our own prosperity, peace and security, on the economic front we are stil stuck with margaret thatchers desire to make us a service nation, and keep us that way. A service nation in britain means europe and outher nations make our goods and we mend them when they breake. the proffits from toyota, go to japan, mercedese goes to germany, fiat goes to italy and so on, we have been dragged down to become an idiot country that everybody feeds of, but we are not allowed to taste the food of our own talents, because we are servants and not masters of our own land, our bussinesmen are cheep scates who sack the british go abroad for cheeper labour, to get richer quicker they have no sence of loyalty to their country, some are obscene in the fact that they wish to own every thing and everybody, more smallbusseneses are needed so ownership of our own land can increase, in times of war british natives need to feel they have acountry to fight for and not defend it for strangers to feed off, while we are treated with contempt as we have been for many years, we want our manufactering base back, we need more british ownership. We feel that we are ruled over by family hating sodomites, pornographers liars thieves bloodsuckers and traitors, how do you expect greatness when every good thing is under attack every effort has been made to oppress us impoverishing our towns then sending in the drugies to keep the young stupid, our christian religeon needs to be put first not last, we want our fishing grounds back our farmers kept safe from government attack, if we need it we should make it ourselves, we dont want to mess around sport centers all day pretending to have a life of leisure we want work and wages in free enterprise, not global economic warfare in which we lose. whoever takes britain out of e.u. wins the next election.

2006-10-24 08:40:51 · answer #1 · answered by trucker 5 · 1 0

Make it less Londoncentric.

Come on, Martin...London can still claim to the naive and people with more money than sense that they are 'top dog', but like the city has done with some of the BBC (much to the disgust of London) re-forming sections here and there in Manchester, other organisations could quietly get transferred to the great cities of Birmingham, Leeds Liverpool and Newcastle - okay...the period of the 1840's onward when the heart of Great Britain - Lancashire and Yorkshire has long gone, with politicians and historians still broadcasting the pain and shame of the loss, but if people realised it's not only within the noose (known to one and all as the M25) where life is allegedly 'superior', then perhaps it would be a good start...be it for farmers in Truro or businessmen in Carlisle.
I realise, Claire that perhaps you wanted another answer, but we are in a tiswas with people coming over from Continental Europe being lapped up by managers, for they know the new arrivals will take the kind of pay the working class will turn their nose up at.

Good point Lauriekin.

2006-10-24 10:25:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Simon K hit the nail on the head - we were great because we ruled over so many countries, mostly against their will. That will never happen again and so we cannot be great in that way ever again. We have a kind of national psyche which remembers the good parts of us being great but not the reasons.

We are too aware these days to be insular enough to be great anymore. Whether this is a good or a bad thing is another question entirely.

2006-10-24 08:11:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Like the US the British will have to suffer because of their great success,everyone with any means is moving to both countries illegaly and changing the lanscape and not for the better I might add,neither the people nor the government run these countries anymore,the ones that run the countries like Britain and the US are corporations and lawyers,the politicians are just well paid puppets of those two groups.

2006-10-24 08:19:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get a government & population that stands up for the beliefs, welfare, personal development & living standards of current British citizens, rather than those who want to migrate here in unmanageable numbers to take advantage.
In response to some of the comments above:
Just because we have a history (like many other countries I might add) of invading & repressing other nations, doesn't mean we now have to sit down and be walked over through some perverse sense of inherited-guilt which is what some people seem to be saying. We owe it to our children & our ancestors to protect & develop what they have treasured, worked & fought hard for (I'm thinking wealth, rights, security, assets, industries, attitudes, heritage etc).
Would you leave your front-door wide open to the street? If you couldn't look after the house & kids you would hire a cleaner/childcare, you wouldn't bring in an au-pair and share everything your family has with them for the rest of your life!

In response to Jason's comment below about us having a great economy & that being what matters nowadays:
It would fall over like a pack of cards if confidence in the City of London as a safe financial trading center was lost. We don't own much big industry with a future to speak of, and what we do have is invariably owned by foreign firms & multi-nationals. Our citizens have the largest personal debt of any other european country, a roof & 4 walls is becoming unaffordable to 1st-time buyers, the nation's external debt is 7 trillion pounds, exceeded only by the USA (we top the chart on a per-head basis). Inflation is rising (the official measurement only kept stable because of the 1-off big falls in the cost of imported consumer-items from the far-east). The proportion of tax we now pay on our income is up, NHS services are being cut back ruthlessly, and to make matters worse we have been haemouraging tax-payers money on those pointless wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and got nothing to show for it other than making ourselves even bigger terrorist targets.
I feel we should have kept our heads down, somehow need to help British muslims feel part of our society, secure our borders & invest in renewable & nuclear energy. Then it wouldn't matter what happens in the middle east. If only I were Prime Minister!

2006-10-24 08:27:03 · answer #5 · answered by Quasimojo 3 · 1 0

How can we make Britain great again? Well for starters, let's make it a law that if you intend to become a chav, or are a chav, you should expect "Inqusition" type officials to come to your house to take you away for re-education, or something more serious if the root of your chav look can not be undone, become independent fro the EU, make our own laws instead of letting Europe make them for us, get all immigrants to conform to the british way of life, teach the immigrants English, (to a very high standard) and make one of Britain's Northern cities the Capital instead of london being the center of attention all the time. AND GET THE GOVERNMENT TO LISTEN TO US!!!

2006-10-24 10:49:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Britain should define its greatness in the same way the Scandinavian countries do. We should focus on being prosperous and fair. We should stop trying to control other countries, and we should stop supporting a system that is so nasty to its own people. We should also stop believing we have some racial right to lord over other people.

2006-10-24 08:07:16 · answer #7 · answered by Bob M 1 · 2 0

What does "great" mean??

Bring our hospitals/schools/roads/public transport up to the standard of the rest of the "old" EU.

Raise educational standards.

Bring back fierce punishment for crime.

Introduce P.R. and make politicians listen to voters.

Scrap "asylum" for those who do not deserve it.

Treat the old with compassion, give them a decent pension.

Respect the environment.

Treat ALL religions/races/sexes equally.

2006-10-24 08:15:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

As an ordinary person today you should count yourself lucky.In the so called Great Britain in Victorian times as a peasant you could expect to live until 45 if you were lucky no dentists doctors they were unaffordable.whole families of six upwards living in one room , no running water no toilet ,damp squaller tb rife rats everywhere.sleeping under coal sacks as blankets.working 12 hour days for next to nothing. yes its coming back under these bent corrupt politicians

2006-10-24 08:18:39 · answer #9 · answered by paul t 4 · 2 0

Bring back national service to get the thugs off the streets and if the refused they get sent back to school. Then we need to get rid of the immigrants that do not have a work or learning visa and never allow the to come back. Breed super sportsman to win the world cup. Get a government that actually lives up to their promises

2006-10-24 08:16:19 · answer #10 · answered by High Voltage 3 · 0 1

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