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During the Vietnam war, there was a drastic turning point in American approval and attitude towards the war. In a single day, the Tet offensive demoralized the American people and caused widespread calls for the U.S. to pull out and leave Vietnam to it's fate. The American peoople watched horrified as Viet Cong soldiers attacked and entered the U.S. embassy. The overall opinion after that day was that America was losing the war.

The little thing that was kept out of most people's minds is that EVERY attack on that day failed. The day was ultimately a military disaster for the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army. Never the less the pschological impact was done not so much by the enemy on the ground. But by the images sent back to the States.

Do you think the modern media misrepresents the war in Iraq today? Do you agree with CNNs decision to give voice to the terrorist snipers? Do you think it's a media circus that causes hate for America to spread here and abroad?

2006-10-24 07:53:39 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Where can we find real truth about the war in Iraq?

2006-10-24 07:54:28 · update #1

21 answers

No, the media is simply the first place where we find out that we're losing a war. Politicians intent on defending bad decisions to go to war will invariably blame the messenger.

2006-10-24 07:56:31 · answer #1 · answered by Mark P 5 · 2 5

You are only half right in your conclusion.

It is true, the media has hampered the war effort by simply reporting what happens in war. Out of 300,000,000 people in our country the United States military houses only 1.4 million active duty service members. On top of that there are only 26,000,000 veterans still walking around. War was not made for civilians. And since we no longer fight in campaigns the only thing the media should reporting is that we are still at war. And perhaps some feel good stories about returning units and the like.

The part you neglected to mention, because you are of quite an intellectual mind is that fact that our government is a civilian government. Most of them never having served and less of them ever serving in combat. In Vietnam our government thought to fight the war in Washington instead of Saigon. On the same token our government wants to fight the war in Washington instead of Bahgdad.

We seem to forget that the military is the handle behind the glass that says break in case of emergency. Once the glass is broken you have already said that you can not deal with whatever the issue of the moment is. And therefore the military should be allowed to act unhendered until the job is done.

Both the media and our politicians are causing our losses in Iraq. Should the military ever be let loose...

2006-10-24 16:08:08 · answer #2 · answered by gatewlkr 4 · 0 0

No, definitely not the ultimate cause. Some wars are truly not resolvable or win-able. Unfortunately, our press has been less than honest in reporting the events of the Iraqi war. There has been too much focus on negative, poorly handled parts of this war. There has been hardly any reporting on the good, rebuilding and hopeful situations. War is evil, sometimes it is necessary, but it is evil. It will always be filled with horror, but there are many things in Iraq that could have lessened that horror. The media refused to report it, but the Bush administration didn't report it either. The administration could have helped the situation by pushing the positive. This is war is so ugly and so far away that when we only hear the scary, ugly, difficult happenings we are disposed to not understanding the tremendous progress that many Iraqi's have embraced.

I am disgusted with CNN for giving the Terrorists a venue. This act has made me cancel the digital TV network I have been with and choose another that does not tout CNN as one of their most important selling points. CNN is hurting this nation with their irrational hatred of Pres. Bush. One does not give the enemy comfort and sanctity for any reason when we are at war.

2006-10-24 15:13:53 · answer #3 · answered by Answergirl 5 · 1 2

The media does not create strategy and tactics in war-- the military and civilian leaders do. The media does not fight the war-- the military does. The media does not organize insurgents or terrorists.

The media reports on the failed policies and tactics of the war. Even if the media reported that all is well, it doesn't mean we don't have failures in a war. WWII had its share of failures, but tactics were changed and adjusted to deal with the strategic victory. It was also a different war. Iraq is closer to Vietnam-- an insurgent conflict with a foe who doesn't care about losing people. They are driven by ideology and their tactics are hard to deal with. The same the US won the Revolutionary war against England.

The media certainly influences public opinion since they provide information about war which sways public opinion. If things were going well in Iraq, we'd see that and support for the war would be there. But the overwelming progress in Iraq is not good. Same issues in Somalia, Yugoslavia, etc.

Are there good things happening in Iraq- Sure. But those are tactical wins. We've also had some serious tactical loses. But we are heading towards a Strategic loss and that has been becuase of the piss-poor leadership in the white house, the pentagon, provisional authority and military leaders in Iraq.

2006-10-24 15:00:59 · answer #4 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 2 3

You want the real truth about the war in Iraq?Try adopting a soldier,try doing something that will bring some joy in thier lives and something that may make them forget if even for a moment that the media and the democrats and liberals continue to tell them they are failures and not stand behind what they are doing.And dont hand me that crap we support the troops but not the cause.Thats the most assinine bullcrap the libs say.If you dont support our president and us being there then you dont support the troops.Try talking to the guys and gals that know what the real war is like and what the real terrorists are like.Like maybe the stories about them cutting off the penis of our kidnapped soldiers and stuffed it into their mouths while the terrorists finished torturing them,peeling off thier skin.And I tell ya the armed forces are getting sick of the libs crap and many who are on the fence are now heading in the republican direction because of the hatred for the president and the continual negative news of the war.WE ARE ALL GETTING SICK OF IT!!!!! Go find out the real stories from real men and women and not the panty waisted cowards.This was directed at the libs..,sorry about the rampage but I am pissed.

2006-10-24 15:15:54 · answer #5 · answered by halfbright 5 · 0 2


Just listen to these responses. "When our media puts out soldier snuff films..." That's a classic of idiocy for the ages. You don't like what you see on TV - what you BARELY see, because by all accounts, the media in America doesn't bring you the half of what's really going on over there on the daily - so you blame the TV! It's like blaming the camera guy because you didn't like today's episode of Jerry Springer!

We're failing in Iraq because of failed policy. If you blame the media, it's only because you're listening to certain people WITHIN the media who are trying to deflect blame from the Bush administration.

Then you've got the guy saying that if he had his way, he'd throw CNN in one of Bush's torture prisons...LOL. You can't write this stuff; all you can do is point at it and laugh.

2006-10-24 14:55:59 · answer #6 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 1 3

That's one way of looking at it, another way to look at it may be that the media is reporting how the people feel, they aren't creating the way people feel. And the people may feel that way because of poor strategy by the military, starting with the commander in chief. Some of us have opinions without waiting for politicians to tell us what our opinions are. And some of us keep those opinions, even when politicians call us 'terrorists' or whatever.

2006-10-24 15:12:15 · answer #7 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 1 2

No, but they are a BIG part of the problem when they concentrate almost exclusively on what's going wrong each and every day.

"Where can we find real truth about the war in Iraq?"

I say: Go and find the blogs authored by military personnel and independent journalists (read: unpaid (except through their readers' donations) and unaffiliated journalists) - THERE you will find the whole truth (good, bad, and ugly) about what's going on over there.

2006-10-24 14:58:07 · answer #8 · answered by Walter Ridgeley 5 · 4 2

Yes. Most of the media is leftist & most leftists hate America.

2006-10-24 16:38:58 · answer #9 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

Are you joking?
The media should cover all aspects of the war not just one side. If you want one sided info just watch Fox news.

2006-10-24 15:15:04 · answer #10 · answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 · 1 1

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