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I'm trying to get pregnant for almost a year now. I went to the doc and there was nothing wrong - did blood test. Every month i hope i'm preg, but then my period comes. I stop using the pill about a year ago aswell. After i stoped using it my period is irregular every month and i dont know when my ovulating date is. I even check my temp every day and it's not working. Can somebody help me?

2006-10-24 07:31:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

18 answers

The effects of the pill go away after 4 months from stopping it.

You are aware that to get pregnant you must have sex on a day that your eggs are being released.

You said you checked your temp but does not say at what time you took it. After the 3rd day from the day that menses started put a thermometer into your mouth and check your body temperature every morning before you start turning in bed. The best time is at about 4 a.m. Maintain a chart. You will find that on one day the body temperature drops from 1/2 degree to one degree. This is the day that your eggs are being released. If you want to get pregnant this is the day that you must have sex. Tell your husband to ejaculate on his inward thrust so that the sperms will shoot deep inside.

After having sex you must stay in bed for about 30 mins with your knees bent up with a pillow under your buttocks so that the sperms will not pour out - to enable them to travel up.

Get your husband to save his sperms in the testacles for at least 3 days before sex to enable them to mature well to do their job.

2006-10-24 14:27:48 · answer #1 · answered by donp 6 · 0 0


2016-04-25 02:10:50 · answer #2 · answered by Ryan 3 · 0 0

How many days do you have in your cycle? A typical cycle is 28 days so you would typically ovulate on the 14th day. My cycle is about 26-27 days so I ovulate around the 12-13th day of my cycle. Just say ok, 28days=14th, 27days=13th, and 29days=15th as example days. Get an ovulation kit (walmart brand works great and inexpensive) check every morning so you don't have to worry about not drinking too many liquids durning the day which could delute the test and get false readings. Forget the temp thing for now, I think that might be a bit too much for you to think about for right now which could alter your ovulation day a bit. Your body could show you signs also. If you have a lot of cervical mucus in mid cycle then you know that your body is ovulating right around that time, if you do. If you know when you are ovulating then you know when to have intercourse. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should have intercourse every other day from the last day of your period till after you ovulate. If nothing happens for a few more months then I would go to a fertility specialist and just get checked out, but try not to stress out too much and stop thinking about getting pregnant. My friend had only one tube that worked and couldn't get pregnant for the longest time and she was on a lot of med to get herself pregnant. They finally said lets take the summer off and relax and one month later....boom they were pregnant just doing it natually and no help from doctors. Good luck!!!!

2006-10-24 11:04:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous 1 · 0 0

Stop trying to get pregnant. That's when it always seems to happen. Seriously, you do need to relax about it. I know you can't help but get anxious because I'm sure just when you think you might be...you start your period on day 45 right? Been there done that. Just relax for a while..stop thinking about it so much. Set a goal for like 6 months from now and start reading books on fertility. Maybe by the time you have read all you can stand on the subject, you'll be expecting. Then you will need the book "What to expect when you're expecting" Good Luck!

2006-10-24 07:47:03 · answer #4 · answered by Psalm91 5 · 0 0

A single blood test will not reveal if you have medical issues that could cause infertility.

After a year of trying to conceive with no success you should consider seeing an RE (reproductive endocrinologist). An RE will do a comprehensive fertility workup on you and your partner to see if there is anything preventing you from conceiving. There are several factors that can contribute to infertility: no ovulation or infrequent ovulation, blocked fallopian tubes, and poor sperm quality and/or count. About 15% of couples experiencing infertility will receive a diagnosis of unexplained infertility -- nothing can be found that is wrong but they still have difficulty in conceiving.

Best of luck to you!

2006-10-24 07:39:10 · answer #5 · answered by Shana 3 · 0 0

Buy an ovulation kit. Depending on how long you were on the pill, it can take a year or two to get pregnant. Also, the more stressed out you get about becoming pregnant, the harder it can be. You might need to start thinking along the lines of "if it happens, it happens."

There are all kinds of stories about couples adopting and then finding out they are pregnant. Once they stop stressing about it so much, it happens. Go figure and much good luck to you.

2006-10-24 07:43:36 · answer #6 · answered by Allison S 3 · 0 0

You should also have a ultrasound done as well, a blood test alone will not tell a doctor what is going on with your ovaries, tubes...etc. You may have POCS. I would tell my ob/gyn my concerns, and if they wouldn't help, I would find another doctor who would. This is what happened to me. I had to find a new doctor before I was diagnosed with POCS. After I was, she worked with me for a year, and when none of her methods worked, temp chart, clomid/metformin worked...she then sent me to a fertility doctor where my husband was tested and I was put through more test. If you are taking your temp every morning BEFORE getting out of bed it should be around 96-97, and then when you ovulate it should go up to around 99. If it is not doing this (mine never did) then it might be a sign of POCS. Please see your doctor again and inquire about POCS. (Polysistic Ovary Syndrome). The website listed below is just one of many that you can refer too. Also www.webmd.com and yahoo health have great resources as well. Good Luck!

2006-10-24 08:02:01 · answer #7 · answered by GreeneyedCowgirl 5 · 0 0

Have lots of sex. More than once a day. I just read somewhere that birth control pills were a major cause of women not getting pregnant because they have messed up the body chemistry somehow. Look it up and find out about it. But my main suggestion is have sex at least 3 times a day. Not only will your man be happy but you will get pregnant sooner or later.

2006-10-24 07:52:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sometimes it takes a long time just to get regular after being on the pill. Ask your doctor about possibly putting you on clomid. It helps you ovulate in case you are not.

Also... did the male get tested too? And have you tried ovulation tests?

2006-10-24 07:43:08 · answer #9 · answered by Danielle 4 · 0 0

One word POSITION, you may need to experiment if your uterus is higher up you may need to elevate your body after climax of the man try lying in bed don't move and hold your knees up to your chest for 2-5 minutes it brings the semen down farther. This method works my husband and i tried for a year and a half i did that for a week after my period and 4 weeks later i was pregnant that is how we conceived both of our children and the one I'm carrying now.

2006-10-24 09:05:18 · answer #10 · answered by Louisa F 2 · 0 0

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