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i need adivce on how to make my 5month old baby fall asleep at an early time.

2006-10-24 07:27:44 · 13 answers · asked by jen 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

13 answers

Most health babies have a fussy time, unfortunately yours is an night owl. Might try giving the little one a late warm bath then rock him for a bit. Soothes them & makes them relaxed & drowsy. Time he will change so don't worry. I can imagine it is you who needs the sleep. Hang in there. I know from 3 of my own they are very hard to argue with & at that age kind of rule the roost. Sleep when you can.

2006-10-24 07:40:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My daughter did exactly the same thing except she was 10 months old. Too get her onto a new routine i kept her awake as much as possible during the day, letting her only have one nap instead of two and by 6pm she was so tired that i gave her a bath and a bottle and she was sound asleep by 8:30pm. She woke up at 7:30am the next morning and that was the start of her knew routine. Also, make sure she has 2 naps during the day. one around 10am and then a second one around 2pm, but only let your baby sleep for an hour. I got told that babies sleep 11 and a half hours at night and then another 2 during the day and its usually enough for them. Another idea, once your baby is in bed leave a radio on in the room but keep it soft. babies dont like complete silence and it helped my daughter from the day she was born. Hope this helps.

2006-10-24 09:16:51 · answer #2 · answered by princess_kirstie2002 2 · 0 0

I have a 5mo old too and she is doing the same thing but it very's everyday sometimes it might be her schedule during the day and she has also started teething again where it bothers her during the evening. maybe try to play with her more during the day to keep her up and she should sleep better at night I do that but i think it is her schedule too I never do the same thing everyday her feeding times are the same. are you feeding her any cereal that will help fill her tummy and she will sleep better. Sometimes it could be that she has a tummy ake or a little cold that she may not feel comfortable. so try the cereal and the longer play time during the day and less naps

2006-10-24 07:48:03 · answer #3 · answered by marshmellow 2 · 0 0

the book "No-Cry Sleep Solution" was a huge helper for me. It has good tricks adapted to either breastfed or bottle fed babies, crib-sleeping or co-sleeping babies. It's about $10 on amazon.com
I think that letting babies cry it out is both sadistic and masochist. There are other ways, trust me.
Routine will definitely help. Not a strict by-the-minute routine, but more of what follows what routine. Example: play-time, meal, sleep. In the evening, Give her her dinner (solids or milk), bathe her, give her a nice massage in dim lighting (my son loves it, it really relaxes him, even if it's only 5-10 minutes), then put her down with some soothing music. What helped with my son was some new-age type of music with nature sounds. At 17 months, we still use them.

2006-10-24 07:45:18 · answer #4 · answered by Delphine F 3 · 0 1

You poor dear. I have a very hard thing to recommend... as a mother whose daughter didn't start sleeping until 10 months old (waking up four times a night, now she's 17 months and thank God she sleeps through the night!)

First, try setting up a schedule. Feed her around 7 pm, bathe her, read her a book, put on some soft music, and start trying to get her to sleep. Put her in the crib while she's just barely awake, and leave her. She'll cry, and it will break your heart. Go in after five minutes and comfort her (BUT whatever you do, DON'T pick her up!) and leave after a couple of minutes. Keep increasing the time you leave her in the crib until she falls asleep (it may take HOURS... keep up with it, I promise it doesn't hurt her and you really can do it).

It's SO HARD, but if you can do it enough nights in a row, you will establish a routine, which infants require to help them regulate their lives. Also, don't let her take a lot of long naps during the day.

Good luck, sweetheart. My heart goes out to you!

I used to think that letting them cry it out was horrible as well, but after I tried EVERYTHING (including the book the lady after me recommended) with NO LUCK, I gave in. You don't let them cry all by themselves for the whole night, you go in and comfort them every few minutes to let them know that you're there for them. The crying is both an instinct and a learned behavior. If they know their crying will bring you in there, the more stubborn ones will do it for that reason. Not because they're hurting or scared, but just beacuse they want you in there with them.

Of course try all the no cry solutions first. But if you're to the wall and you find nothing works, then let them cry a little.

And really, if you go back to work, or if you leave the precious one with your parents or a babysitter ever, you're going to have to leave them crying sometimes. Is that sadistic? No. Babies cry. It's their only way of communicating, and their main way to get your attention and affection.

If your child responds to the no cry method, that's fantastic. My child was stubborn, and I held out for 10 months before I finally said, okay, I have to get some sleep! And I tried it. For the first week it's torture, then she learns that when I leave the room that means it's bedtime. Now I don't even have to get her to sleep before I put her in the crib, she just hugs her teddy and closes her eyes.

Anyway, good luck sweetheart.

2006-10-24 07:40:54 · answer #5 · answered by feistycharley 3 · 1 2

Need a new mattress already? Face him other direction than used to when laying him down. (head at where feet were).

Move crib to a new wall.

Is any light getting into the sleeping area?

Feed him a heavier dinner prior to bedtime. Works for me, I sleep faster on a full stomach.

Keep the child caffeine free.

2006-10-24 17:16:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Keep the baby up longer in between naps during the day, get the baby up earlier in the morning.

2006-10-24 19:33:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe he or she naps way too much during the day. Cut out the naps or make them shorter by waking the baby up. Routine is crucial with babies. You need to follow a routine also.

2006-10-24 07:32:21 · answer #8 · answered by Eldude 3 · 1 1

make sure he's not napping after 3pm. Turn all the lights off when you're ready for bed and let him sit with you in the quiet darkness. Dont play with him, dont turn the lights on to soothe him if he fusses.

He'll realize that once its night time out, its time for sleep, cause theres nothing else entertaining to see. That includes the TV, turn it off.

Once you've done that for a few days, start putting him in his crib and let him put himself down. He'll fuss himself to sleep if he has to.

2006-10-24 07:31:13 · answer #9 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 1 2

why dont u play like ur sleep and then let da baby watch u go to sleep and then it might go to sleep

2006-10-24 09:39:31 · answer #10 · answered by ~L3_L3~ 3 · 0 0

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