It is no different than burying an animal in the ground or cremation. Why would we be any different from the way life is processed and progresses. If it were different we would have had proof by now of what happens when we die. But we don't, despite what the religions say. So many people go on mere faith.
Our loved ones stay in our memories and our hearts.
2006-10-24 07:42:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As I've stated in some of my previous answers, I've lost all of my family, in a short while. The idea of what happens after we die has honestly driven me to madness since I was 13. And it's not worth it. I'm not entirely closer now at 31 to an answer, than I was at 13. Mind you, life experience has taught me that if that's where I lay all of my focus, than I can enjoy a life filled with worry, a panic disorder, and out right fear. The least I can do for myself is detach from my fascination with the 'what ifs', and throw all of that effort into living.
If I die and there is nothing, I won't know the difference anyway. If there IS an afterlife, then I look forward to seeing everyone I love when it comes my turn.
Life and death are two things I'll never have a concrete explaination for. What a waste life would be if I spent it focused on answers I can never have. I feel the same for you. One day, we'll all know for sure. Good luck, and chin up :)
2006-10-24 09:02:43
answer #2
answered by suedoubleyou 2
Hi dont let it drive you insane it ios perfectly natural to grieve even healthy as to what happens after we die it has been in the Bible for over 2,000 years when we die our bodies eventually decay and go back to the dust they were created from and we are conscious of nothing at all Gen 3:19 Ecc 9:5,10, Ps 146:4 and John 11 :11-14, Ezekiel 18 :4 and John 5:28,29 , Acts 24 :15 and Ps 37:9- 12 ,29 tells us of the hope to see them again in perfect peace hope this helps you I too have lost amny a loved ones in death most recently my spouse of 23 yrs Gorbalizer
2006-10-24 07:26:55
answer #3
answered by gorbalizer 5
A great question. It seems we are so insignificant on this single planet in the scheme of the universe/existence/everything. Death, meaning, all existential issues such as these often plague our minds throughout our lives. We keep learning, growing, seeing new ways of "answering" these mysterious questions. And this overwhelming uncertainty can quickly lead to becoming depressed. There is much suffering this way, but this can be avoided, transformed and seen for the Truth it reveals. To correctly contemplate these questions, empty your mind. Simply let go of worry and the thoughts racing in your mind concerning you with finding answers. If you can clear your being this way, you will be able to see that life and death are not different at all. They are names for the same thing. Each moment is new, different. My advice to you is this: do not try to live, but be lived; do not force a breath, but be breathed. Death is not to be feared nor should it make you frustrated. Live in the here and now, for that is all you have. :)
2006-10-24 09:17:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
When it comes to matters of death your always going to have to take someone else's word for it. No matter what the answer it will be faith based, from the black nothingness to heaven, it's all about an ideal. The important aspect on thinking of death is to not have it affect your life, that you accept there is no answer that can be proven, and when the time comes you will find out the easy way like everyone else who has ever lived. Some people believe in the after life for hope reasons, near expirience whether there crazy or sane, or certain insights overlooked by most. I beleive in the after life, not a go straight to heaven, but something that works it's way there. My reasons for believing go under that near expirience whether I'm crazy or sane. With all that in mind, think about your life more than your death, it works out better no matter what is there in the after life.
2006-10-24 07:24:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The thought of death is complex in that there are many variables that interact with one another, such as, age of death, location of death, method of death, etc. Sure, everyone will die. But the things that we usually say is " I hope I die in my sleep", or "I hope I dont die by drowning or fire". We acknowledge that we ARE going to die, but how that will happen is what freaks us out, because we never know the hour nor the day we will meet our Maker. Which brings us to another point....Afterlife. What happens after you die? That can be just as scary as not knowing how you are going to die. Humanity has been searching for comfort in dealing with the subject of death since its inception. The spirit lives on after death. That is certain. We are not arbitrary beings without purpose or meaning. We are not a byproduct of some freak accident in the universe that cause life to spring up and evolve. Evolution cannot even be sustained by such a fragile universe. We are not temporal. We are eternal. How do we spend eternity??? Ask the One with the answers. Just ask, I bet, you will get feedback (in your heart).
2006-10-24 07:15:00
answer #6
answered by Jose 3
We came from 3 elements - the ovum+sperm which is the bringer of life.
- the food and drinks and milk etc which built the body
- the mind: which is the conditioning imposed by the society, environment, country etc where we were born and lived.
When we die the body returns to the elements such as the soil or as ashes or as the case may be:-eg. if you were swallowed by a whale then your body nourishes the whale.
Via our mind we influence the society and the environment by what we have learnt and how we were conditioned and we also condition the society to do the same for others
The life enters another body via the sperm or ovum whichever we gave for a new life!
2006-10-24 07:51:20
answer #7
answered by mahen 4
It frustrates me, but I wouldn't say it "drives me insane". I would like to know, because my mother passed away just a few years ago, and sometimes I wonder if all that stuff about "heaven" and a "soul" and stuff are real. Like, can she REALLY see me? Cuz if so, that kinda creeps me out. I don't want my MOM knowing all about my personal life! But I'd also like to hope that she's more than just ashes too (she's creamated).
2006-10-24 07:11:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It does not bother me at all because I am certain of where and with whom I will be. You can know for certain as well. If you believe what the Bible says, God's holy word, then you can have assurance of your eternity. I can not imagine how horrifying it could be not knowing. If you are at all interested in finding out and you just don't know where in the bible to read, try the book of John. It is in the new testament.
2006-10-24 07:16:37
answer #9
answered by transformationlmt 2
I think that's a question that will never be answered as nobody will ever be able to come back and tell us what happens. I suppose it depends on one's personal belief. Some believe we stop existing altogether, others believe we move on as another life form, others still believe that our souls exist eternally, and then there's the issue of going to heaven or hell.
When a loved one passes away though, it's comforting to think thay they still live among us in some way.
2006-10-24 07:18:43
answer #10
answered by angelicjolie2000 3