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it's like "solidarity" is a four letter word to you people. why is everything always somebody else's fault? and how can you all act like just because someone calls themselves a democrat or republican, they're a different species from you? you know there are liberal republicans and conservative democrats, right?

it just hurts to see so many pointing fingers and generalized fault-finding, when we all want the same things. and even when we disagree, why is it that nobody seems to want to debate logically? or nobody even wants to consider for a second that the other might be right?

for example, i consider myself a liberal democrat, but i dont hate the president. i dont he should be impeached. i think he does what he finds to be in the best interest of the country. i find that many hate blindly, because it's easy.

so in summation, can't we all just get along? can't we agree to disagree amiably?

2006-10-24 06:58:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

You have hit upon the thought that most dismays me when I read this board. The number of questions that are asked just to foment hatred and distrust disturbs me. I would love to see a lot more thoughtful people on this board, sharing ideas and looking for solutions. But there are just too many partisan blowhards who are only here to criticize, demonize, and marginalize the other side.

As a nation, we have slid into a political debate that sounds more like two kids on the playground shouting "Is not, Is too" at one another until they've forgotten what the question was.

2006-10-24 07:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by Chredon 5 · 2 0

Most of the "ultra-modern liberals" are progressives. Well a few democrats nonetheless refuse to consider or be given this has occurred to their occasion.. The precise democrats don't have any thought they misplaced their occasion and are not doing ANYTHING to quit it so they may be able to regain their political occasion. They are taking the function of spectators & cheerleaders at a warfare that includes the loss of life in their long term as good as our nations long term. The progressives at the moment are seeking to declare the democratic occasion as theirs. Republicans & Democrats use to paintings matters out for the advantage of our individuals & nation. Since the progressives entered at the scene they have got been operating at dividing us to take us over. I see every body strolling round pondering revolutionary approach growth. Why do such a lot of individuals feel growth is related to Progressivism? Is it considering the phrase growth is in revolutionary? If that's their foundation. Is Marxism growth? The progressives are their possess occasion and hijacked the democratic occasion making use of the liberal label. The revolutionary occasion in no way would get any one elected. That is why they hijacked and are strolling the democratic occasion. Progressivism is not only an thought however the train that the federal government is aware of first-rate and has complete manage and possession over the whole thing adding individuals. Progressivism does no longer consider in executive as it's now. With that I imply progressivism does no longer consider that illustration of the individuals is wanted considering the manager department runs the whole thing and is aware of what's first-rate. People are the estate of the federal government like animals are owned by way of individuals. There isn't any such factor as peoples rights corresponding to freedom, privateness, individualism and so forth. If you might have ever obvious the Borg on Star Trek that could be equivalent. Progressivism operates beneath the facade of showing to be a central authority doing what's first-rate for the individuals with out their enter and silencing all competition.

2016-09-01 01:59:58 · answer #2 · answered by kernan 4 · 0 0

Because everybody knows something is horribly wrong, but too many are scared to face the truth of what that is. Its much easier for the conservatives to blame the liberals and vice-versa. Meanwhile, the real battle of our country has become a well kept secret, Democracy (our system of government) versus Capitalism (our economic system). In a Democracy the people rule and in a capitalist economic system anything can be purchased for the right price (including elections). These 2 forces have been butting heads since the formation of our country, unfortunately Democracy is getting its you know what handed to it right now.

Don't fall into the left-right debate, its just a big smokescreen.

2006-10-24 07:05:04 · answer #3 · answered by Jared H 3 · 2 1

I would also like to see thoughtful debate. Americans are a diverse group with a right to free speech but that seems to quelled by others on the far right that call anyone moderate or on the left un-patriotic or even treasonous. I would say the far left aren't any better but there are so many of us in between the two-it seems we would do a lot better by trying to agree rather trying to disagree. If you have reasons/facts that support your argument, let me know-I could change my mind. Nasty rhetoric never will.

2006-10-24 07:42:57 · answer #4 · answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6 · 0 0

Because it is! When young and innocent American lives are taken for someone's personal agenda then I feel my president is not doing what is in the best interest of the United States! What was in the best interest is to go after the people involved for 9/11 not start something that should have been taken care of years ago. Not wanting to withdraw from a losing war because of the way we will look is not a good enough reason for us to continue losing american lives. When people from this administration leak our american agent names to be published in the media and that person doesn't get punished for treason then my president isn't doing what is in the best interest of the U.S. Jesus we wanted to impeach a president for getting a ******** in the oval office and we don't impeach a president that lies to the american public so we can fulfill his personal dream of getting sadam out of power.

2006-10-24 07:16:10 · answer #5 · answered by Y 3 · 1 0

There are many people that answer questions in a rational (if partisan) way -- it's just that most of the questions are asked by hatefull lunatics on the fringe of either side. Some of these people ask about 50 completely pointless questions every day - I've only asked a total of 8 questions in 4 months.

2006-10-24 07:04:09 · answer #6 · answered by Brooks B 3 · 2 0

You are an oddity on here. I would be much more willing to discuss things with someone like you, than those liberals who are way out there. I am a conservative Republican who is pro choice and think the stem cell research in aborted fetuses is a good idea since, among other things, it would give their short lives meaning. I think, outside Yahoo, most of us are moderates like we are. (And don't forget it's fun to rile the other side up.)

2006-10-24 07:03:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

most people on here aren't mature enough yet to look beyond the surface.. because to do so means you have to have actually questioned your own beliefs enough to be truly sure of what you stand for. lets face it, some people never reach that level of maturity, but a lot of the people on here are still young and haven't had the life experiences yet that will bring this maturity about. also, there is more dispute now because of the elections forthcoming... it's a "get the seats then we can work with what we have" mentality.

2006-10-24 07:05:50 · answer #8 · answered by pip 7 · 0 0

These are the same people that act like there is a war between the Christians and the atheists.(See Society and Culture) Anytime you have two opposing views someone always has to pick sides and their argument is always the best. And it keeps building and building.

I agree to disagree!

2006-10-24 07:03:18 · answer #9 · answered by saved_by_grace 7 · 2 0

Some "people" here are paid partisans. At times, it's 1/2 or more of the posters. Some avatars pretend to be Democrats and hurl ignorant invective so they can then post as Republicans, and criticise themselves! and prove their point that Democrats are as ignorant and rude as Republicans. It's Republican technique, believe it or not. And paid for indirectly with your or you family's campaign contributions.

2006-10-24 07:15:09 · answer #10 · answered by Red Herring 4 · 1 1

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