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Look, I know about as much about our nations politics as the average 35 year old, (BTW I am 20). I'm not an expert, I don't watch the news every day, but I do like Bush for my own reasons which I won't go into right now. Actually, I want to hear from all those people who keep complaining about him. Tell me why. Why don't you like him? Ok, granted he should NEVER give his own speeches, and sure, we could find a few obvious personal motives for some of the decisions he has made. The truth is, though, that we could find many politicians as least as corrupt if not more, and show me a human alive who doesn't have some of that in them. So anyways, here is your chance to voice it; please don't hold back. Tell me what you think about bush and WHY, and please be in depth. (E.g. don't say things like "Bush is dumb" please.)

2006-10-24 06:43:10 · 20 answers · asked by ? 4 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

It's nice to know that young folks like you still live in a Utopian, idealistic world. You must be joking when you ask why people hate Bush. Never in the history of politics has there been so much documented proof that implicate an American president as a hypocrite, a liar, and an incompetent leader. Never in history have so many books been written to expose a president's evil character and his dirty deeds. All one needs to do is pay attention. And even if all his critics exaggerate to the point that 90% of what they say is overblown, the other 10% would be enough to hang him for treason. His approval rate is equal to the temperature of freezing water; 68% of the American people disapprove of his leadership.

Why do we hate Bush? Here's a few reasons.

The war in Iraq is an abomination. Nearly 3,000 American soldiers killed; over 20,000 seriously wounded; ten of thousands of Iraqi civilians slaughtered. It is nothing more than a privatized war that has made Bush and Cheney's cronies filthy rich with no-bid contracts worth billions of dollars. There is no oversight in Iraq; nobody watching the piggy bank. Consequently, over 800 million dollars cannot be accounted for and nobody in the Oval Office cares. We invaded Iraq under the guise that Saddam possessed WMD, and that he was a direct threat to America. Lie. We invaded Iraq because Saddam supposedly had an arsenal of biological weapons. Lie. We invaded Iraq because Bush tried to tie Saddam to 9-11. Lie. We have no military strategy and no exit plan. Eight, respected, retired Generals have declared the war a disaster.

Want more?

Bush has signed more than 700 bills into law. On each and every bill he has attached a "signing statement" which basically says, "I am signing this bill with the understanding that it is subject to my interpretation." Translated: "I'll do what I damn-well please."

Bush has arrogantly violated the Constitution with The Patriot Act, wire tapping, and The Military Commision Act, all of which are designed to give him absolute power.

Bush denied having a relationship with Jack Abramoff, yet Jack visited him at his Crawford Ranch at least 6 times.

Bush claimed that no one could have predicted that the levees would breach when Katrina hit. But in a recorded conversation with Michael Brown, the ex-FEMA director clearly warned Bush that the levees were in jeopardy.

Prior to 9-11, the FBI informed the White House that several young, Middle-Eastern-looking men were taking commercial flying lessons but didn't want to learn how to take off or land. The White House ignored this information.

Do I really need to go on? If so, check out these web sites:








2006-10-24 08:06:37 · answer #1 · answered by Hemingway 4 · 0 0

Thats cute. Anyways,

Into reality some poeple say "I like Bush but I don't like all the killing". The killing is what his adminstration is egging on. Whether or not the war began for the right reason is moot - many people have said they are on the brink or in a civil war. But we stay the course.

He supports troops...however he cuts benefits and funding for body armor.

He supports education, yet cuts 14 billion dollars for pell grants (i am directly affected and have seen the major drop in funding to me)

He supports small government, yet we have the patriot act, and the gov't saying abortion should be illegal (which i DO agree with, just part of the point)

the fact of the matter is, like all reps and dems, he is a back-peddler and a liar. He is not solely responsible, but he is greatly responsible for the state of things. Again - I include noth parties on this but you specified Bush.

And regarding having not seen so many complain about Clinton: you must have been in the Navy at that time (92-00), because the day he was elected was the day the 'impeach clinton bumper stickers came out. Hell, limbaugh wasn't rich until he had the clinton administration to rag on.

To reiterate, they all suck. You want more detail on this question, email me. Take care!

2006-10-24 13:56:05 · answer #2 · answered by DEP 3 · 1 0

I still find it hard to beleive there is bush backers left in this country. Watch the news a little more and they will answer your question. He misled the people into this stupid war. I think the american people were all for hunting down binladen, but he had no intensions of that soon as he got there he made a lateral move to Iraq for his own personal gain, him and cheney and all there buddies made out good on this war, your dumb *** didnt, you are paying for his war to lign his pockets. It was proven he knew there was no weapons of mass destruction but he will not listen to anybody that tells him what he doesnt want to hear. I think he would make a great dictator, rule by fear, why do you think he doesnt jump on n korea they dont have no damn oil. Enough about the war policy its makeing me sick, In your on life you dont stay the course if it isnt working why wont he change course, because he is stuborn and doesnt want anyone telling him he is wrong.
Why are americans haveing to work more make less and cost of living has doubled do you like that, if so you are in the upper class so yes you would like bush,
He could care less about your health, what has he done about health care, nothing, except made the elderly have to fill out endless paperwork to get money off there medications, hell they done worked there whole life and paid taxes and that is how you repay them.
This country was built and depends on the middle class american now if we (stay the course) he will do away with that class by taxing you into poverty. then you will have the rich and the poor, dont you think that would be a good thing for him (HES RICH)
I could go on for hours but i have to get back to work so i can pay taxes and afford the gas to get here, not to mention buy food and utilities for my family, god forbid you have a president who cares about the little guy. He gives breaks to the people who need it the least and punishes the person who needs it the most.

Be sure and vote no matter who thats why we live in america,

My 2 cents.

2006-10-24 14:31:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK well you asked for it
he it goes

We are in a War that never should have taken place, that is based on lies, and our soldiers are being killed everyday just about
He has taken more of our constitutional rights away then any other time in history
I don't feel he has the best for America attitude I feel He has a Best for me attitude
The National debt is Ridiculous
I live in Ohio and trust me the Economy is not as great as they say.
Stay the course and bite your nose of to spite your face
Lack of common sense
No real legislation an issues, except the war and taking away our rights. If this keeps up you will start crying eventually when they start taking away your rights, has history taught you nothing?
It always starts with one, and its all down hill
Our constitution means something to me
This country has never been so hated and disrespected as we are now.
While we preach freedoms, we are taking away are own
Its amazing in all the years since the Geneva convention 140 give or take a year or two. has been around no other president needed a clarification of it
it is well proven that information given under torture is unreliable because people will eventually say anything just to get it to stop.
Also this makes us no better then them. and we are supposed to be

2006-10-24 14:08:00 · answer #4 · answered by Belladonna 4 · 1 0

The only reasons that I can see why most hate him is because they believe a lot of these BS sites of so-called "truth". I agree with you though, I want to see if I am wrong, on that previous statement though

EDIT: Why was the war a lie?
Clinton knew they had WMD's in 1998, why would Saddam have gotton rid of them? Why did Saddam only allow some areas to be checked by weapons inspectors and not all areas? Why were the weapons inspectors kicked out in the 90s?
How was the war a lie? Yvette?

EDIT2: Answerman, that is about 513 Iraqi's dying per day, I defiantly do not believe that

2006-10-24 13:45:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why do I hate people like Bush (including Bush)....
- they're against abortion rights no matter what, which an extreme and absurd position (a rational person should believe in limited abortion... I will admit that the US has a fairly ridiculous abortion policy. I do not agree with "abortion on demand")
- they think giving up civil liberties in the name of security is a good idea
- they support supply side economics (tax cuts that are targeted towards business and the wealthy)
- they don't believe in helping the needy (universal health care, a welfare safety net, free child care, etc)
- violent and alienating foriegn policy
- homophobic position on gay marraige (what person in their right mind is against civil unions?)
- support for the "war on drugs" that costs the country hundreds of billions every year and sticks hundreds of thousands of non-violent drug users in jail/prison
- attack style politics
- they can't stand nuance and see everything in a black/white or right/wrong way... this is a very bad way to reach a consensus.

that's just what comes to mind right away....

2006-10-24 13:55:33 · answer #6 · answered by Brooks B 3 · 1 0

You've basically stated some of the reasons, yet you are willing to accept the fact that we will never have a decent leader because of common corruption.
Should we really be forced to lower our standards just because 99% of the politicians out there are douchebags?
If my kid was playing video games all the time and getting D's in class, I would make him get away from the game and study - not just accept the fact that he is a D student.

2006-10-24 14:00:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because a week ago, on Tuesday, he signed away rights for Habeas Corpus. Because in the past year, he has violated the constitutionally guaranteed 4th Amendment Rights that keep us free. Because he signed the Patriot Act.
Read this article for the Habeas Corpus claims.
The 4th Amendment rights are tied in with the Patriot Act and illegal wire-tapping and bank monitoring. The Patriot Act included "lone-wolf" terrorist legislation, which means that any agent deemed to be a threat to the US can be targeted for surveillance for up to a year, without a warrant. This "lone-wolf" can be monitored without proving whether or not he is connected to any foreign government or terrorist organization. And with the signing of the Military Commissions Act, terrorists, including the lone-wolf designation, can be held against their will, without warrant, and subject to a military tribunal (not a trial by jury).
Section 948a of title 10 of the United States Code, as added by the [Military Commissions] Act, defines an "unlawful enemy combatant" as:

`(i) a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents who is not a lawful enemy combatant (including a person who is part of the Taliban, al Qaeda, or associated forces); or

`(ii) a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary of Defense.

The man is leading us down the road to totalitarianism. THAT is why i don't like him. He should be impeached, then tarred and feathered.

2006-10-24 13:54:51 · answer #8 · answered by spewing_originality 3 · 2 0

we are in a war we shouldn't be in, please don't forget how we were all lied to regarding the war on Iraq. We have yet to catch Bin Laden for 9/11. There are scandals of lies, stealing, immoral behavior, treason, and who knows what else coming out of this administration. We are no closer to winning the war on terrorism and now we have to worry about the crazy korean wanting to use his new bombs. These are just some of the reasons why people hate Bush. Now I really think you should make out a list of your reasons why you like him. What has he done that has improved or made any significant change in your life?

2006-10-24 13:49:45 · answer #9 · answered by Y 3 · 3 0

I so agree with you. I spent 21 years in the Navy. I dont like whats going on with all the killing, but I think Bush is doing good.

I did not see all the people complaining much about Clinton, and look at what he did.

So thought I would answer even though you wanted against Bush

2006-10-24 13:47:18 · answer #10 · answered by purplejoyv 2 · 0 1

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