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Title and Source of the Title: “Diversity in Sexual Health: Problems and Dilemmas”

European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, Dec. 2005, Vol. 10, No. 4,
pp. 207-211

Purpose(s) of the article: The purpose of the article “Diversity in Sexual Health: Problems and Dilemmas” is to present a different point of view about sexuality and how it could vary depending on what culture or religious background an individual has. The article provides information about epidemiology and risk factors, as well as psychosocial, communication and moral aspects of the population related to sexual health. This article attempts to provide an explanation of the role of diversity in sexual health and how it could be a determinant in the health status of a specific community. In addition, the article gives specific information for healthcare providers regarding how their decisions and practices might affect the health of their patients.
Public to whom the article is directed: This article is directed to Public Health services, doctors, nurses, healthcare providers and to the community in general. The article is trying to show them an inside view of the situation in the Netherlands. In order to provide better services, healthcare professionals have to be aware of the needs of the community they are working for. The article emphasized the social, cultural and legal aspects of the society and provides relevant information on how these three characteristics can make a different in the sexual health of the public. Service providers should be aware not only of the physical health of their patients, but at the same time of the emotional and social factors that are affecting their health.
Epidemiology terms used in the article (define at least 3):
Risk Factor: An exposure that is associated with a disease, morbidity, mortality, or adverse health outcome.
Reliability: The ability of a measuring instrument to give consistent results on repeated trials.
Rate: A ratio that consists of a numerator and denominator in which time forms part of the denominator.
Abstract: Diversity is an important factor in determining the sexual health of a population. The influence of western societies has an impact on new immigrants in European countries, and their behaviors and beliefs have to be adjusted or changed in order to fit in. The Islamic population is one of the most affected by the influence of modernization and the lacking of information or the denial of having a real problem; those factors put their sexual health at risk. The problems and dilemmas that the Islamic community faces change depending on the situation; sexual violence, homosexuality, abstinence, HIV/STD’s, virginity and anything related to sexual behaviors are topics that are not appropriated to be discuss in public.
In the epidemiological aspect of the community, the main problem is the “ineffective contraceptive behavior” because nobody is supposed to have sex before marriage; but in reality they are, and the problem is that HIV/STD’s, unwanted pregnancies, sexual violence and many more are present due to the lack of sexual education. In the psychosocial and cultural aspect, virginity and homosexuality are important issues. In the Islamic culture being a virgin woman is a synonym of honor, but for a man it is a double standard because it is prohibited but if he does it he does not lose his honor, and about homosexuality, the partner who penetrates is seen as the strongest and does not lose his honor, while the receiver is the passive and “female homosexual”. Communication is sometimes a barrier that makes difficult the appropriate health care delivery, not only because of the different languages spoke; but also people are not used to express their sexual problems or concerns.
Many of these factors and others are affecting the sexual health of the community and the only way to overcome with a solution to provide an effective delivery of healthcare is to identify the needs of the community by taking diversity in consideration.
Your comment: I personally found this article interesting because it presents a different point of view about sexual health, the article emphasized on the social and cultural factors as determinants or at least influential on the diseases that the immigrant Islamic population face in European countries. The problems and dilemmas are very different one from another, but all of them lead to the conclusion that sexuality is a forbidden subject in the Islamic community. I think the examples used in the article are very strong and they provide a better understanding of the viewpoint of the patients as well as the healthcare providers. In general, this is not an isolated problem, and Europe is not the only continent dealing with this matter; nevertheless, they are facing an enormous crisis in the increased prevalence of migrant groups and the ascending of sexual related diseases, unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
What is good about the article: The article provides helpful information on different possible factors that are affecting the health of the community. It also presents scientific statistics as well as social factors that increase the percentages of people affected in one way or another by the lack of education and prevention. The information provided on the tables at the end of the article give a better understanding of the alarming situation.
What is bad about the article: They focused their studies on Islamic community only; there are many other immigrant cultures in Europe. The comparison was kind of weak between Caribbean and Islamic populations.

2006-10-24 05:54:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Homework Help

11 answers

It is nice to find kids that actually do their homework and not just post it here for other people to answer. Here are my suggestions and corrections for some simple mistakes that I found. Overall your essay is very well written. Good luck and I hope my suggestions help ;-)

1) 1st paragraph: The article attemps to provide an explanation FOR (instead of "of")

2) The article emphasized the social, cultural and legal aspects of the society and provides relevant information on how these three characteristics can make a different in the sexual health of the public. Use EMPHASIZES to continue in the present tense

3) Same sentence above: Use difference instead of different.

4) The influence of western societies has an impact on new immigrants in European countries, and their behaviors and beliefs have to be adjusted or changed in order to fit in. Here eliminate changed, since it sounds redundant. You want to demonstrate that you know what you're talking about, don't define a word unless it is a complicated one.

5) The Islamic population is one of the most affected by the influence of modernization and the lacking of information or the denial of having a real problem. Here is how I would edit this sentence: The Islamic population is one of the most affected by modernization, lack of information, and denial when it comes to facing problems.

6) The problems and dilemmas that the Islamic community faces change depending on the situation; sexual violence, homosexuality, abstinence, HIV/STD’s, virginity and anything related to sexual behaviors are topics that are not appropriated to be discuss in public.* Again here "problems and dilemmas" is unnecessary, as the words are synonyms. Also change "appropriated" to appropriate, and change "discuss" to discussed.

7) Communication is sometimes a barrier that makes difficult the appropriate health care delivery, not only because of the different languages spoke ( here add spoken).

8) I personally found this article interesting because it presents a different point of view about sexual health, the article emphasized on the social and cultural factors as determinants or at least influential on the diseases that the immigrant Islamic population face in European countries. Here add a period after health. Also use emphasizes and faces.

9) The comparison was kind of weak between Caribbean and Islamic populations. Maybe use somewaht instead of kind?

2006-10-24 06:59:14 · answer #1 · answered by msdrosi 3 · 0 2

I find this article unnecessarily wordy and confusing. Your sentences are generally too long, but it is the confusion which bothers me. What is "the role of diversity in sexual health'? I haven't a clue.
I finally understand at the end of your paper that this article was primarily about Muslims immigrating to western European countries. SAY that at the beginning!! It explains a lot.

Consider your sentence, “The purpose of the article "Problems and Dilemmas” is to present a different point of view about sexuality and how it could vary depending on what culture or religious background an individual has."
You don't explain what that different point of view is. What is it different from? Additionally, I have no idea what the "it” is: Is it sexuality? Is it point of views of sexuality?
Although I don't know what the article was about, you would improve it by something like this: "The purpose of this article is to examine how various cultural and religious backgrounds affect our thinking and treatment in health care.”
Later you say, "The influence of western societies has an impact on new immigrants in European countries, and their behaviors and beliefs have to be adjusted or changed in order to fit in.”
This is terribly confusing. Consider something like, "New (Muslim)immigrants coming to western European countries face the difficulty of changing their behaviors and belief systems in order to acclimate."
Consider the sentence, "Communication is sometimes a barrier that makes difficult the appropriate health care delivery, not only because of the different languages spoke; but also people are not used to express their sexual problems or concerns."
How about "Communication of sexual problems is a very great concern of health care, not primarily because of the language, but because of the cultural stigma attached to communicating the sexual problem."?
In the last sentence you might think of removing "kind of."

If you are in high school, I would give you an A or A- simply because you wrote so much and didn't misspell words, but if this is a college assignment above the freshman level, I would give you a C. For a college assignment, this should have much better organization and simpler writing.

2006-10-24 08:05:07 · answer #2 · answered by Bentley 4 · 1 0

Title and Source of the Title: “Diversity in Sexual Health: Problems and Dilemmas”

European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, Dec. 2005, Vol. 10, No. 4,
pp. 207-211

Purpose(s) of the article: The purpose of the article “Diversity in Sexual Health: Problems and Dilemmas” is TO SHOW THE MEDICAL PERSPECTIVE IN DEALING WITH HUMAN SEXUALITY IN TERMS OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES. The article provides information about epidemiology and risk factors, as well as psychosocial, communication and moral aspects of the population related to sexual health. This article attempts to provide an explanation of the role of diversity in sexual health and how it could be a determinant in the health status of a specific community. In addition, the article gives specific information for healthcare providers regarding how their decisions and practices might affect the health of their patients.
Public to whom the article is directed: This article is directed to Public Health services, doctors, nurses, healthcare providers and to the community in general. The article NARROWS IT'S FOCUS TO THE situation in the Netherlands. IT EXPLAINS THE NEED OF THE MICROCOSM OF HEALTH CARE TO BE AWARE OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE MACROCOSM THAT DEFINES THE COMMUNITY THEY SERVE. The article emphasized the social, cultural and legal aspects of the COMMUNITY and ELABORATED on how these characteristics make a difference in the sexual health of the public. IN SUMMARY IT STATES THAT SERVICE PROVIDERS NEED TO NOT ONLY MONITOR THE PHYSICAL HEALTH OF THEIR PATIENTS, BUT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE SOCIAL FACTORS INHERENT TO THEIR COMMUNITY.
Epidemiology terms used in the article (define at least 3):
Risk Factor: An exposure that is associated with a disease, morbidity, mortality, or adverse health outcome.
Reliability: The ability of a measuring instrument to give consistent results on repeated trials.
Rate: A ratio that consists of a numerator and denominator in which time forms part of the denominator.
Abstract: CULTURAL diversity is an important factor in determining the sexual health of a population. IMMIGRATION HAS BROUGHT NEW CULTURES AND INFLUENCES INTO EXISTING EUROPEAN SOCIETIES REQUIRING A RESTRUCTURING OF HOW THE MEDICAL FIELD APPROACHES THIS DIVERSITY. FOR EXAMPLE, THE ISLAMIC POPULATION PROFESSES OPENLY A VALUE IN VIRGINITY BUT THE SEXUAL REALITY IS THE SAME AS FOR ANY OTHER CULTURAL GROUP. THE PROBLEM THAT PRESENTS TO THE HEALTH CARE WORKER IS THE ISLAMIC PATIENT'S DENIAL OF sexual violence, homosexuality, AND HIV/STD. IT IS DIFFICULT TO TREAT WHAT THE PATIENT DOESN'T ACKNOWLEDGE TO EXIST. THE HEALTCARE WORKER MUST THEN STRIVE TO FIND A COMMON ACCEPTABLE GROUND FROM WHICH TO TREAT AS WELL AS EDUCATE THE PATIENT. FROM THE epidemiological aspect the problem is ineffective OR THE ABSENCE OF contraceptive/DISEASE PREVENTING USE OF PROPHYLACTICS BECAUSE IF SEX ISN'T OCCURRING THERE IS NO NEED FOR CONDOMS. DENIAL ALSO MINIMIZES IF NOT OUTRIGHT SQUELCHES ANY SEXUAL EDUCATION WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. THIS MUST ALWAYS BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION WHEN TREATING A PATIENT FROM THE ISLAMIC CULTURE. In the psychosocial and cultural aspect, virginity and homosexuality are important issues. In the Islamic culture being a virgin woman is a synonym of honor, but for a man it is a double standard because it is prohibited but if he does it he does not lose his honor, and about homosexuality, the partner who penetrates is seen as the strongest and does not lose his honor, while the receiver is the passive and “female homosexual”. Communication is sometimes a barrier that makes difficult the appropriate health care delivery, not only because of the different languages spoke; but also people are not used to express their sexual problems or concerns.
Many of these factors and others are affecting the sexual health of the community and the only way to overcome with a solution to provide an effective delivery of healthcare is to identify the needs of the community by taking diversity in consideration.
Your comment: I personally found this article interesting because it presents a different point of view about sexual health, the article emphasized on the social and cultural factors as determinants or at least influential on the diseases that the immigrant Islamic population face in European countries. The problems and dilemmas are very different one from another, but all of them lead to the conclusion that sexuality is a forbidden subject in the Islamic community AND AS SUCH MAKES HEALTH CARE FOR THESE PATIENTS CHALLENGING AND SOMETIMES DIFFICULT. I think the examples used in the article are very strong and they provide a better understanding of the viewpoint of the patients as well as the healthcare providers. In general, this is not an isolated problem, and Europe is not the only continent dealing with this matter; nevertheless, they are facing an enormous crisis in the increased prevalence of migrant groups and the ESCALTION of sexual related diseases, unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
What is good about the article: The article provides helpful information on different possible factors that are affecting the health of the community. It also presents scientific statistics as well as social factors that PROVE THE VALIDITY OF THE increase the percentages of people affected in one way or another by the lack of education and prevention. The information provided on the tables at the end of the article give a STARK VISUAL of the alarming situation.
What is bad about the article: They focused their studies on Islamic community only; there are many other immigrant cultures in Europe. The comparison was kind of weak between Caribbean and Islamic populations.

2006-10-24 06:59:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I reworked it in Wordpad and the coloured parts didn't come through. I'll send it to you by email.

Title and Source of the Title: “Diversity in Sexual Health: Problems and Dilemmas”

European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, Dec. 2005, Vol. 10 (4),
pp. 207-211

Purpose(s) of the article: The purpose of the article “Diversity in Sexual Health: Problems and Dilemmas” is to present a different (alternative) point of view about sexuality and how it could (can) vary, depending on what an individual's culture or religious background. The article paper provides presents information about epidemiology and risk factors, as well as psychosocial, communication and moral aspects of the population related to sexual health. This article paper explores attempts to provide an explanation of the role of diversity in sexual health, and how it could be a determinant in the health status of a specific community. In addition, the article gives authors provide specific information for healthcare providers regarding how their decisions and practices might affect the health of their patients.

Public to whom the article is directed: This article is directed to at Public Health services, doctors, nurses, healthcare providers and to the community in general. The article is trying to show them attempts to provide an inside view of the situation in the Netherlands. In order to provide better services, healthcare professionals have to be aware of the needs of the community they are working for with.The article paper emphasizes the social, cultural and legal aspects of the society, and provides relevant information on how these three characteristics can make a different in the sexual health of the public. Service providers should be aware not only of the physical health of their patients, but at the same time of also the emotional and social factors that are affecting their health.

Epidemiologic terms used in the article (define at least 3):
Risk Factor: An exposure that is associated with a disease, morbidity, mortality, or adverse health outcome.
Reliability: The ability of a measuring instrument to give consistent results on repeated trials.
Rate: A ratio that consists of a numerator and denominator in which time forms part of the denominator.
Abstract: Diversity is an important factor in determining the sexual health of a population. (Exposure to different attitudes regarding sexuality can can be difficult to adjust to for immigrants to more modern societies.) The Islamic population is one of the most affected cultures with respect to the influence of modernization, and the lacking of information provided to them in their homeland. Denial of issues such as sexual violence, homosexuality, abstinence, HIV/STD’s, virginity, etc. can magnify the difficulties that the Islamic community may face. Anything related to sexual behaviors are topics that are not appropriated to be discussed in public.

In the epidemiological aspect of the community, the main problem is the “ineffective contraceptive behavior” because sex before marriage is forbidden. The reality is that sexual activity is engaged in, and the resulting consequences of HIV/STD’s, unwanted pregnancies, sexual violence and other outcomes are compounded by the lack of sex education. In the psychosocial and cultural aspect, virginity and homosexuality are important fundamental issues. In the Islamic culture being a virgin woman is a synonym of for honor. As in other cultures, including Western culture, a double standard exists. A man does not lose his honor for having sex outside of marriage. Regarding homosexuality, the partner who penetrates is seen as the strongest and does not lose his honor, while the receiver is the passive and “female homosexual”.
Language barriers also pose a challenge to treatment and education, as well as inhibitions around speaking about sexual issues. All of these factors must be taken into consideration when identifing the needs of the community members.

Your comment: I personally found this article interesting because it presents a different point of view about sexual health. The article emphasizes the social and cultural factors as influential and possibly as determinants on the sexual issues that the immigrant Islamic population face in European countries. The problems and dilemmas are very different from one another, but all of them lead to the conclusion confirm that sexuality is a forbidden subject in the Islamic community. I think the examples used in the article are very strong and they provide a better understanding of insight into the viewpoint of the patients, as well as the healthcare providers. In general, this is not an isolated problem, and Europe is not the only continent dealing with this matter. Nevertheless, they are facing an enormous crisis in the increased prevalence of migrant groups and the ascending of increasing rate of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
What I liked about the article: The article provides helpful information on different possible factors that are affecting the health of the community. It also presents scientific statistical information, as well as addressing the social factors that contribute to the problems. The information provided in the tables at the end of the article give provide a better understanding of the alarming situation.rapidly growing problems.
What I didn't like about the article: The authors focused their study on primarily the Islamic community. The scope of this paper is quite narrow and would have been more useful if it had included an assessment of other minority cultures in Europe as well. The (one?)comparison between Caribbean and Islamic populations was rather weak in my opinion.

2006-10-24 07:44:02 · answer #4 · answered by sushi 2 · 0 1

In the 'Abstract' paragraph- change 'appropriated' to just 'appropriate'.
The line beginning with 'Many of these factors' near the end needs to be reworked. I know what you are meaning to say but it is disjointed going from the word 'overcome' to the end. Maybe split it into two sentences?
Those the only mistakes I found and even if you ran it through a spell checker it wouldn't have caught it. Great essay- interesting and informative! Hope it gets the 'A' it deserves.

2006-10-24 06:08:46 · answer #5 · answered by Coo coo achoo 6 · 0 1

For the most part I found it well written. There a a few grammatical errors - 2nd paragraph 3rd sentence up till this point the paper is present tense then you swithch to past

run on sentence ...in Islamic culture a vergin woman....

under your comments - The problems and dilemmas are very different from ONE another instead of are very different one from another.

also under comments instead of saying whats bad about the article say whats negitive about and also whats positive about

Good luck - it sounds very articulate

2006-10-24 06:22:41 · answer #6 · answered by cameron b 4 · 0 1

My son has trouble with editing his own work. Most colleges have writing labs for the students. They are not going to re write the paper for you, but they will help with basic editing, like spelling and grammar. I think you will have better luck with your college resources than having someone here edit your paper

2016-03-28 06:10:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Make sure you have enough sentences in each paragraph, and indent each paragrpah!!!

It looks good to me!

2006-10-24 05:57:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

looks good to me

2006-10-24 06:55:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I don't do kid's home work for them. Think for yourself, kid, and do your own damn work.

2006-10-24 05:56:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

fedest.com, questions and answers