DUMBYA is a Neocon...
2006-10-24 05:50:09
answer #1
answered by DUMBYA & NO BRAINS 2
Nothing is wrong with being liberal, per se. The problem lately is that liberals are promoting ideas that have failed everytime they've been tried.
Socialism kills more people than wars. Don't believe me? Gulag, with which Gitmo Bay and other terror holding cells the left hates lately was a prison where Stalin (a text book leftist) killed millions of his own people. Look how they got there.
A bunch of downtrodden workers in Russia decide that they want what the Czar and the business community has. Lenin and Marx tell them they don't have to work for it, they should just take it. So we have the Bolshevic Revolution, where workers rise up and overthrow businesses and government.
Later, with no business and no workers, there is no food. When taxes exceeded 70% of incomes, there was no work. With no food, work or money, there is crime. Where there is not enough crime, laws pass to make everything a crime. When they round up millions of people that the government couldn't even feed on the outside, let alone on the inside, the rid their system of tiresome due process for criminals and kill everyone.
Think I'm crazy? study up on modern day Zimbabwe! Venezuela. All three share a lot in common. All three nationalize property and business and disarm their public.
Without property, there is no liberty. Without arms, there is no freedom. Without liberty and freedom, you have socialism. Back to my first point, it doesn't work. No matter how 'intelligently' you approach it.
2006-10-24 13:57:28
answer #2
answered by Curt 4
Nothing is wrong with being a liberal - I tend to be more conservative, but lots of my friends are liberal and we don't hold it against each other. It's the extremists on both sides that are mucking everything up.
I don't know about your claim that right-wing extremism is getting worse and worse - what evidence do you have to support that?
2006-10-24 13:31:33
answer #3
answered by Jadis 6
Once upon a time people used the terms Democrats and Republicans. Not Liberals and Conservatives. Still the same, just different words for identification purposes. I credit Karl Rove for this. It's pretty hard to make the word "Conservative" sound like a bad thing. Rove has successfully made the word "Liberal" a dirty word for half of America. Political genius maybe, evil definitely.
Of course Rove has had help with this via the GOP talk radio circuit. People like Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Coulter have day in and day out demonized the "L" word. As President Bush recently had these people into the White House for a "DJ Summit", don't expect it to get any better.
F.Y.I. "Liberal" is not a bad word. Go to dictionary.com and type in the word liberal. It has a much better definition than conservative.
you might unfortunately be right about where this country is headed. the dictionary defines fascist as "a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views"
2006-10-24 12:57:27
answer #4
answered by truth seeker 7
There is nothing wrong with either as long as we engage in open debate, agree to disagree, respect the others point of view, stop being so nasty and accusatory and put an end to all the hatred. Both sides have extreme fringes that do not represent the majority of the party.
I see Truth Seeker above is one of those that believes everything is Karl Rove's fault. Poor Karl, if he only knew he would be the cause of all the world's problems. How ridiculous.
2006-10-24 12:57:50
answer #5
answered by J D 5
The irony in your question, is that most Americans are moderate in political views. Which brings up another question; why are we labeled one or the other (Liberal/Neocon); if we have a different opinion from the "Right Wing/Left Wing" extremist? Many of the recent scandals and other important issue are never fully addressed because of this particular method of thinking. Therefore I believe in order for this country to emerge and become the great shinny city on the hill again; means elevating a third party. Unfortunately, our past record indicates a dispassionate stance.
2006-10-24 13:04:11
answer #6
answered by Swordfish 6
There is nothing wrong with either except like you the Way out extremist of both. and I fail to see how liberals will turn this country into a fascist one. they are the ones that fight for the constitution not destroy it. As it stand now the conservative/republicans are in charge, so who's turning it into a Fascist state-BildyMoon?
2006-10-24 12:53:18
answer #7
answered by Belladonna 4
I'm a moderate and think that liberals and conservatives are going to ruin the country. The great presidents were progressive or liberals (FDR, JFK, LBJ, TR) and they changed the country for good. Conservatives have opposed any legislation that brings change for example, slavery and segregation and women's suffrage. You are probably gonna get answers that are hateful or dumb ones that might say "we have moral values" or "we don't kill babies" but don't pay attention to them they will soon learn that being a conservative isn't good.
2006-10-24 16:51:03
answer #8
answered by cynical 6
There are too many laws in the constitution to prevent fascism, so let's just take that off the table. You'll have to explain how right-wingers are any worse than the ultra left-wing for the democratic party. It's practically socialism that they're calling for. How about if everyone would take responsibility for what they have done, and admit that you are where you are because of things you have done? Socialism all but denies people from getting ahead in life unless you are in the ultra inside part of the government.
2006-10-24 12:50:46
answer #9
answered by sethle99 5
You're right that the extremes are bad.
Look at Carville and Matlin. The husband is liberal and the wife is conservative. They make great livings spewing all the crazy rhetoric all day and then go home at night to sleep together.
American political rhetoric is cartoonish.
2006-10-24 12:50:33
answer #10
answered by imnogeniusbutt 4
I do not believe there is a right or wrong, it is just what you believe. As long as it does not harm others and you believe it is moral. The importance is not harming others.
America is the greatest country in the world. Without our economy the world would collapse. But with that said, we have our faults like others do. Liberal is not a 4-letter word, just another word, just like Conservative. Nothing wrong with either as long as you have others in mind and do not harm.
2006-10-24 12:59:44
answer #11
answered by davinm23 3