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When you see women drive, they usually don't judge the road, come up to a junction or roundabout stop before seeing the road is clear, can't park.

Its not a sexist question, just an observation as they like to boast about their "ability" to multitask over a mans.

2006-10-24 05:24:41 · 43 answers · asked by johnfromdon 2 in Social Science Gender Studies

43 answers

its because they (and men too) multitask in the car while driving.

if you're going to drive. drive

put on makeup or talk on the phone on the side of the road. goes for the morning paper and eating too.

DONT drive and anything.

just DRIVE!

2006-10-24 05:27:18 · answer #1 · answered by seanachie60 4 · 2 0

Scientifically speaking, women can multi-task. This has been proven through MRI tests and how different tasks can affect the brain in different ways. This was then extended to find out the difference between men and women. They found that women could handle coping with more than one complicated job than men.

I think you will find however, is that the number of accidents caused are mainly by women. However, the serious ones are mainly caused by men. I think it is a careless stereotype to state that women are bad drivers. Surely, the people who cause most injuries/fatalities on todays roads should be named the people who are 'so bad behind the wheel'.

I would just like to add, that I have been told countless times that I am a very good driver. I am not asking you to agree with me as you don't know this for a fact, however, I think you need to realise that the stereotype you made is simply not true. I also have to add that I am a very nervous passenger and feel more comfortable in the hands of some of my female buddies than my male mates....but then again, it can be the other way around. It depends on coordination, distance judgement, speed judgement, weather condition judgement, etc of the individual as opposed to gender.

2006-10-26 05:37:36 · answer #2 · answered by IcingOnTheCake 2 · 0 0

I happen to have mostly guys as friends rather than girl friends and they call me a bad driver all of the time so believe me I am not offended. However, I do think it's funny that you related it to a woman's ability to multitask. I guess the only think I can' think of is that we over think the situation. We are so use to doing so many things at once and paying attention to ever thing around us both consciously as well as unconsciously that we do that while we are driving. We might veer far one way cause we saw a dip and didn't realize it. I guess that's all I can think of but I hope you find some good answers.

You should ask why both men and women can't parallel park. That irritates me when a man can't parallel park.

2006-10-24 05:31:03 · answer #3 · answered by Jeni_Li 2 · 1 0

Well I think you've dug your self a big hole. It's not just women who cant park or dont look at junctions, When i was a learner driver i pulled up at red trafic light yes RED and a male driver behind me flew past without looking and nearly ran a person down, Obviously not looking before he went.

And personally I do think that men can multi task, they just have to work harder at it than women do. Its just that women tend to have the ability built in. Maybe its from years of been represed and made to stay at home with the kids and do house work (olden times) that gave us this ability.

I've seen many men park badly and take the chance of beeting the car coming round the round about and even at junctions.

neither is better than the other....

2006-11-01 01:36:57 · answer #4 · answered by jojo 3 · 0 0

women just take more care and have a greater respect for other drivers on the road!!
take you head out of the sand and look at the damage that drivers who drive too fast and take too many risks cause!! i can't say that i have ever seen a man who is any good at parking either, men just get out and leave the car where it stopped, women on the other hand would try to park better therefore they may take a couple of attempts.
as for multi-tasking come back and have a chat when you can run a house bring up a family and hold down a job by yourself little man!!

2006-10-31 21:12:10 · answer #5 · answered by fred 2 · 0 0

As said before, general driving doesn't require multi-tasking, but if the radio is up load, most men will make the point of turning it down before doing any kind of reversing (parking or whatever) while woman tend not to. This is due to men needing to concentrate on the one thing and the load music is a distraction.

On the point someothers made about young men tending to have higher insurance, it's not due to men having more accidents (they have alot less on statistics actually). It's just the accident that they do have tend to be alot more devistating and end up with their own and maybe more cars completely totalled, whereas women tend to have more crashes, most are minor bodywork damage that deosn't cost anywhere near the same amount to repair.

2006-10-29 01:21:50 · answer #6 · answered by Ricky 2 · 0 0

After reading over some of the previous answers which claim to report 'scientific fact' on what things men can do better than women, I will tell you what is a scientific fact-the majority of studies which try to identify gender differences between women and men find very few or NO significant differences whatsoever, and due to there being no differences these studies are rarely published in medical/psychological journals. A FEW studies do find differences and so get published, but these are in the minority, so next time your glossy mags try to tell you these differences are 'fact', please do think again.
In response to the question in hand, car insurance prices are not only worked out on the amount of claims made by men and women, but also look at the statistics of accidents and deaths on the road regardless of insurance claim and I'm afraid more men are involved in reckless, high speed crashes resulting in death/serious injury than women (and they are reported in percentages so it doesnt matter if more men are on the roads in total!).
Women get cheaper car insurance because they have less accidents. Men, whether they have the ability to drive well or not, seem to be unable to leave off the old accelerator, are oblivious to speed limits and can't resit showing off to their friends so much that they end up smashing their friends against a tree at 80mph.
It is NOT a fact that there are most definitely differences in men and womens abilities but it is a fact that men are involved in more road deaths than women and have more serious crashes, infact more crashes overall.
Interpret that as you like.

2006-10-29 07:20:51 · answer #7 · answered by Giorgie 5 · 0 1

I sense that maybe you are a little uncomfortable with yourself and your driving abilities.......
I don't have a problem parking, or coming up to a junction or roundabout and without having to stop fully if the way is clear. i also don't have problem negotiating thru tight spots while the man in the other car sits their petrified not knowing if he can fit through the gap.
Lets face it it isn't the sex of the person it is the ability of the person behind the wheel.

2006-10-25 12:15:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When it comes to cooking, then 'generally,' my wife is great at what you call multi-tasking. At other things which require this ability, no, not so great ~ nor even approaching the level of 'good.'

I don't think it has anything to do with 'sexism' ~ unless one risks ones crown jewels by referring to 'all women' in one sweeping dumb generalising statement about that gender.

My wife does have problems in parking where the reverse gear is required.

If we are approaching a junction and I say 'turn right,' her reply could well be, "the one on this side of the road, or that side?"

If we approach a roundabout and I say 'Fourth exit," she is TOTALLY incapable of counting ~ and we have gone around all the way around a roundabout 5 times.

Best of luck with your (jewels) security.

2006-10-29 10:55:55 · answer #9 · answered by sashtou 7 · 1 0

Actually it is a fact.....a woman's brain is like a 4 lane highway, while a man's brain is like a 2 lane highway. A woman can multitask and think about many different things at once. Which in fact is many women's problems while driving......they're thinking about other things and not paying attention to the road. A man is observant he can tell you things back in detail of what he saw because they focus on one thing only at the time. But anyone can be a bad driver.....a man or a woman.

2006-10-24 05:46:29 · answer #10 · answered by shontai 3 · 2 0

Driving is not mutli tasking. Just because you think the "road is clear" does not mean that everyone thinks that the road is clear. Just because someone is in one lane does not mean that they will stay there. Of the four accidents I have been in (I am 37) 3 were with men and not my fault. The 4th was my fault I re ended a women in a snow storm 15 years ago. Remember that women's car insurance is typically lower then a mans.

2006-10-24 05:42:36 · answer #11 · answered by applecrisp 6 · 1 1

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