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As humans we have strong opinions about death, more precisely, murder. Some debate abortions over their Sunday meal of fresh spring lamb. Here is the question: Is it okay that we can kill any other animal other than humans and why? (Yes, I know, forget for a moment the endangered species list.)

2006-10-24 05:06:26 · 16 answers · asked by GreenGirl 2 in Social Science Sociology

16 answers

I am not going to spit off some religious crap as I am so not into preaching from a story that still to this day no one really knows is true. I know what you are saying but if no one ate meat think of the world overrun by animals. The world's population as is is brusting at the seams because the medical inventions to prolong human life.

Hey if it makes you feel like there is some fairness for the animals, there is some cultures and countries out there that feed on humans such as where one culture has survival of the fittest competitions, the loser is eaten and another eats the strongest as a tribute to the gods. I personnally think that is sick. But to each their own. I will just keep on making sure I take my vacations to places where people like to eat food that is not human. eeek. yuck.

2006-10-24 17:58:19 · answer #1 · answered by Rocket 3 · 0 0

This is a very good question...oh by the way, your picture looks so angry! Kinda scary!

I think this goes back to the age old question between "evolutionist" and "creationists". The theory of evolution is we evolved from apes. An ape is an animal. Not human. Creationist believe God created us all human to begin with and animals are lower on the food chain than us.

It depends on what you believe. If you believe animals are our equals then your theory would coincide with evolution. If you believe animals are not, that we are their owners, masters, farmers, trainers. That they are gifts from God for company and for food (depending on the animal) Then you are more likely to believe in Creation.

Abortion is killing of a life. A human life, not an animal life. But if you believe animals and humans are equal, then you may believe abortion to be acceptable.

As far as the lamb. I personally don't eat any kind of baby animal. It makes me sad to think a baby was killed. The only two animals I can manage to eat is chicken and turkey, and sometimes fish.

Have a lovely day.

2006-10-24 08:00:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

On a spiritual level (albeit NOT a mainstream religious one) I believe that every soul incarnates and chooses the life it lives. I also believe that each of these souls chooses its death, both the time and manner, at a deep soul level (as opposed to a conscious human level) and that every death serves a purpose for everyone who is made aware of it in anyway. That being said, I believe that the animals we eat chose this life for a reason, just as we chose to experience a human life. I also believe that life does not end at death for any being, but is simply the doorway to another level of life, which ultimately, never ends.

2006-10-24 13:29:17 · answer #3 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 0 0

Yes its ok we can kill any other animal. That would be like asking a wolf not to track and kill a deer...sometimes - very rarely - it turns around on the human and they are sometimes the ones killed by the animal, thats when I dont think the animal should be killed, it was just protecting itself (or felt it was) most of the time why kill it b/c some dumbass human was messing with it?

If someone goes swimming with sharks, hangs out with bears, chills with Tigers...etc...then I dont feel sry for them when bitten or killed, I mean it sucks that a human life was taken but if you didnt want it to happen, its VERY easily avoidable.

But in general, its the way of life, animals kill animals and we are simply more sophisticated animals at the top of the food chain. Its not wrong to kill animals at all, if your not just doing it for fun or just cause...

2006-10-24 05:17:42 · answer #4 · answered by gwbgod 2 · 2 1

Deaths concerning with Karma. You can say it is equally and You can say not equally as the stand point on yourself or on all creature in the world. I cannot say every tree will have fruit because some trees are having fruit after 100 years later. My life cannot see the fruit, is that mean that kind of tree is fruitness? Karma is your motion influence other motion or thinking and interreaction each other. Some times you cannot see the result by this moment, does not meaning will not happen anymore.

2006-10-24 08:30:18 · answer #5 · answered by johnkamfailee 5 · 1 0

This is such controversial question, in my own opinion I would say that they only reason it is ok to kill to eat animals is because God allows it. We are not beast for doing this because we still have the human tendency that after we eat a meat meal we then turn around and befriend an Animal as our pet, where is the irony in that?? So by killing and eating animals then to befriend them we are not saying we are better than them, we are just out to survive, but to kill a human and or eat then we are saying we are better and higher in power. And that simply is why it is forbidden.

2006-10-24 08:46:26 · answer #6 · answered by KEL971 2 · 1 1

I understand your dilemma, but just consider for a moment, what would be the real impact if all the people in the world became vegetarians. Would that stop the slaughter of animals - no, as the animal kingdom would continue to eat each other as they always have.
So, unpalatable (no pun intended) as it may be, there is an established food chain which, fortunately for us, we are near the top of. That's nature.

2006-10-24 05:15:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well GreenGirl...That's an interesting question....I am not going to wax religiously here...However, Our built in fear and loathing of killing another Human being, is actually founded upon the Bible...As you know, it's one of the ten commandments...

That same book, in the new testiment; Peter, one of the first deciples, had a vision from God, in which he saw a blanket decending down from Heaven...In it, was all the animals that we were allowed to eat. Many of them at that time were forbidden, by Jewish law to consume and now was being offered by the creator..

Of course, this vision had underlying spiritual overtones...Mainly that the gospel could be offered to all mankind and not just the Jews...

Killing to just kill, is a sin and therefor very wrong...That includes the useless slaughter of any of Gods' creations...

This is my opinion anyways...Good luck on your search for the truth... :)

2006-10-24 12:20:35 · answer #8 · answered by yukoneze 3 · 0 1

It doesn't matter.

What are you going to do? Refrain from eating yogourt because it has bacteria in it?

Of course it's O.K. to kill any other animal other than humans. Not that it's going to benefit you in any way. It depends what you mean by "O.K." though.

I don't think it's particularly O.K. to make an animal suffer just because you want to eat it, or worse, just because you want to kill it.

Just walk into a McDonald's to see what excessive cow eating does to the human form.

Watch a few PETA videos or do a tour of your local slaughter house, and see for yourself what you think about killing animals.

2006-10-24 06:48:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm Christian (specifically Catholic) and believe that only humans have eternal souls with which to share eternity with God, but if you're not so easily persuaded I have another argument.

Many animals are carnivores. Humans are omnivores, eating both meat and plants. It's in our very nature. Meat has things that we need in our diet. A vegetarian diet can be wholesome, yes, but it's far easier to stay enriched with a moderate amount of meat. How else can one eat meat than to kill an animal?

Are all deaths equal? No. I believe it's wrong when a hunter kills an animal for sport, leaving it to rot. It's wrong to not attempt to throw back fish that are too young or not edible. It's very wrong to kill a human.

2006-10-24 05:18:16 · answer #10 · answered by kevinthenerd 3 · 1 3

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