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its gone from about 4.5 trillion to over 8 trillion
Thats over 8,000,000,000,000
Health care has, doubled gas has doubled
This is the Republican dream????

2006-10-24 04:49:24 · 18 answers · asked by gdeach 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Just so were clear Yes there was a surplus when Bush took office it was left over from the previous admin a Presidents first budget does not come until almost a year after he takes office
Bush Sworn in 1-20-2001
first budget signed 10-30-2001
first budget result 10-30-2002
and for the person who didnt notice gas going from 1$ to 3$ a gallon Im sorry

2006-10-24 09:00:22 · update #1

and oh btw 9 cents of every tax dollar u spend is to pay the soring interest on the debt itll b up to 20,30. That means your taxes are that much higher.
And the have cut the yearly defecitt but only because they can only borrow so much they cant borrow anymore. The Govt overspends its budget by 2 billion a day And it doesnt include the war budget.

2006-10-24 09:05:51 · update #2

1 more
The President signs the budget into law he can sen it back to congress if he doesnt like the spending
lots of Prezs have

2006-10-24 09:10:48 · update #3

comunist China owns 700 billion of our debt
Saudia Arabia home of the Hijackers 400b

2006-10-24 09:13:53 · update #4

18 answers

I'm sure that George and DICK are real concerned with our country.That's why all of our jobs have been given to people in other countries,we've been raped by oil companies,food prices have become outrageous,and we're becoming a third world country because we allow every piece of crap that wants to come here to hold demonstrations on our own streets against us!They couldn't care less about America,they are in the oval office to milk the middle class people for all they can get.If they went to Iraq to fight terrorist how in the hell did DICK get the contract to supposedly rebuild their stinking sewage pit? I'm sure they are really concerned about America! THEY ARE LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!! That is the Republican dream!!!

2006-10-24 05:22:28 · answer #1 · answered by mikey 3 · 0 4

He had the help of some 500+ congresscritters in making that deficit. They're the ones who have spent like drunken sailors on shore leave.

Also, the economy he inherited was in a recession, due to the 2000 dot.com bubble bursting. A reduction on high tax rates has always helped jump start an ailing economy, naturally at the cost of a temporarily increase in budget deficits.

However, add the pork barrel (earmarked) spending, the Medicare Prescription coverage, and the cost of the War on Terror, and you have large budget deficits.

Now, the budget deficit is much smaller than predicted because the tax revenues are increasing beyond what was predicted.

It is well known that the effects of a marginal tax rate cut takes a few years to be felt in the economy, and a little longer to bring increased income tax revenues. This is what we're seeing now. And if Congress had been thoughtful about spending the peoples' monies, we'd probably be running a budget surplus.

Blaming it all on Bush is not supported by the facts.

2006-10-24 12:08:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First, to respond the the very ignorant first answerer... THERE WAS NO SURPLUS..... The national debt has NEVER gone down ANY year under ANY President since 1948.... stop drinking the liberal Kool-Aid... While Clinton SLOWED the growth of the debt (at the expense of severely hindering the economy), he NEVER had reduced the debt

Second.... Healthcare is not a government responsibility. Gas prices are not federally regulated. These have NOTHING to do with the deficit nor the budget.

Fact.. The economy is doing well under slow growth, to the point where investment is back up and we are doing well.
Fact.. All government overspending is NOT inherently bad when taking the COMPLETE economy into account.
Fact.. The majority of our debt is to ourselves. The amount of outstanding debts to other countries is roughly equal to what other countries owe us.

And this I do not undersatnd... I bother to show the link to the ACTUAL data and some still have the audacity to post FAKE statistics just 2 posts after me..... I post the true numbers, and just because it does not mirror what the liberals want it to mirror, I get a thumbs down...

Take a sip out of the hot steaming mug of reality people... don't ignore the facts just because accepting them would force you to change your mind

2006-10-24 12:07:17 · answer #3 · answered by DiamondDave 5 · 1 2

Reagan/Bush 1 tripled the national debt from 2.06 trillion dollars to over 6 trillion dollars (6,000,000,000,000) during their time in office and Bush 2 pushed it up another 6 trillion. During that time, the only reduction that occurred in the deficit was achieved during the Clinton years.

2006-10-24 12:10:39 · answer #4 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 2 1

Read the Constitution. Congress controls the money. The President can only spend the money Congress authorizes. Your compliant is with Congress, which of course represents the American people.

2006-10-24 12:02:09 · answer #5 · answered by Richard B 4 · 2 1

And there hasn't been an attack on U.S soil, The Dow is at a record high, Americans have more in savings now than ever before. That is the Republican dream!

2006-10-24 12:03:52 · answer #6 · answered by only p 6 · 2 1

Does you realize the average American doesn't care? That foreign trade, stock markets and a free enterprise system has always meant some form of national debt? And, as ive asked several times in this forum when nutcases like you come on, How has it changed your life one bit? Have trouble buying a gallon of milk last week? Have trouble getting the funds from your account for your weekly trip to applebees? How does it change your miserable life?

2006-10-24 11:53:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I thought there was a surplus when he took office?? So then he brought us to new lows and maybe improved a bit but there is still a deficit. Republicans need to take a look at numbers. Freedom is expensive but not at the cost of civilian lives.

2006-10-24 12:01:30 · answer #8 · answered by cma80 5 · 1 3

there was a surplus when he took office, but the republicans blame the democrats, saying that even though they had total power it was the democrats fault.. they say it was going to crash no matter what/who was in office... sounds a lot like mismanagement and playing the blame game to me.. if this administration was a CEO of a company they'd be following Enron's footsteps right about now.

2006-10-24 12:00:00 · answer #9 · answered by pip 7 · 0 2

Bush also bankrupted every company he tried to strart, it was senior who had to keep bailing him out and covering for him about is AWOL from the military and the drunk driving in Maine. Someone took his driving record out of the system. Good old dad to the rescue again.

2006-10-24 11:56:17 · answer #10 · answered by Thomas S 6 · 2 2

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