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This was one of the answers, when I asked this: Men and women have different kinds of brain, so different inherent skills and abilities?

I agree that men and women have different interests because of the difference in their perception and thinking styles. Men are more logical and women are more emotional in my opinion. Therefore men are more interested in logical things, like engineering, science, video games, sports, etc. And women are more interested in romantic movies, soap operas, French literature, etc. (SAM)

But, I personally believe that it's not true and we were taught to have these ideas by society.

Well, now please read another answer completely different attitude: Do not let anyone make you believe that there are male and female emotions because that is not true. Children are being socialized to believe that. We are all born with all our emotions intact, it was just changed along the way because of strict societal boundaries that insist that men and women are more different than what really is. They teach their children that "to be human is to be limited". Well, it doesn't have to be. Everyone has all the same emotions, it's just that some men may not permit themselves to feel some of them because they were taught that they shouldn't "feel that way" because only women are suppose to…

Which one is closer to you????????

2006-10-24 03:37:39 · 23 answers · asked by lollipop 1 in Social Science Gender Studies

23 answers

men and women are different, but not one is better than the other...society has a put these ideas into thier heads...it is conditioning that ppl seem unaware of in everyday life...when the man is driving the car and his wife is sitting next to him, it is subtley saying that the man is a better driver....when a woman is cooking the meal and man is watching t.v., then it is saying that the woman has in herently better culinary skills than the man...i am sure that many of the male chefs we have would beg to differ just as the women indy racers would beg to differ....a skill can be learned....so can an interest...centuries ago, it was believed women shouldn't be able to read and write...(they limited knowledge to the ppl that they kept down so that they wouldn't realize how badly they were being treated and revolt)....think of all the literature that we would be losing if it were the standard today as it was back then...we have evolved, but not enough...eveyone is equal until proven otherwise...

2006-10-24 06:03:45 · answer #1 · answered by apost 3 · 2 1

Actually it is the positioning of these two answers side by side that makes it impossible to answer. Read men are from mars women are from venus by John Gray for clinically verified differences between men and women that are used and work in counselling today. I think that individual variations within the genders can be a great as any between the two. I have met some guys who are far more emotional than some of the gilrs I have met. Its possible the girls were putting on a front, but read this book, there are differences but not simple enough to boil down to these two opposite answers.

I am closer to the second but I belive it undermines equality becuase when it becomes apparent that not all differences are down to socialisation, we begin to question the validity of feminism. I believe that yes differences exist but we cannot prescribe what behaviour is right for any one individual becuase we are all so different and that is fascism. I also belive that we cannot say that any given individual will be better at a certain task, or should therefore take responsibility for that task. I believe that in all situations it should be the individuals choice and that we are people that happen to have a gender, rather than then other way round.

2006-10-24 12:25:48 · answer #2 · answered by Zinc 6 · 0 1

I strongly believe that men are more 'logical' and women are more 'emotional'. However, that doesn't make all men wise. Logic varies from person to person, and a person can only rely on his own logic. Yet, no matter how much logic a man has, he will tend to make decisions based on it.

Women's thinking, though, is much more influenced by emotions and hormones. That's why so many women are suckered into bad relationships. Their logic is saying, 'chances are he's a dog', but their emotions are saying 'He is so charming'. Unfortunately, emotions usually win for women.

2006-10-24 12:14:13 · answer #3 · answered by woman_of_tomorrow 2 · 0 0

Are you kidding? Men are more logical? As a man I feel that this is utter rubbish. Do you think George W would be in Iraq if Daddy didn't get embaressed by them. Do you think it is logical to apply technology which could solve the world's energy problems to the weapons which could destroy that planet. When a man feels hurt or sleighted he may swallow that and not show it but as for acting logically, this can only happen while being objective. How can we be objectve about something we care about. This is a contradiction in terms. What does all that engineering and such lead us to, ways to either conquer others or to gain favor. Both of which are self serving and therefore emotionally motivated. Perhaps we think logically only to satisfy emotional needs.

2006-10-24 03:55:58 · answer #4 · answered by sandgoanna 2 · 2 1

If women are more interested in soap operas than they are in changing the world for the better, I'd rather just die right now. If you're not helping, you're hindering.
Generally speaking, men and women excel in different areas. Only the toughest of women ever get to be body builders (I am a self-proclaimed wimp, alas, it was not to be)
And theres usually one man to every 50 female ballerinas. (his is because they need at least one guy to do the cool lifts and things, but men were just not meant to be graceful beauties.)
But hey if either gender excels in an area that is not common to their gender, I say all the more power to them.

2006-10-24 03:55:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well, neither - if faced with two women with severe personality flaws, I would be much happier simply being single. But I assume that you're trying to ask which is worse - in which case I would probably say that I could tolerate the logically consistent but stonefaced one better than the insane basketcase.

2016-03-28 06:04:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am logical, and at times emotional when it is acceptable... for example I am very logical at work and try to not put to much emotion into it, thats not business like! But at home, while using my logic I also can not help but put emotion into my decisions and plans... I think you have to have a balance of both!!! Men and Women DO communicate differently, that is just how it is, but it has a lot to do with society, I agree!

2006-10-24 03:46:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There are many things that are different about men and women. Perceptions are one of them. The manner in which we process data is another. There have been studies that have demonstrated this, using imaging technology. We do all have the same emotions, but they affect us differently.

2006-10-24 03:47:43 · answer #8 · answered by math_prof 5 · 1 0

Men reason and react with logic and women reason and react with emotion is the norm, howvever this does not apply in all cases of course, but certianly lends itself to the whole "Venus / Mars" arguement.

In saying that, I don't necessarily agree with your examples of interests. You would not see me ever watching a sopa opera for example, and my man couldn't apply logic to anything elctronic if his life depended on it.

2006-10-24 12:15:10 · answer #9 · answered by LadyRebecca 6 · 1 0

Do not let anyone make you believe that there are male and female emotions because that is not true. Children are being socialized to believe that and that is a fact!!Believe it or not, we are both exactly the same inside..its just our physical side thats different..our minds are not!! And I am not WEAKER or GAY!!! AND THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN BY MEN ANYWAY..SO WHAT DO YOU EXPECT IT TO SAY OTHERWISE...OF COURSE IT' S FULL OF SOCIETAL RULES FOR WOMEN ...ONLY ONES THAT WOULD SUIT MEN!!
Don't believe the crap the Bible tells you?? Quran says, ALL MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL!

2006-10-24 03:51:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anne B 1 · 5 2

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