Usually they are not painful. Usually they are not harmful to the baby. My OB said if I was having 4 or more an hour then he wanted to know about it to make sure that they weren't "doing any damage"...meaning making me dilate too early. They are exercises for your uterus. I view them as a good thing because the more exercise my uterus gets before labor the better shape my uterus will be in when the big day comes. For me a Braxton-Hicks contraction feels like either 1. I am wearing a girdle that has been temporarily tightened or 2. I have a giant ace bandage around my belly that is being tightened. Also when I put my hand to my belly it is rock hard. The past 3 weeks or so (I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow) it has made my breathing feel labored. Hope this helps.
2006-10-24 02:44:05
answer #1
answered by JordanB 4
as the pregnancy nears the end, yes, the contractions can be painful but not so that you cannot talk or are double over when you get one. They feel like a tightening in your belly, the baby may move and kick when this happens, and it can get so tight that it gets to the point that you think if it got any tighter, it WOULD hurt. I've had them so tight that it has actually taken my breath away. The difference between braxton hicks and regular labor is that braxton hicks are off and on, and labor has a regular pattern.
they aren't dangerous to baby...its just your bodies way of warming up for the real thing!!!
2006-10-24 03:28:18
answer #2
answered by zoe and skylar's mommy 4
During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, you may notice episodes when your belly tightens and becomes firm to the touch, then relaxes. These are episodes of tightening (contraction) of the uterine muscles called Braxton Hicks contractions. These normal contractions may be hardly noticeable or may be strong enough to make you stop what you are doing.
Considered "warm-up" exercises for the uterus, Braxton Hicks contractions can begin as early as the 20th week of pregnancy, although most often they start between the 28th and 30th week.
Braxton Hicks contractions are usually infrequent in midpregnancy. However, they can be more frequent during the ninth month, sometimes occurring as often as every 10 to 20 minutes.1 Braxton Hicks contractions usually occur less than 4 to 6 times per hour.
Braxton Hicks contractions:
* Usually disappear during exercise or activity (unlike true labor pains, which continue or increase if you move around).
* Are more noticeable during rest.
It may be difficult to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and true labor. If there is any doubt, consult your health professional.
2006-10-24 02:32:54
answer #3
answered by Miriam Z 5
Braxton Hicks are sporadic uterine contractions that truthfully begin at approximately 6 weeks, even though you will not be ready to think them that early. You commonly may not begin to discover them till someday after midpregnancy, in the event you discover them in any respect (a few females do not). They get their identify from John Braxton Hicks, an English health practitioner who first defined them in 1872. As your being pregnant progresses, Braxton Hicks contractions have a tendency to come back relatively extra traditionally, however till you get for your final few weeks, they must stay rare, abnormal, and pretty much painless. Sometimes, despite the fact that, Braxton Hicks are rough to differentiate from early indicators of preterm hard work. Play it reliable and do not attempt to make the analysis your self. If you have not hit 37 weeks but and you are having 4 or extra contractions in an hour, or have some other indicators of preterm hard work, name your caregiver instantly. By the time you are inside a few weeks of your due date, those contractions would possibly get extra excessive and extra widespread, and rationale a few pain. Unlike the previous painless and sporadic Braxton Hicks contractions that brought about no seen cervical difference, those would possibly support your cervix "ripen": progressively melt and efface, and probably even start to dilate somewhat. This interval is regularly known as "pre-hard work."
2016-09-01 01:53:00
answer #4
answered by polka 4
Braxton Hicks contractions
are a phenomenon that occurs quite often
in the late stages of pregnancy .
sometimes called FALSE labour
they feel like period pains
They are from the womb muscles ,
practising for labour contractions .
This is normal
they are not harm full ,to you or your baby.
When you do get TRUE labour contractions,
they will be regular and stronger ,
as you progress towards the delivery of your baby .
If you have any fears at all ;
discuss them with your doctor or Midwife ,
they will be able to reassure you, that all is well
all best wishes for you and your new baby !
2006-10-24 02:55:08
answer #5
answered by sweet-cookie 6
They are like normal contractions - but not as strong. However, if you've never felt the real thing, you won't know what they are like either! Of course they are not harmful to the baby - they are a normal part of the process - like your body is limbering up for the main event! You don't need to be concerned about them. When your waters break - or when you start getting REGULAR contractions - that's when you call in the pro's!! Try and time the length of the contractions and the period of time between each one. I may be a man - but I've been there for my three children's births - at home, I may add! Best place to be and don't let anyone tell you different!!!
2006-10-24 02:36:30
answer #6
answered by pyronaught2000 2
They can be painful towards end of pregnancy, making it hard to tell if its true labour or not. Usually they just feel like tightenings in your uterus and are not regular or lasting more then a few hours. I have read tat if they are regular and lasting more then 2 hours you should speak to a health care preovider especially if your baby would be prem. They dont hurt baby, they just prepare you and your uterus for delivery. Saying that i am pregnant with my fourth baby and have been having them since 15 weeks, plenty of practice for me.
2006-10-24 02:37:48
answer #7
answered by lividuva 3
I dont want to scare you but yes they are painful so when you have them they will fell like the real thing but not as painful, so if you think your having them call your doc right away, but its all natural, and sometimes it could be dangerous for you or the baby so dont wait to long ok.
2006-10-24 02:36:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
bh can be painful. like when i set for a while then get up to walk and i get one it stops me in my tracks. its not harmful to the body. they are just gettin your uterus ready thats all. jsut tightening and letting go then mostly aren't painful at all when they do become really painful and come at regular intervals then you should call your doc. this can mean you are in labour.
2006-10-24 02:49:37
answer #9
answered by B 2
They're getting you and the baby ready for the real thing.
They're natural and normal.
They feel like you're actually in the early stages of labor.....but they eventually stop....real labor of course doesn't.
2006-10-24 02:45:50
answer #10
answered by daljack -a girl 7