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...what would it be and what punishment would you assign?

2006-10-24 02:01:04 · 22 answers · asked by gibstob 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

22 answers

I would make it compulsary for everyone in England to speak English as their first language. Punishment would be them having to take a vow of silence for a specific time.

I would make it illegal for any government to decide to go to war without a full referendum vote going to the people. The punishment would be to send the PM to the Hague as a war criminal.

I would make it illegal for an unemployed single mum to have more than one child unless she can financially support them both from birth. The punishment would be forced labour to make her repay society's taxpayers.

I would ban all further immigration except for people such as doctors, nurses, teachers etc. Generally people who will work and have already a job to go to and contribute to society. Again punishment would be forced labour until they've earnt enough to cover the cost of sending them home.

I would limit the amount of resourses the police can use to catch speeding motorists (say 1% of the forces time). The punishment would be fines to the more senior officers for breaching this level.

I would ban any MP or senior civil servant from ownership, directorship or shareholding in any company whilst in public service. The pentalty would be jail for fraud and bankrupcy.

Chemical castration for sexual predators.

I would make it illegal for a woman to prevent her child seeing the father (unless he's deemed by the court to be a danger) for a minimum of 3 full days/nights a week. The punishment would be giving full custody to the father (who then must allow the mum to see the child for minimum 3 full days).

I would give life sentances for heron dealers and free rehab to addicts, that would soon stop the cycle of addiction.

Wife beating or any male violence against women would be punishable by placing the fella in stocks in the middle of the town centre with a sign saying what he'd done. The public (men and women) would be free to do anything they wanted to him without endangering his life or the use of any weapons. The more violent the man the longer he stays in the stocks.

Anyone found harming or neglecting animal would be punished by animals being free to attack them. For example a minor crime would be punished by lots of bee stings where as an animal dying would be punished by Rottweillers being set on the person.

Any girl that cries rape when it hasn't happened (it goes on more than we like to think, isn't that true Kate Garner from Preston) should get the same prison sentance as the crime they made up would get.

2006-10-24 03:08:39 · answer #1 · answered by John H 3 · 1 0

As a Canadian, my first would be the Death Penalty would make a comeback.

I'd also like to see our social workers hanged by their ankles in town square where the town can dole out punishment when a child in their care is still starved to death by his / her parents (I can provide names of several where I live). Of course, the parents of the child would be hanged right beside the social worker.

People who cannot, or will not follow the rules of the road. IE. driving 45 in an 80 zone. Punishment - flogging, fines, and loss of license, and of course their picture on the front cover of all newspapers so that we can report them if they drive again.

Bullying. In any shape or form. Punishment - anything that their victim wants them to be put through, whether just embarassment, bullying also, etc., etc. All punishment is at the descretion of the one (or more) that was the brunt of their bullying.

These are just a few. I'm sure if I thought long and hard about it, I could come up with more. Main one though, is the "slow" or what I call "Sunday drivers" NEED to get off the road.

2006-10-24 09:15:23 · answer #2 · answered by GirlinNB 6 · 0 0

I would introduce an international law powerful enough to put out of power any Head of State who is being suspected of improper leadership and mismanaging a country. Punishments will vary depending on the offence.

Example:-Saddam should not be executed if found guilty (death is something which everyone has to go through), instead he should be sent into hard labour in a community surrounded by people who were victims of his regime.

2006-10-25 14:52:38 · answer #3 · answered by ville009 2 · 0 0

It would be illegal to do the following:

68mph in the middle lane for ever and a day. I mean how do these people ever get off the motorway? Penalty: Picked up while driving (as they never get out of the middle lane) by a Chinook with a magnet and flown in to a bridge parapet.

Driving with your fog lights on no matter what the weather is doing.
Penalty: Execution by slow severing of limbs with a rusty hack saw.

Possession of a caravan.
Penalty: Death by burning.

2006-10-24 09:07:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would pass a law that any offense against the elderly, be it fraud or violence be punished at double the rate of the crime against younger people. The elderly built what these young people have and it is up to them to help take care of the older's as the older's did the ones that come to this age before them.

2006-10-24 09:05:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'd make a law against any president who allows their approval rating to slip below 40%. The punishment would be being forced to stand in a wet concrete sidewalk until it hardens and then anyone from the public would be allowed to do anything they want to them until they're dead.

Then their corpse would be jackhammered out and tossed in the nearest sewage lagoon for "processing".

2006-10-24 09:10:18 · answer #6 · answered by wreck_beach 4 · 0 0

redistribution of land.

About 0.28% of the population of England and Wales own nearly 64% of the land.

I'd share it about.

A lot of it get passed down from father to son, all that inbred rich sh1t that's been going on for about 500 years.

But just to make sure they didn't get fu*ked they make a law in the EU that if it was ever needed by the government they would be appropriately compensated - cun7s!

2006-10-24 09:13:14 · answer #7 · answered by speedball182 3 · 0 0

I don"t know about passing a law but I would love to see all Politicians wired to a "lie detector" when being interviewed. I would pass a law however that all paedophiles would have to be "castrated in public"

2006-10-24 10:15:18 · answer #8 · answered by researcher 3 · 0 0

Banning all numb-nuts on here with stupid racist and nazi ideas, and as for the penalty, lets send all the racists to Bradford for a week, to enjoy the natural charm and bright intellect of the Indian community and, of course, curry three times a day.

As for the nazis, well lets get the to the rabi, you know the one with the rusty pencil sharpner, for some circumcision.

And yes, it will fit, for as we all know, nazis are all tiny dicks.

2006-10-24 12:17:41 · answer #9 · answered by manforallseasons 4 · 0 0

I would pass a law about term limits for the congress and the senate.

2006-10-24 09:22:46 · answer #10 · answered by mmmkay_us 5 · 0 0

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