I am not aware of the social policies that you are referring to. Can you please expand about it more?
But to answer the first question, yes I would lend a hand to someone in need. I guess compassion is an inherent human nature. We just need to act upon it.
2006-10-24 01:41:14
answer #1
answered by OnThe36th 5
I'm all for policies that up bring the living conditions and education of the poor. But there is nothing wrong with the poor doing things for themselves too!
When I arrived in this country with my husband, (we were 22 & 25 years old) we arrived with 3 suitcases and baby! We had no money, no friends, nowhere to live. Until then I had lived with out-door plumbing and no telephone!
We have never smoked cigarettes, we don't drink alcohol, never done drugs, don't buy lottery tickets, don't eat much fast-food or out in restaurants, for many years we did not have vacations. Our kids never had designer label clothes. Both my husband & I have taken evening clesses over the years. I took my first University courses when I was 39 years old! Now we have a small business, I spent a month in Europe this spring and we have a lovely home that is paid for. But, I still cut my husband's hair myself!
Did you know that just buying a coffee a couple of times a day ($1), ends up costing you $60 a month, for a couple that is $120. That is $1,440 each year, or $57,600 in the 40 years that is an individual's working life. That's just a coffee a day. Once you add a do-nut or something each day, it really adds up. When you think of the cumalative cost of burger and fries for a family, a couple of times a week, people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in their working lives - it equals a lottery win (that they could have in their own pockets!)
They say that there is no shame in being born poor, but shame on you if you die poor (and YOU have done nothing to change it!)
2006-10-24 02:07:58
answer #2
answered by ? 7
There should not be a "handout" but a "hand up".
The poor need to have their *** kicked to be risen up instead of trying to bring the rich down. We should not take from the rich and give to the poor. The poor should not just be given anything. They should work for it or work towards it. Our population can only evolve as far as the poor will allow us. I believe one of the most important things government should do is solve the problem of poverty in the US although one political party is for giving handouts and also discussing legalizing drugs, the same drugs that are causing SOME of the problem.
2006-10-24 01:45:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
They can try all they want, but people are so greedy that it doesn't matter. There will always be people like Trump claiming everything as his own and making a buttload off of it, and people who have to live on the sidewalks in front of it. It's horrible. Maybe if they keep trying they'll come up with something that helps a little, but I wouldn't count on it.
2006-10-24 01:41:48
answer #4
answered by youarebummy 1
the gap is way to wide. the rich is getting super rich and the poor is struggling to make ends meet
2006-10-24 01:39:38
answer #5
answered by ? 6
would be a good idea so that i the middle class person get a break ! because with all the taxes here these days !
2006-10-24 01:38:35
answer #6
answered by silverearth1 7