Hello. -
American Flag Costume
AquaTeen Character Costume
Andy Warhol & Two Of His Paintings Costume
Black Cat Costume
Blues Clues Costume
Butterfly Costume
Cereal Killer Costume
Chance of Rain Costume
Coloring Crayon Costume
Dalmatian Costume
Easy Ghost Costume
Elephant Costume
Flower Costume
Flower Garden Costume
Frog Costume
Glow-in-the-Dark Skeleton Costume
Gum Under the Chair Costume
Mummy Costume
Ninja Turtle Costume
Pile of Leaves Costume
Pumpkin Costume
Road Costume
Skunk Costume
Snowman Costume
Speed Bump Costume
Spider Costume
Static Cling Costume
Traffic Light Costume
Tree Costume
Unicorn Costume
Winnie the Pooh Costume
Angel-Princess Costume
Artist Costume
Bag of Jelly Beans Costume
Basket Of Laundry Costume
Beanie Baby Costume
Bratz Doll Costume
Bumble Bee Costume
Charlie Brown Costume
Christmas Tree Costume
Cousin It Costume
Donny Darko
Fire Truck Costume
Funny Old Lady Costume
Ghost Costume
Gingerbread Boy Costume
Glamour Ghost Costume
Glamorous Zombie Costume
Harry Potter Costume
Hillbilly Costume
Hula Dancer Costume
Judge Judy Costume
Lady Liberty Costume
Ladybug Costume
Lego Costume
Lizzy Borden Costume
Magician Costume
Miss America Costume
Mr or Mrs Potato Head Costume
Moose Costume
Mother Nature Costume
Nerd Costume
Old Man or Woman Costume
Outer Spacers
Pair of Blue Jeans Costume
Pair of Dice Costume
Pencil Face Costume
Pets For Sale Costume
Pizza Costume
Playing Card Costume
Popcorn Box Costume
Race Car and Driver Costume
SandMan, Death, Delirium- From Neil Gaiman's The Dreaming Costume
Scarecrow Costume
SouthPark Character Costume
SpongeBob Squarepants Costume
Super Baby Costume
The Maxx
Three Muskateers Costume
Toga Greek Costume
Too Much Coffee Man
Tourist Costume
Train Costume
Witchy Poo Costume
Wolf-Werewolf Costume
Have a nice day. :)
2006-10-27 03:27:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Mr. Peanut
Ben Franklin
Yosemite Sam
Fog Horn Leg Horn
Rhett Butler
Hoss Cartwright
Tiny Tim
John Lennon
Dr. Suess
Willie Wonka
2006-10-24 02:29:00
answer #2
answered by *toona* 7
I saw this costume the other day for a guy. LOL It was pretty funny. Its mass market so they are probably all over the place....it was a long blond curly wig....red hot-pants and a white tank-top/belly shirt tat was padded with cleavage. The shirt read "Always a lady." It would be particularly funny to see this on a guy with a bit of a gut and lots of body hair. (But that's just me.) Hope you have more treats than tricks. :)
2006-10-24 01:08:14
answer #3
answered by ? 6
Dirty Tampon. it worked for me. : ), but be careful of the crowd ur in for obvious reasons and you can make it yourself its not hard. some red pants a white winter hat with some kind of long string i made mine out of toilet paper and a lot of scotch tape, and a white t-shirt you color half red and right something in the white section. thats about as original as it gets. look through all the other halloween costume questions on this site and i am sure u will find all the other things people suggested except this one. you gotta have confidence and be funny to pull this off.
2006-10-26 02:46:03
answer #4
answered by DiZy 1
funniest costume i have ever seen was a guy dressed up as a shower. Also, i knew this girl once who went to this place and got a cigarrette package blown up HUGE, so she could fit into it, and she went as a pack of smokes. I think it was Player's Light (Canuck Smokes)
2006-10-24 01:07:13
answer #5
answered by C 4
I really would like to dress up as a thought. Maybe even a fleeting thought. If you catch a thought in the moment, then the moment becomes the past.
2006-10-27 09:45:19
answer #6
answered by K_Holbert 1
Depending on your personality, I once seen a guy dressed as an *** HOLE he put on a solid brown T-shirt and painted his face brown then he put a large rubber band around his nech for the Sphincter.. LOL it was funny
2006-10-24 04:23:37
answer #7
answered by Trixie 2
white t-shirt, cover in fake blood, cut a hole in the middle & make URself an Alien 2 burst outta of UR chest.
at least U don't have 2 look like John Hurt!
2006-10-24 01:07:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i dont know how old you are, but I went to a party where a guy was a box of wine. this guy was wearing a box, and he bought a box of wine and he somehow put the tap to the wine by his *you know* and if anyone wanted a drink, they had to use his tap. it was pretty funny...but only if your old enough to do that.
2016-05-22 05:38:21
answer #9
answered by Ivette 4
alot of good ideas here from everyone maybe you could be marc antony[cleopatra] or or dress up as a greek god a toga- sandals- maybe a beard- and a crown of some sort it would work for either one have fun choosing
2006-10-24 03:09:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous