I think it is not a mere coincidence. The major reason for Muslims to become terrorist is their religion. They are so much die hard followers of their religion that even a mere joke against their religion instigate them to take a life. From their childhood, they are only taught to sacrifice their life for ALLAH.
And in their teenage their brain are washed in such a way that they assumed other religion are only to eliminate from the entire world.
Just imagine, if the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is to palce in the present US position, there would be only muslims in the world and all other religions could have been the victims of religious genocide.
The muslims are not inborn terrorist and in their defination the 9/11 attack is mere a lessons to the US to respect Isalam. Whosoever talks about whatever, the 9/11 attacks hadmade every muslims a happy one.
Just imagine another fact, whenever there is religious war, one of the side is always a Muslims. I have never heard the war between buddist and hindus, or buddist and jews. But you can hear about the religious war between hindus and muslims, christian and muslims and so on....
Muslims can be instigated very easily in the name of their religion. And the learder like Bin Laden, Saddam Hussain are always using this weapons to cater fighter for the war.
For this, Muslims education system inside the mosque need to be change in the first stance. I do not mean to change their religion but give them to scope to think in the open mind. While talking anything in relativity, they need to think out from their ALLAH and their religion. If they become successful on doing so, it is sure that the terrorist activities in world diminish dramatically.
2006-10-23 23:42:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are quite a few brands of terrorism but it seems that the most successful are Islamic. There are non-Islamic terrorist groups around the world but they don't have the status of the Moslems. The war against terrorism can never really be won, just contained. And that is done by simply killing as many of them as you can find. Not putting them on trial or jailing them. Ending their lives. Better a dead martyr than a live hero. If you're too squeamish to shoot or hang them, build a prison on one of the Aleutian Islands and lose them there. Except their friends and sympathisers in the liberal media would be up there trying to make sure they all had guitars and knew all the chords to Kumbaya. It's probably gonna take the loss of San Francisco by a terrorist nuke to finally get everyone on the same page in this country. It'll happen.
2006-10-23 23:34:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I would have to disagree with you when you say most terrorists are Muslim. They're just the most politicized because our nation's petroleum is at stake. If you look at terrorism on a broad scale, you would see the bus bombings in the Gaza strip (Lebanese and Hezbolah) are not related to Muslim faith. There are a lot of terrorists from Pakistan on the Most Wanted List.
Also, one of the largest terrorist areas in the world is Africa, with over 2/3 of the continent being run by War Lords who kill people by the thousands and bury them in mass graves for no apparent reason at all. I don't think there is really a War on Terror going on, as much as an argument over oil cast in a political spotlight.
2006-10-23 23:26:14
answer #3
answered by Red 4
According to Dr. Amartya Sen the chief cause of violence and terrorism is not religion but the crisis of identity.
When we try to categorise people on the basis of a single identity; may be religion, nationality, profession, political outlook, sexual orientation; what we are doing is we are missing an important point that the same people simultaneously can belong to various other groups. a same person can be a male, Muslim, Pakistani, athlete, scientist, social worker, feminist, etc.
the divide between human mind happens because we get caught in stereotypes and fail to recognise multiple identity a person can possess. we try to look at certain equations like
terrorist = Muslims
this leads to an illusion of a scenario in which we consider a person good or bad on the basis of a single criterion which is incorrect. Although western thought has shown us individualistic approach still we have failed to look at humans as individuals.
until that barrier remains... this problem of violence and so called terrorism can not be solved. In Dr. Sen's own words,"We can do better than this."
2006-10-23 23:37:12
answer #4
answered by godgiri 2
Have you got any idea how many organizations in the Worl there are that might be labeled terrorist? Do you ever think that the American media might be leading you up the garden path?
Why don't you redefine muslim as middle eastern muslim and then think about how much oil those people have?
Then, rephrase your question to something like does the american media want to convince us that everyone living in the middle east (except the Israelis of course, have you heard of them?) is a muslim terrorist so that those in power, who own all the newspapers and tv stations, can steal lots of oil?
The war on terror can best be one by geting rid of the person who made it up ie. Bush.
2006-10-23 23:34:29
answer #5
answered by airmonkey1001 4
I think that it isn't a coincidence. I think that Islam is hateful ideology overall, and they ,moderate muslims who want peace, need to get together and change certain parts of it (like where it tells them to kill the unfaithful Jews and Christians). They also need to speak up and condemn those blowing themselves up. They need to be loud and clear about it. Because right now they are not.
I also think that it was a big mistake to call this ideology "The religion of Peace". That threw people off, and confused them big time.
Lets see... so the 9/11 hijackers were representing the "religion of Peace"? Really? Hm-mm.....
2006-10-24 02:15:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The War on Terror is based on a false premise, just as the War on Drugs and other such silliness. What is Terror anyway? What are Drugs? We have a remarkable ability to fall for propaganda. Terror, as far as I can tell, is an idea. How do you defeat an idea? If you plan to use force, you must kill everyone who may have the idea. Is that really possible, or more to the point, is it something we really desire? What we have brewing is a war of ideas, fostered by those whose agenda is the cause of the terror in the first place. We must be able to examine why there would be Terror, and be willing to ask ourselves what we may be doing to cause it. If someone I don't know walks up to me on the street and hits me in the face, of course I will be upset and, at first, want to retaliate, but at some point I want to ask myself why he did that? In the case of 9/11, we never have had that discussion in this country. Why not? Instead, the Bush people want us to immediately go get the bad guys, which, by the way, they mysteriously don't seem to be interested in doing. ( With all our space tech and military we can't find Osama? )
The more we do as Bush suggests, the more terrorists there seem to be. Therefore, the less safe we become. The more we bomb Afghanistan and Iraq, the more lives are lost, theirs much more than ours. It seems that each day those countries are more likely to be our enemy. Could it be that is intentional on Bush's part, or is he just misguided? We have, or more aptly put the big boys have, interfered in the middle east, and elsewhere, for a very long time. Oil is power, and those that control it are extremely powerful. The powerful have shown little interest in the welfare of ordinary people, especially in the middle east. While they grow rich on oil, they support rulers who also grow rich while their citizens are largely living in poverty. This is a recipe for disaster. Then these same powerful men sell these wealthy rulers, like Saddam and the rest, military weapons and technology to keep their people down, and that gives them the power to cause trouble for their neighbors as well. But, these powerful men do not want anyone to pay attention when they, and their rich ruler partners, grow incredibly rich at the expense of the local populations. So instead, when people become upset and cause trouble both locally, and to outside interests and countries like the US, they label this unrest as Terror!
I think it is time we all wake up and ask some hard questions of ourselves. As we drive our billions of autos that are totally depended on oil to run, and operate our vast technology that is also dependant on this oil, can we anymore ignore the consequences of our dependance. Can we turn a blind eye to how the Arab people feel as this is going on?
The citizens of the modern world do not get the profits of this system. Instead, as the price of oil continues to rise, the powerful will continue to grow rich while we pay them more and more for the oil they sell us. As the tensions in the middle east continue to rise, more and more of our young men will be required to die to enforce this reality on those who don't like it. 3,000 of ours, but 500,000 of them so far. Will this formula prove successful? I think not. How many more will have to die before we ask why? We must change the way this "game" is being played or it will only get much worse. We cannot win this "game" for we have much more to lose than they, and we are much more vulnerable than they. Us against them is not a healthy way to live and will not work. Are we really ready to be willing to kill them all over oil? I don't want to live with that on our conscience. The powerful are few and we are millions. Can we afford to continue to support their agenda? It is time we all look hard at this reality before it turns into something like our worst nightmare.
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2006-10-23 23:20:22
answer #7
answered by michaelsan 6
They are against anyone who is not Muslim. They have two main sect: Shias and Sunnis. These people fight each other. They way to win against them is to get them to talk about their differences and persevere to get them to respect other views. Unfortunately there are people of them that are ambitious and greedy for power that they would never negotiate for a peaceful existence.
2006-10-23 23:27:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Most terrorists are Muslims because they are against Israel and its allies like America.
2006-10-23 23:21:02
answer #9
answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7