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17 answers

i am pretty sure our purpose is not to understand the world but to experience it.

2006-10-24 04:40:37 · answer #1 · answered by kimmi 3 · 0 0

To understand the world you first need to understand its origin and its properties. For everything that exists on earth there is also its opposite. Day, night. Love.hate. Joy sorrow. This duality stems from the actual creation of earth. The reason that the Big Bang was able to take matter that was only the size of a dot and create a universe of billions of light years across in a trillionth of a second is that the universe is made of the matter that we see and its opposite. These energies can at anytime cancel each other out and become a dot again. So the complexity we see is really an illusion. The necessary reaction to this is to recognize the absurdity of devoting our lives to unraveling the artificial complexity generated by this duality.

2006-10-24 06:11:15 · answer #2 · answered by b_steeley 6 · 0 0

The world is not a big and scary place, it is rather easy to understand. Everything is conflict between God/collective and the physical world. This is because the physical world is defined and the collective is everything that could possibly exist, even mentally, put together in one big hypothetical energy ball. Thus, in between the two is the mental. The mental takes the information/data from the collective and translates it so the physical will understand. The physical reality is the collective trying to get back to its collective state through the explanations of the mental. In other words, the collective is all the bytes of memory in existence, the mental is the computer program, and the physical is what we sense; even though we are all just really collective to begin with and end with. Existence itself is just these interactions stacked on top of each to form reality as we currently know it. Just like the ego or the "I" of the individual, the physical doesn't really exist, it is just the collective trying to discover its own self. We live inside of others and others make up us because we are just the awakening dream that is destined to repeat itself. My friends, this is how the world works, reality can be explained in a paragraph.

2006-10-24 10:03:22 · answer #3 · answered by weism 3 · 0 0

A genius can understand many complex and difficult things, but not all of it...
A realised person may not know anything at all, he may not be a genius at all, but,
He has the capability to know any things he wishes to know INSTANTLY, being a self-realised being !
So, it is quite possible to understand the world though it is too complex even for a genius to understand.

2006-10-24 06:13:13 · answer #4 · answered by Spiritualseeker 7 · 0 0

it is possible to understand all things that can be explained by science, science is a descriptive language that describes everything that exists

however it is not possible to understand with the mind
the actual nature of reality
this is because science deals in concepts
and reality is not a concept
a concept and reality will forever remain to seperate things

while we may understand with the aid of concepts all things that exist

we can never understand with the aid of a concept
questions like-
why does space exist -->( as space is nothing)

for example
science can explain-describe the laws of physics
however science cannot explain the laws of physics

if that makes sense lol ;-p
this is becuase this is too fundamental a concept that is too close to home and has no possible intellectual starting point other than conjuncture based on relative ideas
and there are no relative ideas for something that is completely beyond relativity to anything that exists

for example-(as the previous one was poor)
science can explain why the sky is blue
but science cannot explain why the sky is blue

science can explain how reality functions
but it cannot explain why reality exists

2006-10-24 09:50:30 · answer #5 · answered by ewen sinclair 2 · 0 0

The world is definitely too complex to figure out, when you think about there are too many questions that can be answered, and too many factors to be put into the equation.

2006-10-24 16:47:28 · answer #6 · answered by Engel 3 · 0 0

The world is very understandable. We are part of it. Imagine a leaf asking what a tree is. The answer isn't as far as you think. Maybe try looking in the mirror.

2006-10-24 08:22:53 · answer #7 · answered by Matthew R 1 · 0 0

sometimes it's better to ask another question than answering.. Why do we need to understand the world ? is it really important ? Or the problem maybe in our restless mind. If our mind is in peace with the world, do we need to understand the world?

2006-10-24 05:21:21 · answer #8 · answered by stupid_guy 1 · 0 0

The world is no more complicated now than it ever was. It is the inhabitants that have created the illusion of these "complexities". Live and die without f*ckin' up other people's sh*t, not so difficult, is it?

2006-10-24 05:07:55 · answer #9 · answered by djklamz 4 · 0 0

to understand the world (as you describe it) is to describe yourself and every single lifeform and lifeforce that exist's on it,an awsome task at best. for by understanding ourselfs it is easyer to understand the lifeforces around us and to accept them as they are even if we do not understand or agree with them, for every single molecule of your being is tied cosmicaly to every single other molecule in the entire universe. now that i have totally confused the majority of those reading this, i submit that to understand what i have written you must first understand yourself before you can understand and accept me or any other lifeforce. (commander tangalva arivula batliva III)

2006-10-24 05:04:59 · answer #10 · answered by grim_reaper_69 3 · 0 0

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