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Eat, sleep, sex. That is what it is all about. No matter what you do, how extravagant you live, these 3 things encompass your life, and everyone else's.

It is the same throughout the animal kingdom.

Our drives dictate our behavior, we are slaves to them. Our brain allows us some control, but they drive us on, gerneration after generation after generation . . .

2006-10-23 20:59:33 · 16 answers · asked by snocy 3 in Social Science Psychology

16 answers

a very deep question we do sleep around, eat anything, have sex
without a lot of thought ie who we have been with who might be hurt, what worries me is being a female this next y generation do not seem to have a problem with all of this young girls who now have everything at their fingertips seem to be intent on sleeeping around, getting pregnant. have no interest in work ,career ,money
self esteem, drive does dictate behaviour everybody seems to want everything now at whatever cost .

There seems to be no respect for ourselves or others the world has already become a frightening place

We have started to drift down the shallow end of the gene pool,
we will kill someone for the smallest reason, take what we want,
why is that rape of women has become so wide, murdering children, yep sex does have a lot to answer for.

2006-10-23 21:25:16 · answer #1 · answered by mum & slave 1 · 0 0

I've asked myself the same question many times but I can never justify the fact that we came from apes or that we are the same as all animals. Animals do procreate yes but most male humans don't just jump on the next attractive female and start humping them on the spot. Like I said "most males." We also eat but we can plan out our meals and cook very creative dishes. We sleep but we can build our houses with our own hands and furnish them with high tech gadgets that we created. Man can also build huge buildings that grace our skylines but at the same time fly a plane into one of those buildings and kill thousands of people. I've never heard of an animal doing anything close to that. We are highly intelligent, emotional, spiritual creatures and we are so far advanced compared to any other animal I don't see how we can be connected. We are the only animal that can destroy this earth in a matter of minutes with the push of a button. Think about that.

2006-10-24 04:19:36 · answer #2 · answered by redsoxxfan 1 · 0 0

While I have some spiritual beliefs in this area, one thing that most of us could agree on (I hope) is that, out of all the mammals, human beings are self-aware.

While some of the higher-level primates do have rudimentary awareness, from what I've read it comes nowhere to approaching the complexity of a human 2-3 year old... and we continue to grow in self-awareness (hopefully) by leaps and bounds as we age into adulthood.

Self-awareness does encompass art and intelligence and relational thinking, as others have said... but those things (art especially) all demand awareness and stepping outside the moment to look at ourselves as a unique identity.

Human beings who do not develop much self-awareness instead react very much like a normal animal, responding to whatever desires rise within them at the time, and unable to subject themselves to discipline or make themselves do things they don't want to do.

I don't think we are "slaves" to our drives. Our drives (hunger, sleep, sex, as you mention) can be *very* strong, but each and every human legal system is based on the assumption that people can control our desires to some degree, if we want to.

The typical animal simply responds out of instinct and is not held responsible in the moral sense for its actions and choices.

Humanity is an intersection between animal and man, wild and civilized, profound and profane. It's amazing how much like animals we can be, especially in regards to our physical being and behaviors, and yet be entirely different simply because we can speculate on our own behaviors and step outside ourselves.

2006-10-24 09:11:00 · answer #3 · answered by Jennywocky 6 · 0 0

Most people are no different than animals, for sure. Like you said, eat, sleep, sex, that's about it. Plus the Politically Correct education system teaches young skulls full of mush that in many ways animals are superior to humans. We could learn so much from dolphins if we'd only abandon out human-centered culture and reach out. Jane Goodall was preaching that same gospel about chimps, that they were a peaceful and contented lot, and we could learn so much from them. It would banish all wars and greed and hate. Then it was discovered that chimps are really quite nasty little thugs. Goodwall was not telling us the truth. Now bonobos are way cool. So while many humans consider themselves to be on the same level, or even lower, than most animals, I myself am greatly superior. When I speak words and sentences emerge from my mouth, not grunts and squeaks. I can articulate a thought or emotion ten different ways. Put it to music, paint a picture about it, or get my point across with a 9mm Glock. Eventually, in about 20 years, when the rest of the world's population has regressed to the level of your average rainforest monkey, I'll appoint myself Supreme Dictator of the Globe. Life will be good.

2006-10-24 04:18:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well when you think of those 3 very important aspects of our life we are similar to animals. HOWEVER, with that logic we could also say we are similar to insects because they eat, sleep and have sex!!
The HUGE difference is that animals do not have a SPIRITUAL life. Humans are God's most treasured creation, made in His image. That means we are capable of having a relationship with Him so we can talk with him and sense His presence.
We, in fact, are NOT animals but totally separate from animals. God gave us authority over nature, first of all to name all the animals, rule over nature (be good stewards of God's creation).(Genesis)
So, yes, animals are wonderful creatures and we can love them but we are far above them. God bless and hope you like my answer! Marceau.(lady)

2006-10-24 06:29:40 · answer #5 · answered by Marceau 2 · 0 0


We are the only animal that experiences GREED, Self imposed restrictions, and desire for inanimate objects.

We are the only animal that wears clothes.

We are the only animal that drinks milk past infancy.

And I am sure that there are more ways if given time to ponder this question further.


2006-10-24 05:42:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We are created with the ability to seek our creator, and The Second member of The Godhead Jesus Christ came not to save animals but human beings, He gave up His God like body and now in the courts of Heaven still and forever has a human body like yours, so God does draw A difference between you and animals, God "SO" Love you He gave His only son [Jesus gave Himself] so IF you BE-LIVE in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, free bible lessons www.itiswritten.com God bless you.

2006-10-24 04:09:45 · answer #7 · answered by wgr88 6 · 0 0

Some anthropology books say that the difference between modern man and primates (animals) is art. We understand symbolism and create art, which is completely unnecessary for survival.

2006-10-24 04:09:26 · answer #8 · answered by giantnoodlegirl 2 · 0 0

We are intentionally cruel to one another. Be it premeditated or not.Whereas an animal does what it must to survive it does it without intentional cruelty.

My thought any way

2006-10-24 04:12:18 · answer #9 · answered by Malia G 4 · 0 0

Animals dont have culture (or so my professor said)
they cannot pass ideas, guidance or discoveries to their next generation.

And animals dont worry like human beings do. peace.

2006-10-24 04:11:04 · answer #10 · answered by rose reb 2 · 0 0

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