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gave me ulcers really bad in my mouth.. i can smoker upto 60 cigs a day when i'm stressed i'm overweight too and that's not helping i'm on a low income so not only do i want to quit for my health but also for financial reasons.. can anyone recommend tried tested and proved methods of stopping please ?

2006-10-23 20:43:41 · 34 answers · asked by . 6 in Health Alternative Medicine

34 answers

if you have the time... just quit.... cold turkey... get away from everyone for FOUR DAYS....

your blood replaces it self every four days nicotine is in the blood stream.... wait four days... then the nicotine is out of the system... then the rest of it is force of habit.

2006-10-23 20:46:20 · answer #1 · answered by pro_steering_wheel_holder 4 · 1 0


Firstly well done for taking the first step.

I was a smoker for 10 years and over 7 months ago i had my last. I didn't use gum, patches, those ciggy imitation things. I use herbal cigs( they taste like rubbish with a hint of marshmallow LOL) i used these when i had enough. These are not very expensive and the website that provide them have there own way of getting you to stop. The thing i used most of all is will power, my mum has been diagnosed with efazemie (not the correct spelling) and she was only 40 when she heard she got it. This illness is hertitory and if i carried on smoking i had about an 90% chance of getting this, just by giving up its dropped to the same as a normal person. I want to be 80 walking along a beach eating a bag of chips with the man i love now. Think of something you really want and by giving up smoking you have a better chance of succeeding.

If you need to talk further on how i can help you give up smoking and help you lose weight email me on clairew_7@hotmail.com


2006-10-23 20:59:08 · answer #2 · answered by claireclaire1984 3 · 0 0

OK - you probably won't get to reading this far down the list but here goes.

NICOTENE IS NOT ADDICTIVE - believe me you think it is because the cigarette companies and the medics and drugs companies and the firms that make patches and 'cures' want you to believe it is!


1 You pick up a cigarette and light up when you do something of habit - [answer the telephone, make a coffee]
2. You put the cigarette into your mouth [something between your lips like a suckling baby - comforting]
3. You light it and then you take a long slow intake of breath - [reallly relaxing - that's what they train pregnant women to do in relaxation classes] and then you take more long slow deep breaths [so relaxing]
4. Then you hold the cigarette between your fingers [something to cling to - like mummy]

You just keep repeating this relaxing routine until the cigarette is no more!

1. Buy yourself an A4 students sketch pad and a giant packet of kids felt tips
2. Now scribble all over a page with a black pen fibre tip pen

Next time you have a signal to light up

Shove a felt tip between you lips - that'll do for the suckling bit
Start filling in the shapes with your favourite colours
Take some long slow deep breaths in and slowly let them out

Now make yourself a nice relaxing drink of camomile and vanilla tea and keep on filling in the shapes with your favourite colours!

I guarantee that if you replace the cigy routine with this one you will kick smoking.

I did overnight when I mistakenly thought the doctor said I had the symptoms of Angina! I just said I'm never having another cigarette and I haven't and that was on 6th October 1997!

Good Luck

2006-10-25 06:21:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I quit 2 years ago after smoking more than 20 a day for 17 years, I read somewhere that because I started through peer group pressure that was going to be the best way to stop. I announced that I was stopping a week before I did so, I got used to the idea I was stopping then when I finished that packet, that was it I had stopped! I got comments like 'you will never stop' 'you cant do it' I did it purely on will power, those comments made me want to stop even more to prove those people wrong! No matter how bad you think things are, they arent going to get any better by having a ***! Best of luck & if you wish to contact me for further suppoert feel free to....... you can do it........!

2006-10-23 23:59:06 · answer #4 · answered by PaulineB 2 · 0 0

I gave up after 20 years smoking at least 20 day... Youre not gonna like it but I gave up by simply not buying any more, and not going to the shops or the counter in ASDA that sells them. I had a few false starts but the hight blood pressure, heart problems, and the lump in my throat that I'm having MRI, CT and biopsy on this month are all reminders now that I do not smoke.

My aunt... in similar circumstances used accupuncture, and claimed that worked, but it only worked for about ten years.

I can't see why being overweight is 'not helping' over weight is a state of mind kiddo... just ignore that untill you stop smoking, there's no point worrying about much else till you do stop. You'll probably feel a lot better about yourself and your body once you have quit smoking, as you will know... If you beat smoking, you can do anything you want ! You might realise that you only feel unnatractive because youre poisoning yourseld every day with niccoteen, which will depress you. You stop, you realise theres zillions of us bloke out here do genuinley prefer big girls to bonebags.

When people offer you a ciggarette, tell them you dont smoke, you are a non smoker etc..., and they won't go on with that "Go on... just one, you know you want it" crap that that you get if you say "I gave up".... Why do they do that ? becasue thay cant stand that you have more willpower than them and they want to feel better about thier inability to give up.

Move away from (ie avoid doing) anything you do that you asociate with smoking... Not for ever, just till you are fully quit. I stopped going to the pub for seven months, because I liked to drink.... and smoke... If I dont drink, I dont want to smoke. I stopped working on car's.... because I always had on in my mouth while poking around under cars, no car work, no smoking.

I totally banned everyone from smoking in my flat, even my ex when she drops the my daughter off, even my best friends.... In the mid winter I let them smoke in the kitchen with the extractor on and the window open, forcing them to make the tea !!!

Hope there's a few pointer there... good luck, be strong !!!!

Also 60 a day is about £15..... a day ! thats enough to pay for a membership at a health club or gym.... or as it's £5475 it's also enough to buy a small car, a fantastic holiday, a trip to almost anywhere in the world.... a new kitchen.... buy a BMW for a total stranger on Yahoo answers ? LOL

Be strong and do your best.

2006-10-23 21:17:17 · answer #5 · answered by mittobridges@btinternet.com 4 · 0 0

Claire - a really good place for you to start is with Allan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. This is not some wishy-washy self-help book - but a really sensible and down to earth look at the reasons we smoke and the fibs we tell ourselves to justify continuing. I promise you that he will change the way you regard your smoking.

For some people, that's enough to make them stop altogether, but not everyone. If it isn't quite enough for you, then I would recommend seeing your GP and ask to be referred to a local Quit group. This is free and run by the NHS, and you'll get to join a group of other people in the same boat. You won't feel quite so alone and will have people to chat too when it all gets a bit rough.

Good luck hun (you can do it, but you need to approach it in the right way).

2006-10-23 20:50:34 · answer #6 · answered by Hello Dave 6 · 0 0

Your problem, I believe, is that you've convinced yourself it's difficult to quit. In fact it isn't. You don't need the gimmicky stuff at all in fact. You buy the smokes. You light em up. You suck on em. It's you bud. Just you. Now who's the boss here? You or Phil Morris? Throw what's left out and stop. Wash the drapes. They stink. In fact clean the whole place; it all stinks. Get rid of the ashtrays. You don't need them. Take charge. And know this, One day, in about 4 months, you won't get the urge to light up again. You will be a non smoker. You can sneer at those monkeys lined up outside puffing away. Have clean breath again. Save big dollars. And it'll give you a reason not to be stressed. Have a nice life.

2006-10-23 20:56:35 · answer #7 · answered by VIP 4 · 0 0

The only way is just to stop. Patches, gum, hypnosis etc can bring about temporary reduction, but these are about making money for the producers of the goods and services.

Lots of very strong mints and strong tea, and tell yourself that the sensation of 'gasping for a cigarette' is actually the sensation that reminds you your lungs getting cleaner. Have a pot and put the money you would have spent on cigarettes. Look at it and count it every day. This will re-enforce your will to quit.

Like you I smoked 60 a day. I stopped in 1996.

2006-10-23 20:59:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please read ALL of my answer ... with an open mind

Do you REALLY want to stop?
or are you looking for excuses?

My father always said
" A boy starts smoking to prove he is a man.

A man gives up smoking to prove he is a man."

Read that slowly and think about it.

You have more than one problem to deal with.

You need to decide what you are going to do.

Will you prat about and blame everything and everyone else?
Wlii you grasp life and yourself and
chose one thing to get started on


Set yourself small targets to help you towards your goal.

Do what they did when you were in your first years at school.

Sounds daft but it works......
Make a chart....... eg ''go xx mins without smoking.''
When you can do that, increase the time ....

or if you decide to lose weight first then

1 weigh yourself, or get a friend (a true one)

2 get that friend to measure you in bust/chest, waist, hips, upper arm, lower arm,ditto legs.
the more measurements the better.

3 decide how you are going to loose the weight,
less fat? fewer calories?
don't forget to factor in exercise

remember those small targets?

plot your weight in 1/2 pounds

every 4 weeks get that friend to re-measure you.... and see those inches disappear.

Best of luck

2006-10-23 21:20:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I smoked for 25 years and tried everything, patches, cold turkey, acupuncture, the lot.
In the end i saw a hypnotist. He put me in a trance which was the weirdest thing ever and i haven't touched a ciggy since.
That was 2 years ago and I'm so glad i gave it up.
Theres loads of ways to stop. Just find out which is the best for you.
Good luck.

2006-10-23 20:56:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Natural Quit Smoking Magic

2016-05-20 07:59:08 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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