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Ok, so a lot of us are just waiting for the next election on the assumption that the Repubs will get their due. But, after twice electing a low-IQ never-do-well as the leader of the free world, how can Americans ever be trusted again?

Don't get me wrong, I love the IDEA of representative government, but in America it seems the electorate is no longer competent. What can be done?

2006-10-23 20:09:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

12 answers

a super power nation doesn't think as an average nation does

2006-10-23 20:14:00 · answer #1 · answered by dollarian_forever 2 · 1 1

You say, "I love the IDEA of representative government". NO YOU DON'T. You want a government with you in charge and screw every working man. UP the welfare and give something else away, maybe another reactor to North Korea. You are a Democrat who feels entitled to be in power. Your party is weak and getting weaker. You have an admitted perjurer as your savior. An admitted war criminal as someone you expect me to support. Please, I am neither Rep nor Dem. All I do is look and it isn't hard to see who the cowards are. Should we talk about driving with Teddy? How about your declaration of war on Germany when Japan attacked us. Maybe the micromanagement style of LBJ that damn near got me killed in Viet Nam. How about Carter and his 17 to 18% inflation rate. Should I go on? Perhaps farther back into history or to the 6 to 27(depending on which expert you listen to) terrorist attacks during your saviors watch.

Both parties live in glass houses. Why do you insist on throwing rocks at each other? Fix the country. BTW the last time a DEM had any idea, good, bad, or indifferent it died of loneliness. I haven't heard one reason to vote for a Dem. The only platform they seem to have is WE HATE BUSH and you should vote for us because we hate Bush. Not ONE single idea. At least the Dem running for Governor of California says he will raise taxes 18 Billion (with a B) dollars. He didn't notice that a slight cut in taxes raised revenue over 6 Billion (again with a B) in one year. It works every time it is tried. And before you start those are real dollars.

A Republican soundly beat the inventor of the Internet and that coward with the self inflicted wounds. Bush took between 53 and 54% of the popular vote in 2004. Clinton couldn't dream that far. So until you stop killing a million perspective voters a year (funny how exactly 21 years after Roe v. Wade the House went Rep) or figure out how to get more dead people and illegal’s to vote maybe you should just sit in the corner.

Have a nice evening, and I enjoyed the chat. BTW if Bush wasn't so liberal I would probably support him for King or maybe Messiah but he plays to nice with others. Let Teddy write the school program, and then take the blame when the whole thing starts circling the bowl. We need a real hard A$$ in the White House. Are you guys planning to import someone from France? It’s been fun, can’t wait for Election Day, it should be interesting. I think someone is going to get a big surprise. If I only who and what, I would be in Vegas with some money. I usually can make pretty accurate predictions. If I had to call it I would say very little is going to change. But boy the returns will be fun. Let’s see if the exit poles are any better than last time or if they die completely with this election.

2006-10-23 21:14:33 · answer #2 · answered by gimpalomg 7 · 0 0

I think your looking at this all wrong...the 1st time the conservatives pushed him into office, the 2nd time American SOUNDLY re-elected him over a Coward and someone who would endanger America more

Bottom line Americans have to choose a return to the days of old, or Securing our Security

Outcome......Dem's just dont stand a chance on security issues
what could put the Dems on top in Nov???Independents and conservative non Repbublicans voting non republican will probably be the key if the Dems are to win

What can be done? Get RID of the 2 party system, and push for more political activism outside the 2 main parties

2006-10-23 20:17:32 · answer #3 · answered by Chris C. 2 · 2 1

A lot of people seem to think that GWB has some kind of mandate. I would hardly call losing the popular vote but winning the electoral college in 2000, then in 2004 winning the vote 50.7% to 49.3% a mandate. These are facts. A very large minority did not want him president.

2006-10-24 03:28:54 · answer #4 · answered by . 4 · 0 0

The first election was so shockingly stupid, people were stunned by the final outcome,gwb did not win and I have to say myself included.I was really angry that this guy was able to slither in the way he did it was not the will of the voters. He was re-elected because americans were afraid. We were engaged in a war.Americans wanted to portray a united front for the sake of our servicemen and women, george bush effectively used patriotism to his full advantage, middle america did not overwhelmingly support his action they did however feel that we had to support our troops. Case in point if you were critical of him you were thought to be un-american how could you be/or show disloyalty to the troops so we all went along ,and the truth as always comes, and then the proof. Where are the weapons of mass destruction? this is a war of pretense, it has taken many lives...... torn apart families. Only now for the many who trusted in the descions of this president are coming into the truth seeing finally, what was there in plain view all along the figment of his own imagination he and his administration should be held responsible. He is and was willing and still is ready to sacrifice our troops. Isn't it ironic that he was able to avoid serving his country he was not willing to give of himself but he expects fathers,mothers,brothers sisters sons and daughters to serve. there is no end in sight wake up gwb you need to right all the wrongs you have comitted. Wake up America look at what being afraid has gotten us>the problem is not in having fear but in letting that fear dumb us down standing by and allowing this tradgedy to continue.

2006-10-23 21:13:21 · answer #5 · answered by dory329 2 · 0 0

artwork Spander as quickly as pronounced: "the great concern approximately democracy is that it provides each voter a great gamble to do something stupid." Gore Vidal as quickly as pronounced: "curiously, a democracy is a place the place numberous elections are held at great cost without matters and with interchangeable applicants." Philo Vance as quickly as pronounced: "The democratic concept is that in case you receive adequate lack of information on the polls, you produce intelligence." Winston Churchill as quickly as pronounced: "the excellent argument against a democracy is a 5 minute communique with the standard voter." it extremely is secure to assert that dimwits decide for dimwits, and that grew to become into by no skill, ever greater effective proved than whilst individuals elected George W. Bush two times. -RKO-

2016-11-25 01:41:42 · answer #6 · answered by criselda 3 · 0 0

American politicians are 99.9% lawyers. You know, blood sucking, scum of the earth, money grubbing lawyers.

Personally I like actors for president. They owe less favors. I am starting a write in campaign for Scooby-Doo.

Don't forget about the Senators and Congressmen. They are Republican "Lawyers" and own just as much of the mess as GWB.

2006-10-23 20:33:43 · answer #7 · answered by Red 5 · 0 0

mmm" let's see GWB had a higher SAT score than both Gore and Kerry he had a higher GPA than both (the press check their academic records) he was a pilot and ran a business yet he is a moron. Gore flunked divinity and law school Kerry just keep marring rich broads from where I see it I think Americans made a excellent choice.

2006-10-24 02:40:01 · answer #8 · answered by Ynot! 6 · 0 0

Fortunately the majority of the americans still care about their country our safety, defense, freedoms and don't want socialism like the democrats do

2006-10-23 20:22:13 · answer #9 · answered by jekin 5 · 1 1

AMericans VOTED FOR gORE, REMEMBER HE WON THE POPULAR VOTE, the electoral college is waht screwed us

2006-10-23 20:18:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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