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39 answers

Run. Now. Fast as you can. The longer you stay, the worse it will be.

2006-10-23 18:19:00 · answer #1 · answered by chattingnut 2 · 2 1

You love him but does he love you? TRUE LOVE isn't violent in any way shape or form. Love is kind and understanding, no matter what you are arguing about he should not be touching you! A real man walks away before he becomes angry. Your man has some anger management issues. Its all about You and what you are willing to settle for! You let him become abusive to you, so now he thinks he can( be abusive to you)his "wanting to hit you" will become him hitting you and possibly really hurting you. The choice is yours,start by loving yourself instead of him find someone that will lift you up not tear you down. Life is to short LOVE and LIVE in PEACE good luck.

2006-10-23 18:36:17 · answer #2 · answered by sayj 3 · 0 0

You loving him is not a good reason to stay in an unhealthy relationship! It will escalate and you may end up dead because of it.

Dump him and never let him back into you life.

Get a protective order against him and if he is the father of your child arrange that visiting be supervised and have a drop off and pick up point where you don't have to see him - like a daycare or with a social worker.

Talk to a counselor at you local battered women's shelter and ask for local community resources that may be available to you.

Get out while you still can!

2006-10-23 18:48:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, obviously ur boyfriend has some sort of a self control problem, so if you really love him, and you feel like he really cares about you, then you should try to find a way to avoid his anger bursts. i know that nothing justifies a man hitting a woman, but some men tend to have a problem with controlling their anger. best thing to do is that once u see that he's become really mad, just leave him and drop the subject untill he cools down , then you can pick up from where u left off. but if he still tryes to hit u, then u should really concider him getting some help, or rethink the whole relationship. good luck!!!

2006-10-23 18:21:54 · answer #4 · answered by Iwonder 1 · 0 0

wants to hit you and actually hitting you are two different things. Me and my bf don't have many arguments, but when we do its big. He restrains himself very well, or he'll go for a walk to cool off. I have never for one moment been afraid of him. But if you are afraid of your bf you should take all that other advice about getting the H*** out of dodge, before you can't. It is rough to be in an abusive relationship, you "think" you're in love, and it will get better, just because he promised. It takes a small, weak man/boy to hit on a woman. It gives them a sense of power, that they can't achieve anywhere else, simply because they always have an excuse, it wasn't his fault, she asked for it. They (men that beat woman) you will find have made excuses all their lives. My friends made me skip school, or any number of other thing that happen through out any normal course of life. He will never, I mean, NEVER quit hitting you, unless you leave, or put him in jail. And we all know how the law enforcers are. Last I heard it takes about three domestic abuse charges to send them away, for a little while.

2006-10-23 18:37:11 · answer #5 · answered by Nikki B 2 · 0 0

You may feel that you love him, but you must decide to love and respect yourself more...you must end ALL association with him... don't fall for the just friends routine either...it puts you in a dangerous realm.

Sometimes when we grow up with domestic violence around us, we think it is a "normal" part of love and relationships...it is not! It is only sickness in disguise.

My first adult relationship was with a man that backhanded me once then swore he would never do it again. I forgave him. Then he would rough me up by arm and neck grabs and I would accept his apologies. One day he cold ****** me...I was gone faster than light.

Once they start hurting you it gets easier and they don't stop.

Since that, I tell the man in the beginning, "Don't you ever dare hit me...I will accept no apology, we will be over instantly!"

I have never been manhandled since.

There are better men and happier relationships for you to join in, be selective and you will find your complimentary mate.

2006-10-23 18:46:25 · answer #6 · answered by ladyquesteur 5 · 0 0

Now ive been in this situation before!
You need to think of urself!! This man does not love u if he is getting physically rough with u in an arguement!!

How would u like it if he brusied u or hurt u even worse, how would u explain that to ur family and friends.. that u wanted to stay with someone that did that to u!!
Get out now before it gets too hard to leave!!

2006-10-23 18:21:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This whole game of being bf and gf is stupid. The only valid relation is of husband and wife. This gf and bf is misleading attitude without any responsility. A person, who is behaving like, at this stage, will put you in trouble later on. Therefore get back and dont meet any one without proper marrige, which is also a responsibily contract.
The terms 'we love', 'I love' or 'he loves' are invalid terms. After he is up and out for 4 or 5 times, he will not feel any love. This so called love is only to get the job done as and when one needs and thenmove to next door for next love and so on.

2006-10-23 18:23:58 · answer #8 · answered by MY Regards to All 4 · 0 0

You both need to talk in a quiet, dignified way and try and resolve underlying issues that are causing your man to get so worked up. My brother is the same with his girlfriend- and I know he gets that way because of frustration. He blows up when she pesters him about inconsequential stuff or her paranoia gets the better of her, she just wants reassurance he loves her. He needs to be more understanding and she just needs to let him be sometimes. My bro is a very lovely, sweet guy as long as he perceives he is in control in a nice, non-misogynistic way. If this doesnt really help, another way to help is just to walk away from him when he starts to get that way, and let him cool down!

2006-10-23 18:27:06 · answer #9 · answered by Ashley R 2 · 0 0

First off I'm A guy and at no point ever does a male have any right to put his hands on a female inappropriately. Love leads to people doing silly and stupid things but leave his *** and find love again with someone who respects you much more.

2006-10-23 18:23:03 · answer #10 · answered by corradochild 1 · 0 0

Tell him that him about what he is doing. tell him how it is making you feel. Tell him his actions are hurting the relationship. If he persists or actually hits you, i recommend that you leave him. From there the abuse will only get worse. i would hate for you to end up in the hospital over something that could of been prevented.

2006-10-23 18:21:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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