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Okay, maybe I should explain myself a little more.

My mom has been in and out of the hospital. My health has been going up and down. I just found out I was adopted. I've been breakingdown since my dad died. My weight has shot up so much I'm shocked my face hasn't even gotten a double chin yet. I have no support for what I do (I play the flute, piccolo, tenor sax, oboe, and clarient), and on top of all that I have saturday music school and religous ed., both in which I've worked so hard to get into. I have the same classes everyday, which means I have 9 hw assignments everyday and most assit of pages of essays. I wake up at 4:30 in the morning and don't get home until 5:30-7:00pm in the evening. I've cut French 1 and Music Theory because I needed to cry before the thought of suicide cam to mind. I need help and I know it but I have no one to go to. Freinds and boys are the last thing on my mind, so don't even mention them. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!

2006-10-23 17:09:45 · 9 answers · asked by Mary R 1 in Education & Reference Homework Help

9 answers

NOTHING is worth killing yourself over. No matter how hard life can be at times....it always finds a way of working itself out. You just need some patience and some hope. School can get stressful and sometimes UNBEARABLE...but when you get through it all you receive an unexplainable proud sense of achievement. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, which means you have a lot to be proud of. Don't give up on yourself; your mom would never give up on you. She never would have taken you into her arms and loved you if she didn't believe in you. It appears that you need your mother more than ever. You may need to see a professional in order to put yourself at peace. Just talking to someone is helpful. Sometimes a complete stranger can help (i.e. a counselor) because they have resources available to treat you or guide you into a positive direction. Do not be scared to see a professional. They are not out to judge you in anyway. Their passions are to help people and coach them into a positive direction. Also, don't let expense get in the way of treatment. You cannot put a price on your health. I hope this helps and I truly hope for the best for you.

2006-10-23 17:26:54 · answer #1 · answered by Suzi S 3 · 0 0

You need to have some time to spend with friends and family. Having a good support system from friends and family is the best thing for you, try and take some time away from your busy schedule and go to the movies or hangout with some friends, from what it sounds like your still young and even though it is good to stay in school and get good grades it is still not healthy to overwhelm yourself. Even though you did not want it mentioned family and close friends are one of the best stress relievers out there. About the weight gain if you do moderate exercise 30 minutes a day you will lose a tremendous amount of weight, all you have to do is walk 3 times a day for 10 mins or do it all in 30 mins it will be a good stress reliever and you will feel better about yourself....good luck!!!!

2006-10-23 17:19:09 · answer #2 · answered by Paul M 1 · 0 0

I know this will sound harsh, but it is the reality of the situation.

You need to get over all the issues yourself. You are dwelling on them, and that is your problem. Your mom has been in and out of the hospital. Can you control that or even do anything about it? No. So why invest all the emotion on it. Yes, be concerned for your mother, but certainly don't focus on it.
Your health is going up and down because you are stressing yourself out and beating yourself up mentally.
So you are adopted. Who cares? Your parents cared for you well and love you, so why does it matter if some people gave you up? They had their reasons, but these people loved you even more in that they made the conscious decision to make you part of their family and treat you like they would treat their own children- that's a much bigger sacrifice.
Again, your weight is fluctuating because of the stress levels, and that you are probably not eating healthy right now.
Your family does support your music, but obviously with your mom in and out of the hospital, it isn't that easy to make it to your performances. I am sure she isn't saying you shouldn't play music.

Other people are right, in that you need your friends as a support structure.

But the basic point I have is, get over it. All of this is inconsequential to life in general. "Don't sweat the small stuff, and everything is small stuff" fits well here. I think you need to figure out what else you can get rid of. I know you worked hard to get into religious school and music school, but you are obviously overworked and killing yourself with stress. I've been there. At 16 I was getting up at 6 am, doing school, a job, (religious) youth group, police explorers, friendships and dating. I wasn't getting home until 11pm or later. My mom got me a pager just so she could actually contact me occasionally. All of this was done without a car too. I finally realized how I was destroying myself when I slept through an entire weekend. You need to cut out your stress, and see that life isn't as bad as you are making it out to be.
You are a talented individual (as evidenced by all the musical instruments you play), and your desire to succeed. Now stop focusing on bad things that you can't change anyway and focus on what you can fix and how good your life really is.

2006-10-24 02:41:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you need to cut some more classes if you can like the musical instruments classes and have some time to yourself. Talk with your Riligous teacher tell her what is going on at home im sure she can help you. or talk with a council at school they will help too. I am sorry for what you are going through and knowing that you are adopted must be hard but Just remeber they still love you as much as if you were their own child and IM SURE they do not see you as an adopted child they see you as there child. But you do need to talk to an adult that you can trust someone at school or at church. And pray too. And make some time for yourself all work and no play that will make anyone go nuts.
if you need to talk and the other fail please contact me at knowssignlanguage@yahoo.com

2006-10-23 17:17:58 · answer #4 · answered by knowssignlanguage 6 · 0 0

I know that finding someone to talk to can be really hard, especially when there is so much going on and you feel alone. Trust me,....I've been there. I would say maybe find a counselor, but you may or may not be comfortable with that. I know that I wasn't. If you believe in God, sometimes just taking it to him and literally telling him what is going on can help. Suicide is NEVER the answer, there is someone who loves you... I promise. I don't know you, but I will keep you in my prayers. If you do not have someone that you feel comfortable talking to, please feel free to e-mail me at GodsGrl202@yahoo.com. I know how hard things can be and definitly the stress of school and family problems builds up...I am going through a kinda similar situation myself. Remember that even when you feel alone, there is always someone cares. I am here if you need me.

God Bless!

2006-10-23 17:16:34 · answer #5 · answered by GodsGrl4Real 3 · 0 0

Being adopted is a good thing as you were chosen and you are special. You need to cut down on somethings. You are trying to do too much. Please...suicide is not the answer as someone in my family did that and it punishes the family forever. You matter more than you think! Hang in there. You must help yourself by not over loading yourself. God bless you!!!!

2006-10-23 17:24:05 · answer #6 · answered by kb 4 · 0 0

Why are you so afraid of people? It would seem that you have jammed your life so full of activities to give you an unrealized excuse not to interact with others.

Don't consciously work at friendships or taking time for boys. Just take time to smile at other folks. Make nice comments about their clothes , grooming , skill at something. Say nice things about their parents or siblings

You have a serious case of a lack of self worth. You are something special because God don't make no junk.

Be proud of being adopted. Natural boprn kids are accidents. You wre chosen special to be loved. Try to live up to that.

2006-10-23 17:31:00 · answer #7 · answered by MR HENRY S 5 · 0 0

Find out if there is a support network at school. There must be someone you can talk to, preacher, state social services, etc. or believe it or not, your local police officer. You'd be surprised to learn that police officers can be helpful in matters other than law enforcement. You need very much to talk to a responsible adult. You will survive, you sound like one tough and very brave young lady. I'm betting my money on you and I will remember you in my prayers.

2006-10-24 00:43:12 · answer #8 · answered by Puppy 2 · 0 0

Cut your daily caloric intake down below 1000 calories...

2006-10-23 17:18:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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