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im a waitress at a restaurant. &i heard fromanother waiter that i got a complaint 4rma woman saying i was very rude, &that i told them that they couldnt get dessert bc the kitchen was too busy, &that i went up to their table &asked them why they left me only a penny tip. in her message she even said i didnt deserve the penny. I was so mad bcnone of it was true i even felt like crying when i heard. but since she complained to corporate its in my files and everyones gonna see it bc at my work starting from now on we're going to have all our comments good or bad posted up for all waiters/ waitresses to see. ive already talked to my manager &he understands but i still feel so mad &icant stop thinking about it. I was extremely nice to them and i remember the woman bc she was complaining the dessert was taking too long and ended up not getting it and they had paid and leftso i couldnt have even said anything about the tip its impossible. rude people piss me off.

2006-10-23 15:59:33 · 13 answers · asked by tragickingdom 1 in Social Science Psychology

13 answers

rude people piss me off too, but they are there what can you do, maybe she was just angry because your young and beautiful and have your whole life ahead of you and hers is at least half way over already. the best revenge is a life well lived.

2006-10-23 16:08:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly, I sooo understand where you're coming from, cos i'm a waitress too and sometimes I wish rude people would just stay indoors and eat and leave me the hell alone! The thing is that there are two possible reasons for your problem... #1 You got stuck with a really nasty customer who is just angry at the world and probably thought that by making up a complaint against you would get her a complimentary meal or something. She could have taken her bad day out on you or just hated the restaurant, who knows? The bummer is that she got away with it. The only thing you can do is explain to your manager what really happened and know that you never did that. Hopefully the boss will understand as they must be aware of how horrible customers can be. Don't let it annoy you, just hope that next time she is rude at a restaurant, the waitress there throws her meal at her, lol!! The second reason for your problem could be that maybe the girl who took the complaint or wrote the message was lying. The reason I say this is because it happened to me. There I was thinking me and this other waitress were friends and next thing you know she is making things up to the boss about me so that I would get fired and she would get my hours! Although I hope this is not the case for you, try investigating what actually happened, chances are that if you ask the other waitress some questions, she may forget what she already said and you can catch her out. Keep an eye out on her just in case she has it in for you. Anyway, just relax, keep your head up and hope it all works out.

2006-10-23 16:22:21 · answer #2 · answered by Violet 2 · 0 0

People suck. I waitressed my way through college and although I had some fun times, there were definately the bad. The thing is is that misery loves company. That woman was obviously miserable and wanted to make you miserable. Do not let her win. You'll get angry people, it's the nature of the job. Sometimes I used to want to say if you are in a very bad mood then don't go out to eat.
I had these two bitter old women who were completely rude to me and confrontational. I did not let them treat me like that, I just said "ma'am, have I done something to offend you?" Then let her respond, they will either say no or tell you what is happening. IF they say no, you ahven't done anything wrong say, "you are clearly not satisfied with the service I can provide to you, may I have a different person serve you today." In my situation I just told them flat out without giving them an option, I said "I'm sorry I've been unable to help you to a standard you find adequate so personXYZ will be taking care of you the rest of the time. If you need anything further, feel free to ask for personXYZ."
Sometimes jerks just need to know that their bad behaviour cannot and will not be tolerated. You are a person trying to make a living and they have no right to be hurtful.

2006-10-23 16:13:58 · answer #3 · answered by It's me 3 · 0 0

I've been a waitress for years. The sad thing is I actually like it and even when I'm finished with school I will probably still be a waitress on the side. I know exactly what you mean about people being mean and cruel. Sometimes it seems like people purposely set out to hurt your feelings or make you feel lower than them. Sometimes people are very condescending. I have never kissed any one's butt for a tip and I never will. If someone is treating me like complete crap I just give them crappy service and I really don't care if I get written up for it. I'm glad to hear that your manager is being cool about it. Don't sweat it hun, in a few weeks you won't even care! *(By then you will have something new to be upset about ;-)*

2006-10-23 16:13:26 · answer #4 · answered by Amaya 3 · 0 0

I've been on both sides of this one...

The tip and complaint were for the service. As the server, you got the shaft. The kitchen's gettin slammed, you're running your butt off, the customer is slobbering on herself thinking of dessert. To get her revenge, she leaves a penny and a complaint and walks her snooty behind off, leaving you wondering. The only thing you could've done would have been to tell the lady that you would check on it, then go check on it (or even just pretend to). Kitchen guys can be rude sometimes, but at least she would see you trying.

As a customer, I only see you, not the kitchen. But I would hope that you would keep smiling, and maybe offer to go check on it. Maybe tell my manager that the lady at table ## is getting mad about her cake.

None of your bosses are stupid (I hope!). While the complaint falls on you, they know what's up. Were you responsible for preparing the dessert, or just serving it? I bet you weren't the only one that got jobbed by the kitchen on that shift. Bite the bullet on this one, and move on.

2006-10-23 16:19:44 · answer #5 · answered by Snaredrum 4 · 0 0

I worked at a resturant a couple of years ago, and some people are just like that. They complain about everything they can, try to say their meal was bad and get away with paying for less or not leaving a tip, and generally like being annoying. There's nothing you can do about them, and I just learned to ignore them. At my resturant, be actually had a wall where we took all the rude penny and nickle/dime tips and taped them up to a board. When we filled it up, everybody (we were a small resturant, with only six or seven people on the payroll) would go and get ice cream next door and just chat. It was a fun way to ignore rude people.

2006-10-23 16:08:46 · answer #6 · answered by Dancer 3 · 0 0

Please don't ever let anyone bring you down. Stay positive at all times and remind yourself that not everyone in the world is perfect. People can get awfully cranky sometimes and give their waitresses one penny tips. Also,don't always blame others too much. Try to look for you're own errors and try to fix them because that's how you become a better person. To calm you're nerves,I suggest reading a novel. Pay attention to the moral of the story.

2006-10-23 16:16:29 · answer #7 · answered by Kit Untz 3 · 0 0

Anytime you work with the public, you have to deal with a few who are rude and obnoxious. Hopefully, you manager and corporate office realizes that and exercise their right to refuse service to anyone if need be -- that includes rude and obnoxious customers.

However, if they are a money-hungry bunch then watch out. You may have to put up with a whole lot of abuse so they make a buck OR you could look for another job.

2006-10-23 16:10:15 · answer #8 · answered by joyann 3 · 0 0

Develop a thicker skin, Honey. The world has billions of rude people. People who know and like you know the truth. The rest, their opinions don't count. From experiences just like this, we learn who our friends are.
The very best response if anyone asks is to say, "I know I did the right thing. It is up to you whether or not you believe it." And drop it. People respect those who do not try to justify their actions, and let their actions speak for themselves.
Now, quit letting this witch rent free space in your head. The best revenge is to live well. In this case, just blow her off, like your co-workers and manager already have. And live well in spite of her.

2006-10-23 16:12:20 · answer #9 · answered by bob h 5 · 0 0

If she did it in person, maybe she was looking for a free meal or dessert or other comp and has no regard for others. Is it possible that you know someone in common who is upset with you, and this is her way of getting back at you?

2006-10-23 16:05:37 · answer #10 · answered by Tonya H 2 · 1 0

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