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Hi there - i mentioned in my first question that my boyfriend and i have only been together 3 months and am already pregnant and some people's answers were quite nasty - saying i shouldn't be a hoe etc.

I just wanted to know everyone's opinion on this! I mean how many people have sex? Accidents happen and yes this was one of them but we couldn't be happier. We know this is going to strain our relationship but we've been taking time for ourselves and going away to release stress and talking openly but we want this baby - and we want this relationship. We have moved in together and Aaron is 100% going to stick by me (i realise we don't know what the future holds).

I don't feel like a hoe or i should be ashamed because i know there ALOT of young mothers out there and i am a decent person with a good job, home base and friends. I can't wait to be a mum and although i am scared of this experience I can't wait to experience lifes miracle.
So young mothers what do you think?

2006-10-23 15:55:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

18 answers

I was 18 when I had my son -- I gave birth to him 3 days after I walked down the isle of my high school graduation. My son is 5 years old now and I could not have asked for a greater blessing. People are going to judge you just because of your age (I've been there) I was 18 and his father was 21, no we weren't married and no we didn't get married. He has been well taken care of his entire life. I did have a pretty good as well as his father, He did go to college and I have went to college thus far. Yes accidents due happen. YOU CAN get pregnant if you are using condoms or on the pill. I was on the pill for over a year when I found out I was pregnant with my son. It is hard but if you have the strength, desire and willpower - I think you will get through anything that comes your way.
Good luck

2006-10-23 17:31:53 · answer #1 · answered by bebegurl 2 · 0 0

Hi, I don't have any kids yet, but I am young and know several people, friends from back in high school and one or two in my family who have had kids before marriage, and a few even before the age of 18. You should not be ashamed, just be glad you have a guy who is sticking by your side, and I hope your family is being supportive as well. You don't sound like a hoe, and if people call you that, ignore them. I mean, these things happen. It's a natural thing. Where I'm from, 18 means you're a legal adult and 16 means you're legally allowed to have sex. If others disapprove, they shouldn't have any say in your personal life. A pregnancy is sometimes an unwanted side effect, but it's not the end of the world... especially when you have the attitude you seem to. Just make sure you're eating healthy and avoiding cigarette smoke, alcohol, excessive caffeine, etc., all that stuff. Good luck and best wishes!!

2006-10-23 16:22:15 · answer #2 · answered by redrancherogirl 4 · 0 0

There are some real jerks on Yahoo Answers. They always assume the worse and some people just get on here to push others buttons. I'd like to see these same people say this to you face to face, it just wouldn't happen. I'm sorry there were so many people that didn't take time to understand your questions and chose to judge you.

We are all human and mistakes happen to everyone. What matters the most is what people do with the mistakes. It sounds like you and your boyfriend are being responsible and doing what is right. You are about to experience one of the most wonderful miracles of life. You should feel excited and not guilty or sad about this experience. I'm 15 weeks pregnant right now and I'm so excited about the baby. At first it really didn't feel like I was pregnant other than the morning sickness, but now I'm starting to feel my belly expand (not noticable to anyone but me) and my pants are starting to get tighter (this was hard because I have been losing weight up till last week.) I can't wait to feel the baby kick which should happen soon and getting my first ultrasound was so exciting. Good luck, and ignore what those people say that are just trying to make you feel bad. If you have any questions about pregancy, feel free to e-mail me. I'm kind of alone in this whole thing, none of my friends have started having kids yet and most think we are insane for starting so soon.

2006-10-23 16:14:24 · answer #3 · answered by Serena 5 · 1 0

You are not a hoe! Dating for 2 years before you get married and then having children doesn't gaurantee that you will have a good marriage, a happy family or a better life. I met a guy in January. I didn't really start dating him until March, and was pregnant by mid April. We just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and the announcement of our 2nd pregnancy. I have it all: Love, Family. Who cares if it didn't happen in the time line people think it should. Life is what you make it. There are no rules.

2006-10-23 16:14:28 · answer #4 · answered by BrightEyes 1 · 1 0

I think you sound very focused, well spoken, educated, etc...

I wish you all the best. Don't listen to these people. People have sex on 1st dates, 2nd, 3rd, but they are fortunate enough to not get pregnant. Yes, accidents DO happen. I think you are both being very responsible. If you need to look into family or relationship counseling, those are available to you. But I give you 2 very enthusiastic thumbs up for trying.

I was 19 when I had my first. I heard all the crappy stuff from my family and the doctors. i.e. The baby would ruin my life. No one would ever love me. Blah blah blah.

You know what? No one ever told me how my baby would be the best thing that ever happened to me. I love him more everyday. He is my best friend. The father ditched me immediately & I am still the luckiest girl in the world. I married the father of my 2nd child, and I am expecting my 3rd. I'm 24. You will be loved too. Best of luck to you & yours.

2006-10-23 16:01:07 · answer #5 · answered by IMHO 6 · 2 0


I might sound like a hoe but I am nothing of the sort. I have a son to a complete drop kick, I was only 17 when I had him, I left my ex after a domestic dispute, I was very scared that I wouldn't get anywhere in life because I was a young single mother but I have now been living my happily ever after. I left my son's father when my son was not even 4 months old, I should have left sooner but I couldn't because of the pressure of been a single mother at 17 with mo family around to help.

When I met a man who was willing to be with a single mother who was the same age as me. We were together for only 3 months when I fell pregnant. After my first experance with men I was sure I'd be doing it alone. As I don't believe in abortion. My patner was very shocked at first but then he came around, having a baby so early in our relationship was not as hard as I imagioned, It made us fall in love even more so. Going through the pregnancy brought us together but the birth was just amazing, it gave us a bond that was so strong. Thats when I knew this was the man I was ment to be with.

I was very lucky and my son now has a wonderful father that has taken him on like his own, my daughter is beautiful. We have now married and are expecting our last baby in Febuary or March.

I personally believe that everything happens for a reason, and every soul choses there parents and know who is to bring them up. I can see that my life was going to crap before my sons birth, I was heading in the wrong direction, my son saved me from the hell waiting, I had to think about his wellbeing and I didn't want that life for him so I changed it. Thats the joy of parenthood, its your choice to look at the mistakes in the way you were brought up and the things you think made you a great person then pass down what you think is best for your children. My daughter gave me my soul mate, we would have broken up without her.

been a parent is hard work its the hardest thing I have ever done, but it is also the most amazing thing, expeanceing life growing inside you is wonderful, the birth is amazing, then every moment after that is amzing, children bring joy, you can sit there and watch them for hours they grow very quickly and once they can talk they say the funniest things, Enjoy every moment as it flys by. You will do fine and Im sure everything will work out wonderfully.

Good luck

2006-10-23 16:43:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

accidents don't just happen with young mothers, I am 29, my boyfriend is 24, we have been together for seven months and we are six months pregnant with twins. I am a teacher, he is a business manager. We are very excited, it was accidental , yes, but it doesn't make me a ho and your pregnancy doesn't make you one either. Someone told me once that good things take time, but great things happen all at once and I didn't truly know what that meant until I got pregnant with my girls. Good luck to you and your family! By the way, I saw your last question and I reported some of your nastier answers! They should NOT talk to you or anyone else that way.

2006-10-23 16:07:46 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

Well I am 26 years old and 36 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend and I were only together a short period of time before I found out we were expecting. I say if you are happy about it and you know that it is a blessing than you have a lot more going for you than a lot of people that I see asking question on here. I don't know your age but you seem excited so I am excited for you and your family good luck to you your boyfriend and your baby.

2006-10-23 16:04:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well i dont think anyone should call you a hoe cause you got pregnant. They should not judge. "The one who is without sin cast the first stone." They should acknowledge the fact that your taking responsibility for your actions. Well im going to be honest with you. It is going to be very hard. Especially since you've only been together for three months. But it doesnt mean its going to be impossible. Take it one day at a time. Be patient and understanding. Take good care of your self. Do not pay attention to discouraging people. Good luck!

2006-10-23 16:03:47 · answer #9 · answered by Bambi 3 · 1 0

I was 19 when i had my son......everyone told me i was crazy i had my whole life ahead of me your soo young dont do it...but i knew i had always wanted a family so what if i was young does that mean i would be a bad mother?NO!! I think of it as this..If you have your first baby at 30 or if you have your baby at 19 ethier way its still your first and its stilla ll new and you have to learn about being a mom ethier way..just because your older doesnt mean anything....My son was technically an " accident" but now hes a blessing and i have my son and a baby girl.Hey if your man is willing to stick by your side dont let him go.Let him know how much he means to you and how much being a family means to you. Just because your young has nothing to do with your ability to be a mother. You wiull be fine as long as you listen to your instinct inside trust me all women are born with it. Good luck sweetie..

2006-10-23 16:06:04 · answer #10 · answered by angie068345 1 · 1 0

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