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There have been lots of great people. There was Jesus, Ghandi, MLK, Lincoln, Socrates, etc. They all said stuff about how if everyone was good and polite and nice that everyone would be better off. So, why doesn't everyone just be nicer?

2006-10-23 15:41:55 · 27 answers · asked by Phoney baloney answers 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

27 answers

would not that be nice. we better stand up and start forcing our opinion about that. if the ones who want it to happen do nothing, then nothing may change. keep speaking, that is a first step.

2006-10-23 15:49:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is because many people are conditioned to believe that we are all separate, that there is not enough of whatever out there to satisfy everyone. People will take any one thing and divide it in two just to have a piece. Jealousy, greed, corruption, war, violence, disputes, grudges, the wants and needs of the ego take control of people and so they look out for themselves, they try to "get theirs". People such as Jesus, Ghandi, MLK, Socrates, the Buddha, all other enlightened spirits that walk this plane live a life guided by the spirit of compassion and love, not by the ego. The ego is concerned with earthly satisfactions, pleasures and accomplishments, while the spirit is concerned with the love, compassion and well-being of the collective. The ego is so powerful, so dominant and screams much louder than the voice of spirit. Only those with a calm, still and perceptive mind will hear the voice of spirit over the loud wails of the ego.

2006-10-23 17:04:09 · answer #2 · answered by Jeff 2 · 0 0

First not everyone hears the ideas of the masters. Most people are only concerned with their own miserable little lives. They do not look farther. Most people are very selfish and are only interested in themselves and maybe a few people that they love.

Also there are not many people like Jesus, Gandhi, etc. to motivate the masses of people. And most people need to be pushed and inspired from outside. They do not have the inner fire to do it alone. To become like Christ or Gandhi and other great spiritual masters one has to have discipline. And most people hate discipline. Look around, most of us are out of shape and overweight. If we can’t have the inner discipline to even take care of ourselves, how can we ever expect to have the discipline necessary to make the changes in our personalities that can have a positive impact on the world around us?

Also even for those who do manage, with the help of others or with the help of a religious community, to have the inner discipline that they need, there is a risk. And the risk is that the world does not take well to a spiritual master. Look at what we do to them. To make a difference in the world, even in a small way, you must be willing to make a sacrifice, and in some cases you must be willing to die. We have a very bad habit of killing our heroes. No wonder there are so few of them. Not much of a long term career opportunity there.

This all sounds so negative, I know. But before we can make the changes that we want to make, we must know the truth about the path that we are going to travel. It can be hard, long and dangerous. To travel or not to travel, this is a decision each person must make and keep on making along the way. The goal at the end of the path is a very noble one, and some think that nobility of purpose in a thing of the past. I hope not. I hope that there will be young people who can rise to the challenge, young people who have the strength of character and noble sense of purpose necessary to begin the journey and stay the course. I read the Harry Potter books and they have inspirited many young folks and old as well to do better and be better. Perhaps we each need to inspire and help each other along the way.

2006-10-23 17:28:36 · answer #3 · answered by tonks_op 7 · 0 0

The problem with mankind is that the first man and woman let a little something with just 3 letters into the world, planet, universe we live in and it is called SIN, yes you have mentioned some great people and some awesome thinkers. The only way one may really and truly change is through Jesus Christ. With the help of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, we will be able to change my dear step by step, moment by moment, we will need after accepting Jesus Christ as ones Lord and Savior, to read the written word of God put it into action in our lives, along with having some Godly friends around and preachers and teachers all this will help us grow and yes a change will come, and yes it is a journey a life long journey. The last time God spoke in His written word about how long man shall live is 120 years, at this time in life one may say or until Jesus Christ returns, it seems the days of noah are slowly returning? Watch and Pray 1+1+1=1.

2006-10-23 16:10:00 · answer #4 · answered by ShinningStar 2 · 0 1

It has to do with perception. When people get comfortable, they start developing ideas of how they want their future to play out. And when problems come up that deviate in any way from what they're expecting, they freak out.

And change in general is hindered very much by human perception. The unwise sheep are carrying around the burden of the past, perceiving everything in the present but made less true because they're not capable of assimilating truth without translating it to fit their current need for spiritual normality. As a result, radical change is perceived by most as nothing more than a moral travesty. Grotesque and inane. blah blah, similar adjectives...

that's my take on it

2006-10-23 16:04:38 · answer #5 · answered by Benjamin J 1 · 0 0

our brains are the basis of our behaviors, including personality. Believe or not, our brains are changing all the time, structurally and functionally. while you are reading my answer, your brain is changing, but you don't feel it. Changing in our brains and our personalities and behaviors is a slow but continuous process and this process is not only controlled by our genetic codes, but also by the informations the brains receive. In other words, the decisions we make, the books we read, the Friends we have and the food we eat, are all changing our brains. To become a nicer person is a difficult task, but it is not impossible. Experience and time are the key. Some become nicer when they are young, others old. Some bad guys start to change in the last few months or days or minutes of their life. Have you ever heard that people tend to acquire knowledge and skills when they are young, and start to appreciate wisdom after age of 45.

2006-10-26 08:36:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People do change and today more than any other time in the history of the human race that change is becoming epidemic.
All over the globe we are seeing new concepts of acceptance
and real brotherhood between all facets of humankind. Just
look around and see that being white, black, yellow, brown,red,
or any other color is not an automatic sentence of unfair social stagnation as it was in years past. Today almost everywhere you see an all inclusive softening of every form of social injustice, discrimination and bigotry in race,sex, religion and life styles. I'm not saying that these things don't still occur, certainly they do, but
when they occur there is a new voice of billions of people world
wide who with one loud accord declare with power of presence
that those occurrences will no longer be tolerated. Join the revolt.

2006-10-23 16:35:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My friend,
The fundamental problem is your question itself. "Why don`t people change?" .The moment you expect other people to change you are in trouble. You are in unhappiness. You breed discontent. I strongly feel that we can change ourselves only and if each individual feels that way a social transformation can take place.

On your part, from today, YOU be nice ( or nicer) to everyone you meet. That is a miniscule change you would have introduced in the system. The greats that you have rightly mentioned were catalysts of change and they never forced anyone to change. By being living examples and following a righteous path they initiated people to change themselves. Did jesus ever expect to be considered as God or God`s son? No.

2006-10-23 16:03:55 · answer #8 · answered by YD 5 · 0 0

You made mention of a man who had a quote that suits you inquiry. Ghandi said "Be the change you wish to see in the world" Stop worrying about what others ARENT doing and focus on what needs to be done. Do not spend any time focusing on what you do not want, remember "what you resist, persists."
Keep smiling.

2006-10-23 16:41:09 · answer #9 · answered by blastby2000 3 · 0 0

people don't change because it forces them to admit they're wrong about something, simply put. it says that whatever they've been doing, thinking, feeling, etc, is WRONG and admitting and accepting that doesn't come naturally. humans have also evolved the defense mechanism of building up walls. we're limited in that way but it makes sense. we get hurt, we don't want to feel that again so we make sure it doesn't happen. an undeserved comment from a stranger is not "nice", and "hurts" us more than we'd like to admit sometimes. before that happens again, we'll lash out instead. it's going to take a world full of people willing to go out on a limb and risk getting hurt for everybody to just be nice. think it can happen?

2006-10-23 16:50:44 · answer #10 · answered by realwoman422 2 · 0 0

Unfortunately it is easier to be bad to most then to be good. Only after people start to change in there hearts will we have change to the goodness instead of to the bad. We must continue to return kindness even when others try to hurt us. All of the people you mention are great indeed they got it. Unlike so many who choose to turn a blind eye to what is steering them in the face. Most are not able to face it. Remain strong and know that every time you do good in the world someone is influenced, even though you may never see other do.

2006-10-23 16:06:11 · answer #11 · answered by countsoss 2 · 0 0

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